So...I have worked non stop for 48 hours and I am about to collapse.
To top it off I have been on my feet dealing with guests (80 of them in less than four hours)... and phones... and rude people... and nice people... and Albert Einstein, who is standing right in front of me right now.
Wish I had a camera.
This dude looks EXACTLY like him.
Ten more minutes and I go home. One hour drive.
Really want to dive into my bed right now, but just a little longer.
Oh my gosh.
I can't feel my butt.
Single working mother of two taking over the world, one cup of tea at a time.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
A Trip Somewhere

Would love to take a trip out somewhere with the kids.
There are five places I would love to go to.
Israel, of course.
Sedona, Arizona. Fell in love with it after seeing some pics on the Internet. Never really knew how beautiful it was. Actually, never really knew much about it! The red tones and browns just REALLY got my attention. Those are MY favorite colors!!!
Williamsburg, Virginia. REALLY want to take the kids to that colonial village they have out there.
Cuba (Yes... don't be wondering why!)
Spain. My great grandparents on both sides were born and raised there, but the main reason I want to visit Spain is because I think that it is the most romantic place in the whole entire world. I've never been there, but pictures of Toledo, where most of my family is from, are just dreamy. Toledo is BEAUTIFUL!!! See the pic? it's all about castles and beatiful bridges... (deep breath... sigh)
Funny how I'm always planning vacations I never really get to take. As a single mom, any time that I have enough money to travel, something always comes up. Maybe one day.
I'm terrified of driving long distances and I am horrified of airplanes... but one day I'll be brave enough and healthy enough, and have enough money to travel. From my mouth to G-d's ears, right?
Gotta have faith!
Devo Time
Time to get going. Gotta be at work by 2pm.
Kids doing good.
It is Shabbat in several hours, but once more, I have to earn a living. Really asking G-d to help me with this schedule.
It's sooo not kosher.
Anyways, here are my Bible verses for today!
"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth;
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be
careful to do everything written in it. Then you
will be prosperous and successful"- Joshua 1:8
Start your day with the Word of G-d!
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and
puts them into practice is like a wise man
who built his house on the rock" - Matthew 7:24
Kids doing good.
It is Shabbat in several hours, but once more, I have to earn a living. Really asking G-d to help me with this schedule.
It's sooo not kosher.
Anyways, here are my Bible verses for today!
"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth;
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be
careful to do everything written in it. Then you
will be prosperous and successful"- Joshua 1:8
Start your day with the Word of G-d!
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and
puts them into practice is like a wise man
who built his house on the rock" - Matthew 7:24
Spider Bites and Stanford Tests, Oh My!

Yesterday was one of those days when I attempted to accomplish tons of stuff, and actually DID! Awesome.
All in all, this didn't happen without a few hurdles, but in the end things turned out just fine.
On Wednesday night we went to Bible study, and Shar took the kids to the big sand play area in the back for some outdoor time. When they got back, once Bible study was over, I noticed that Ricardo's arms were covered in mosquito bites!
Oooops! My bad! I totally forgot to bring mosquito repellent.
No prob, right? I figured out that a bit of Benadryl (since he is allergic and his mosquito bites swell up quite a bit) and hydrocortizone cream would do the trick.
Well, those bites were all gone by morning but it wasn't until after I took the kids to the pool that I noticed that Ricardo had a HUGE bite on the back of his leg.
This thing covered the back of his entire lower leg!
I was horrified. That was NOT a mosquito bite and it was super swollen. It looked like he had another leg on top of his leg.
Needless to say, I figured out that the Benadryl I gave him through the night didn't work on this baby, so I took Ricardo to the Emergency Room because I already know from past experience that his primary doc would send him there, so I didn't waste any time.
Turns out this was a spider bite, and yes, she was venomous so they had to give Ricardo an antidote and send him home with antibiotics and predinisolone.
G-d is so good that it did not take more than five minutes from the moment we arrived to the moment he was seen by a doctor. The ER was packed. We had no place to sit and I was ready to spend there at least three hours, but when the nurse took one look at his leg he figured he had to go in right away.
He's all good now! Praise G-d!!! I suppose the reason we never noticed was because this thing was in the back of Ricardo's leg and Ricardo had been wearing long pants until he got to the pool. I called Shar right away to tell her to keep the kids away from the sand until they contact pest control. If that thing is still in there it could end up biting another child.
After all of that I was able to make it to work in one piece, and as I was on my way I got a very important phone call. Turns out both of my kids got the highest scores in the Stanford tests over private schools and homeschoolers. Good thing I was sitting down. HOW EXCITING!!! The director called me to tell me and I was just soooo happy!
My kids are AWESOME! Wow! G-d is good. I praise the L-rd because I have always prayed for the gift of knowledge and wisdom over my kids and now I am beginning to see the fruits of that, not only in their academics, but also in their daily lives.
My 11 year old daughter has been taking it upon herself to wake up with me before sunrise to pray and ask G-d for guidance throughout the day, and my son is so incredibly smart! Oh my goodness!
I am blessed! Hallelujah!
Love homeschooling. Love G-d! Love my children!
Hallelujah! I am a proud mommy.
Whooo hooo!!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Queen of the Grill
Can't waste a minute of my day!
Gotta grill my steaks! The chimichurri sauce came out DELICIOUS! Just gotta pour it over the meat and ahhhhhhhhhhh! Yummy!
I am the queen of the grill! Whooo hoo!
That little table top grill is the bomb! Sooo easy to clean and put away, or take anywhere!!!
Love it.
Kids in the pool- check.
Grill going- check.
Good book- check.
Beautiful day... CHECK!!!!!!!
Thank you my sweet heavenly Abba! YOU are truly amazing!
I love You L-rd.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A Storm is Coming... Are You Ready?

