Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dear Friends

Dear Friends,

After being hospitalized for a week, I am extremely grateful to be home with my children. We are back to homeschooling, lots of fun moments, laughter and cuddles!!!

Wow. I missed them.

Now I am back to planning my move in November, my trip to New York in the Spring and a more permanent move out West in a year. I seriously thought that doors had closed for good, but as it turns out, G-d had other amazing plans! So glad that my heart knew this, because I felt so much peace.

Being at the hospital was a bit scary this time around. I even gave my email, Facebook, and banking passwords to two trustworthy relatives, in case something happened to me, so they could access them and handle them as I had requested.

A prank sort of ruined the whole "idea" and well... now that passwords have been changed, I learned my lesson. As believers we must guard our testimony, even when that means keeping our distance from people we love very much. One thing you never joke around is someone's trust. Little pranks take a whole new meaning when it involves damage to someone's personal testimony. Huge no-no.
All that said, no hard feelings. All forgiven.

Going back to being at home, I am busy being a mom, living for my King of Kings and looking forward to the changes. After much prayer I have decided that we are downgrading to a two bedroom condo. VERY small, but brand new in a NICER sister community that also has a lake, a marina, NATURE all around, an awesome pool and a SUPER COOL gym. I can't do much, but the doctor wants me to do controlled steady walking on a treadmill, and that gym has lots of those.

Someone this past week asked me a very delicate question.

For those of you who still do not know this, I suffer from hypokalemic periodic paralysis and I don't walk very straight. I limp.
I can probably walk 50 steps without limping (in a lot of pain) but other than that it's THUMP... THUMP...THUMP... the rest of the time. For those of you who know this about me already, I thank you for loving me as I am. For those of you who have never seen me in "action", hugs are welcomed, but no stares. LOL!

Back when I was younger I did modeling and gymnastics and life was by all means "normal" but a few years back this debilitating condition sort of took over, and now I walk kind of funny. Some days are better than others and believe it or not, I have days when I can actually jog and walk somewhat normal, but those days don't usually last long.

I encourage any of you out there to research this condition as it is rarely known and it is considered a muscular dystrophy, since they have yet to find a medication that will regress muscle damage. They are testing one recently, but I would have to travel to another state to partake of the study before it ends, and I just don't see myself going anywhere far right now. Being in the hospital this long made me realize that I can't just take off without my kids. I think that I would go literally nuts without them.

Anyways...G-d is awesome and life is good!
I am back to those moments of peace in the early morning hours when I can sit in my cuddly chair by the lamp to read His Word, pray and mediate in Him with a cup of fruity herbal tea nearby. It's as if He is there, holding me in His arms, cuddling me and loving me and wow... nothing else out there can top that. Nothing.

I am in love with my King of Kings and L-rd of L-rds and I am glad to be home.
True that He held me through it all at the hospital, but frankly, there is no place like home. You all know that.

I thank you all for your wonderful prayers and I am looking forward to fellowship at my place this week with those of you who will be coming over for dinner, prayer and praise! Can hardly wait!
To those friends who live a bit far, I PROMISE to meet you in person one day. When our friends also believe in eternal life with G-d, that promise is literally impossible to break. :o)

Much love,

Friday, September 24, 2010

Gotta Have the Backbone!

My friend Leslie posted this to her Facebook this morning and I thought it was great!

EVANGELIFISH = Christian who has no backbone to obey the KNOWN will of God, but wants to KNOW the HIDDEN will of God.

LOL! Doing G-d's perfect will takes guts. I say this because it is never easy to give up our personal desires to follow His in a world that pulls us in all different directions.
As I pondered on this sudden hospital stay and on how it literally ruined my Sukkot, G-d reminded me with much love that had this not happened, they wouldn't have found that splenic arterial aneurysm. G-d saved my life.

Bam! In my face.
We are so quick to complain but forget to look at the greater picture.
G-d knows that my children need me and that I still have lots to do here on earth before His return, so he took care of me once more.

Sure! I threw a fit because with my health it always seems to be one thing after another. Still one more CT to go, and you know... if something else shows up, I promise to not complain. G-d already used this situation so that I could minister to a nurse... and if she was the only reason I am going through all of this, then it's been worth it.

G-d, I am all Yours! You know what You are doing and I trust You!

Chag Sameach my King!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Seek the L-RD and his strength, seek his face continually. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.”

1 Chronicles 16:11-12

Yom Kippur ...

Yom Kippur is over.
The Potter... the clay... a fresh start.

We prayed and listened to G-d's Word all day. I had moments of introspection that served me well, and after all that, was simply drained.
Peaceful, but drained.

I sincerely felt as though I had fought the biggest spiritual battle of my life. Fasting is not just for forgiveness of sins, but also for spiritual war, and this