Whenever G-d speaks to me He does so in the wee hours of the morning... and this morning He warned me of a storm that's coming. Although the images I saw were of an actual storm, my spirit instantly knew what the storm represented.
It will be a big storm and it is bound to happen soon.
I encourage all of you to pray like never before. Pray at ALL TIMES now.
My heart and my spirit know that WE are the generation that will witness the return of Yeshua! Not only must we prepare ourselves for spiritual warfare like no other, but also for a spiritual revival like no other.
The L-rd has called each and every one of us to bring the good news of salvation to as many lives as possible. Please don't sit around still wondering about your purpose in the L-rd. Your purpose in the L-rd is, above all things, to love G-d and GUARD YOUR TESTIMONY so that you may be able to reach others for His kingdom.
Your neighbor won't bother listening to you if he sees you with a cigarette in your hand, or if he knows that you are being unfaithful to your wife. Your friends won't bother listening to you if you have a potty mouth or if all you have ever done around them is talk about hairdos, acrylic nails and $500 purses!
Your family won't open their hearts to the truth of the word of G-d if you have not been a good daughter, sister, brother... and perhaps are still bitter and grumpy about things that happened to you in your past.
G-d WANTS to use you. He really does. I kid you not! But there is not great science to it.
Take the necessary steps to forgive, clean up your act and then START WORKING! Get it going. Don't waste time. Let others see that G-d has changed you. Perhaps your actions will witness to others way more than your own words.
One of the ways you can witness to others is also by asking G-d to use you in ways that perhaps are unfamiliar to you. If you know that someone is in need of G-d, but that their food pantry is empty, meet that basic need FIRST! If all you do is pray for them, then you are only doing half of what you are supposed to do.
Trust me on this one.
Been there. Done that, and G-d has not failed me once!
When you take care of others, G-d takes care of you.
Yeshua did it.
Yeshua had a huge crowd following Him once and although He had to preach He took the time to acknowledge their basic need for food, and He fed them FIRST!!!
So you see... if Yeshua set that example, we must follow in His steps.
We also see this in the story of Joseph, which is one of my favorites. Somehow, after all that he had been through after his own brothers sold him, he was able to see G-d's greater purpose, and it all came down to preserving the lives of his people by feeding them during a drought that G-d already knew would take place.
Isn't that something?
G-d had already revealed part of it to Joseph. G-d knew that a time of drought would come that would literally exterminate the 12 tribes of Israel, so he sent Joseph ahead to make way and be in a position where he would later be able to save their lives! Wow.
Amazing, don't you think?
Then, if you think about it, even more amazing is the fact that Joseph did not let go of the L-rd, even though he did not understand why all those horrible things were happening to him. He held on for dear life!
Are you willing to do the same?
You know that perhaps you've been through lots of horrible things, but are you willing to hang in there until G-d's greater purpose is revealed?
I've been through horrible things... and without going into detail please understand that by horrible, I mean REALLY horrible. Somehow in the middle of all that, G-d took the time to love me and constantly remind me that He was there.
It isn't until now, at the age of 39, that I have seen the greater purpose behind everything that happened to me.
NOW I can walk to a young girl who has been very hurt and I can tell her that she will make it. That it will hurt for a while but that she will be ok.
NOW I can walk to a woman who has been hurt by her husband's unfaithfulness and I can tell her that G-d will love her through it. That it will hurt, but that if she seeks G-d with all of her heart, she will even one day be able to forgive! FORGIVE!!!
NOW I can pull up my sleeves and show a rebellious teenager my scars, to let her know that those will never go away, but that it is much better to cry tears than to cut.
I was there and I made it because G-d sustained me. G-d helped me. G-d loved me.
Never in a million years would I have dreamed of speaking to women about subjects that were so hurtful to me. Then again, that was G-d's greater purpose for me, for such a time as this.
You see, one of the most amazing moments in Bible history happened when Thomas did not believe that the one who was there before him was Yeshua.
In order for Him to BELIEVE he had to SEE and touch his wounds.
Well, Yeshua knew that there would be lots of Thomases in this world who wouldn't believe without seeing. So I have made my scars visible. I have shared them too.
Don't you be hiding yours, because those very scars and wounds that you hide could be the ones that can help others BELIEVE that Yeshua is real and that if He pulled you out of your darkness and into His light, He can do the same for them.
The storm is coming and we must be ready.
Let's go. Let's do this. I know that at times some of you wake up at like 3:30 a.m. and you don't even know why, right? Well, take that as your hint that G-d wants to have a divine appointment with you.
"I love those who love me; and those who seek me will find me."
Proverbs 8:17
"G-d, You are my G-d; early will I seek You: my soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. 2 To see Your power and Your glory, so [as] I have seen Thee in the sanctuary."
Psalms 63:1-2
David knew that He would find G-d early in the morning too.
You see, in the early hours of the morning before the sun rises, there is nothing else going on around you, except for this very special silence. The time is perfect for a one on one with the L-rd. He will have ALL of your attention and YOU will have ALL of His. No distractions.
Let's get ready to face this storm. Look straight at it! Don't turn your back.
It's time to do this.
Are you with me?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wrinkle Free
Ohhhh my gosh!
I am so lucky to not have died of an asthma attack!
Here is what happened...
After dropping my kids off at my mom's on my way to work, my mother sees a few wrinkles on my shirt (I had been sitting in a hot car for 15 minutes!) and then proceeds to ask me if it's ok for her to spray some wrinkle releaser spray on it.
I get out of my car, go inside the house and suddenly feel all this mist falling on me from somewhere! I turn around and there is my mother, bottle in hand, spraying away!!!
She sprayed that stuff all over my shirt WHILE I STILL HAD IT ON!!!
Now I smell like FEBREZE and I can't breathe.
Good one Mom.
I am so lucky to not have died of an asthma attack!
Here is what happened...
After dropping my kids off at my mom's on my way to work, my mother sees a few wrinkles on my shirt (I had been sitting in a hot car for 15 minutes!) and then proceeds to ask me if it's ok for her to spray some wrinkle releaser spray on it.
I get out of my car, go inside the house and suddenly feel all this mist falling on me from somewhere! I turn around and there is my mother, bottle in hand, spraying away!!!
She sprayed that stuff all over my shirt WHILE I STILL HAD IT ON!!!
Now I smell like FEBREZE and I can't breathe.
Good one Mom.
The Pain and the Great One... (yeah, I'm talking about my kids)

If any of you out there love Judy Blume's book series The Pain and the Great One, here they are! The real deal!
Ricardo calls Claudia "The Great One" because according to him, she thinks she is a princess and knows EVERYTHING", and Claudia calls Ricardo "The Pain" because he is the nerdy little brother who does nothing other than talk about science stuff that she doesn't really get. LOL!
Yeah... welcome to my funny family! Oh... and to their aunt Sally who was soooo hungry, she actually ate salad! Miracle! Miracle! LOL!!!
Gotta love 'em!
Oh my gosh! After watching this I must definitely say that he is the Great One and SHE is the PAIN!!! LOL!!!
New Beginnings

Wow! What an amazing weekend! The ladies retreat was simply AMAZING and G-d's presence, as always, exceeded my expectations.
Didn't want it to end, but hey, I have recharged, refueled! Great fellowship among sisters in Yeshua.
Now it's back to work and back to homeschooling, and this morning as I meditated in all that the L-rd spoke to me during the retreat (because the L-rd used several different people to give me one message... awesome!) I was simply in awe of His faithfulness.
He told me so many things, but the one that stood out was that this would be a year of new beginnings for me and that He had given me the authority to make very specific decisions.
I have His permission now... so it's going to be ok.
Then the L-rd warned me about someone who would come along who would try to lie to me, but that I am His child and He would give me the wisdom and the knowledge to respond to this person according to His Word.
Oh... but there is more, hallelujah!
I just want to keep that part to myself because after all, we are in serious spiritual warfare and G-d calls us to be wise. As good warriors we must never indirectly or directly provide the enemy with ammunition so that he can hurt us.
Duh, right?
So, what G-d reveals in secret will come to light in His perfect time. Amen?
Today is cleaning day.
Clean my car.
Clean my closet... (gag)... (gulp)... yeah... time to get rid of lots of stuff.
Can't be dragging with half of that when the time comes for "new beginnings"!
He was sooooo specific when He told me that when I looked around, even my surroundings would be new.
The jungle? An island? A desert?
I don't care as long as HE sends me, right?
It's all good. He can do with me WHATEVER He wants!!! Amen?
Ahh... I love my G-d.
He's just awesome.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Take It All In
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Red Hair

Oh my gosh.
So my friends from Enlace (Single Moms Prayer Group) decided to surprise me for my birthday! I had no idea that they even knew it was my birthday today.
What they did was hysterical! They decided to give me a mini makeover...
Our retreat begins tomorrow, so they got their hands on my hair today and tomorrow is MAKE UP day!
Miriam not only gave me a haircut (my hair was down to my butt and now it's about an inch and a half shorter, maybe more) but she also colored my hair RED!!!
Oh my gosh!!!!
Freaking out. I wasn't supposed to look until they were done with me, and I am seriously freaking out.
My hair is RED!
LOL! I love my friends... not so sure the color... but this was fun.
It's ok.
I think that I can learn to live with it for a little bit. :-)
Yup... It's My Day

It's the day G-d chose for me, and I am very grateful.
"To Love a person is to know the song that is in their heart, and to sing it to them when they have forgotten." - Anonymous
I believe that this is how G-d loves me... and how He keeps reminding me of the song in my heart whenever I forget that I too, can sing. :-)
Love You Abba! You are my love! You are my EVERYTHING!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
G-d Hugged Me...
The more I think about it, the more I believe that it was G-d hugging me last night.
A birthday gift.
Well... if that was so, then thank You L-rd.
I love You soooooooo much!
A birthday gift.
Well... if that was so, then thank You L-rd.
I love You soooooooo much!
I dreamed of something so interesting and special that I did not want to wake up.
I was being embraced by these arms and I could see myself placing my hands over those hands... and the love was so intense that even though I tried to pull away I could not escape it.
Then I semi turned to see who this was embracing me from behind, but all I could see were his arms and his hands. His hands were about the same size as mine, slightly bigger... and they were soft. Our fingers interlocked and then I felt my head resting on this person's chest and then I was gently kissed on my brow... and just like that, it was over.
It lasted a few minutes, but my heart was so at peace...
Wish I could've been in those arms for a much longer time... then again, it was just a dream, right? (sigh) Probably didn't mean anything.
Oh well.
On with my day.
Time to go. I have a gazillion things to do this morning!
I was being embraced by these arms and I could see myself placing my hands over those hands... and the love was so intense that even though I tried to pull away I could not escape it.
Then I semi turned to see who this was embracing me from behind, but all I could see were his arms and his hands. His hands were about the same size as mine, slightly bigger... and they were soft. Our fingers interlocked and then I felt my head resting on this person's chest and then I was gently kissed on my brow... and just like that, it was over.
It lasted a few minutes, but my heart was so at peace...
Wish I could've been in those arms for a much longer time... then again, it was just a dream, right? (sigh) Probably didn't mean anything.
Oh well.
On with my day.
Time to go. I have a gazillion things to do this morning!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
On A More Serious Note
Can't wait for the retreat.
My heart aches for the L-rd.
My sisters are back out there... each one on a different ship.
My brother might get called into service because of the situation in PR.
So much tragedy everywhere, and I have a strong feeling that things are just bound to get worse.
Yeshua... we need You L-rd. We really need You!
My heart aches for the L-rd.
My sisters are back out there... each one on a different ship.
My brother might get called into service because of the situation in PR.
So much tragedy everywhere, and I have a strong feeling that things are just bound to get worse.
Yeshua... we need You L-rd. We really need You!
One Point Ahead and 3 Minutes to Go...
The crowd is loud... they are one point ahead... and I have to pee.
Can I wait three minutes?
Bladder... please don't fail me now!
Go bladder!
I take that back.
Don't go.
Ay caramba...
91-90 Celtics are ahead again.
Those green uniforms are making me ill.
Can I wait three minutes?
Bladder... please don't fail me now!
Go bladder!
I take that back.
Don't go.
Ay caramba...
91-90 Celtics are ahead again.
Those green uniforms are making me ill.
Go Magic!!!
Discrete Prayers...

I promised the kids a break from homeschool so we are going to Sea World.
Tomorrow Miriam is doing my hair and on Friday I am off to our retiro de damas!!!
So excited!
This weekend I'll be focusing on praying for all my family and precious friends who have been going through difficult trials.
I wholeheartedly believe in the ability to be discrete with other people's business, so these petitions will be placed before the L-rd and not shared with anyone.
G-d knows all things. I don't believe in the classic "It's not gossip as long as your head is bowed" idea.
I've been hurt by people who have divulged my business with the "intention" of prayer.
No thank you.
Ladybug Time!

Ready for today's devo?
Cool. Let's do this. Today's devotional comes from Julia B.
I like this one A LOT!
Ladybug! Ladybug!
"What? know ye not that your body is the temple
of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of
God, and ye are not your own?" 1 Corinthians 6: 19
Ladybugs are unique creatures. They are also about the only bug I like. I guess because they are so bright and cute even if they are beetles. I can remember when I was little I would catch ladybugs and let them crawl across my fingers.
I think it is interesting that scientists tell the different species of ladybugs apart by the number of spots they have. I wonder if people can tell us by our spots? We are ladies of God. Do we show that fact by how we conduct ourselves? Are we talking, walking, sitting, dressing, acting, thinking like godly ladies?
Talk Like A Lady.
There's nothing appealing about foul and filthy language coming out of a woman's mouth. Even less appealing when it comes out of a Christian woman. It's not just foul language that can get us into trouble though. Let's not forget the other things that come out of our mouths too. Unkind words, harsh comments, nagging, gossiping, and complaining are some. Those are things that don't add up to godly spots.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. Proverbs 31:26
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that
which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace
unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29
Walk Like A Lady.
When I was in high school, I had Charm Class and I remember the teacher having us walk with a book on our head. I recall her telling us not to gallop like horses and not to walk like we just got off of one. That's good advice. An even gait is much more pleasing. How do you walk? It's probably something you don't think about. Do you clomp your shoes, barrel over people, or even trot like that horse?
We don't want to forget about our spiritual walk as well. Seeking the Lord daily in prayer and Bible study will help us walk more like Christ wants us to do.
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given
himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet
smelling savour. Ephesians 5:2
Sit Like A Lady.
I was told over and over when I was young to sit like a lady and I find myself telling my 8 year old daughter the same thing. Sitting like a lady is important. When you don't sit like a lady it can send all the wrong signals and it isn't pleasing to those around you either.
How we sit spiritually speaking is important too. The Bible tells us to be careful in this area. Psalm 1:1 talks about sitting "in the seat of the scornful" (those that reject and mock Christ for who He is).
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of
the scornful. Psalm 1:1
Where do you find yourself sitting? Is it with bad company? Maybe it's a problem with sitting and being idle. Maybe it's too much sitting in front of the TV or computer? Maybe too much time sitting and gossiping? Proverbs 31:27 talks about how the Proverbs 31 lady "eateth not the bread of idleness." How you sit will show your spots.
Dress Like A Lady.
What you wear will show your spots too. Have you ever noticed that verse in Proverbs 7:10?
And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.
The woman in this verse was associated with the clothes that she wore just like we are. Some people think it doesn't matter what you wear because people should look on the heart and not your clothes. Face it. Only God looks at the heart. Man is always going to look at the outward appearance. I'm not saying you get so caught up in your appearance that you go overboard. But we are to be careful in this area. You don't want to hinder the cause of Christ by what you wear.
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in
modest apparel. 1 Timothy 2:9a
Modesty is not the only thing important where the area of dress is concerned. Some of us have the modesty part under control. We'd never think of wearing something too tight, too low, too short, etc. But in the areas of sloppiness and unkempt appearances we can sometimes be a little lacking.
When you are wearing clothes three sizes too big, stained up clothes, wrinkled clothes, or clothing that just didn't fit in general, it isn't giving a good impression. I think this is an area that needs more attention, not just the modesty aspect, but dressing like ladies in a clean and neat fashion. We ought to be pleasing the Lord in how we dress. I don't think He's pleased by sloppiness on our part. We're His and our body is His. I find myself falling into the sloppiness trap because I like to be comfortable, but we are children of the King and we should dress our best. I know this is something I really need to work on.
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19
Act Like A Lady.
How we act will definitely show our spots. Have you ever stopped to consider how you act when you are around other people? Are you loud, boisterous, pushy and unkind or are you considerate and even-tempered? How do you act towards your family and to your husband?
Did you know that the ladybug goes through a complete metamorphosis? We as Christian women should be changed in Christ. We need to put off the "old man" and put on Christ.
That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts. And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24
The ladybug uses its antennae to touch, smell and taste. We have our own antennae in the Word of God. We should let it be our guide when it comes to what we allow ourselves to be involved in as Christian ladies.
Another fact about ladybugs is that they are helpful. They continuously eat all those bad things like aphids (plant lice), Potato Beetles and Corn Bores. Ladybugs are considered to be the most beneficial of all insects. How beneficial are we by our actions? Are we helpful godly ladies?
Think Like A Lady.
If we are not thinking like a lady, it's going to be harder for us to talk, walk, sit, dress, and act like one. We have to keep our hearts and minds focused on Christ in order to be the godly lady we should be. Where have your thoughts been lately? Are you focusing on things that a godly lady should?
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8
So, are you conducting yourself like a lady?
Copyright ©2010 Julia B.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Rejection Is G-d's Protection

I couldn't help but post this picture of a T-shirt that I saw online. THIS IS HYSTERICAL!!! Then again, I could not agree more. Perhaps, for those of you looking to find "the one", the reason you have been rejected is because G-d is protecting you until HE finds the one for you.
C'mon! You know that He has more dimensions than and that He can research compatibility levels better than any computer questionnaire! He ALREADY knows the hearts of men and women out there.
He's got ya. Trust me.
Me? I don't bother.
G-d knows I'm a Republican.
I am SINGLE and it's permanent.
On to another subject... I am fasting this entire month.
A promise is a promise and I know what the power of prayer can do combined with some serious fast. G-d, my hero, is in charge and I simply follow His lead! Being hypokalemic makes a bit more complicated for me to fast, but every other day is OK. Today I took a break and tomorrow it starts all over again.
Care to join me?
When it comes to spiritual warfare, G-d is teaching me how to kick butt!
Got HIS armor on and HIS banner OVER ME is LOVE!!!
Women's retreat is this weekend and I AM SO READY!
Bursting the Bubble

I know. Considering the title of this blog it's kind of ironic that I am going to address the subject of "bubble bursting" on my very first entry. Oh well...
Anyone who has ever heard the expression, "Sorry to burst your bubble" can probably relate to the fact that when good bubbles pop, its a "deep sigh" moment.
So there I was this morning, popping bubbles left and right...
"Kids, sorry to burst your bubble, but it's going to storm today so we can't go to Sea World."
"Hey Ma, sorry to burst your bubble, but I can't grill those steaks this evening. My lungs are feeling funny."
"Abuelita, sorry to burst your bubble, but I really don't want to watch novelas with you (for the 100th time) because I really don't like novelas. It's always the same stuff. Poor girl gets pregnant from rich guy with evil girlfriend. Nope. No novelas, thank you."
Guess it'll be just another homeschooling day.
Rainy days are great for catching up on work...
Oh darn. (sigh)
Tea Time with G-d
Today's Devotional is from Arise Ministries and it's all about the power of WORDS!
Ready for this?
I am.

Words can be used to harm or heal.
Proverbs 12:18 – Rash words cut and main, but there is healing in the words of the wise.
Words either bring blessing or disaster.
Proverbs 12:3 – He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin. You can swallow your words now, but they will come back for review in the future when you see Christ. Your words are being recorded at this moment.
Words under the control bring spiritual maturity.
James 3:2 – For we stumble, but one who is able to bridle his tongue is wise. Place your tongue on the altar. If you can control your tongue, you can control anything.
Loved it.
Ok. Got my tickets for tomorrow! Got Magic? I do! GOOOO MAGIC!!! Time to kick some Celtic butt!!!
Ohhh wow.
Lion King alert.
My hair is a FRIZZ ball. Um...ok. Time to tame the mane.
Yesterday my sisters showed up on a rare visit. As most of you know they are in the Navy and it's pretty cool that they were on break at the same time.
Time for lunch.
Gotta goooooooooooo!
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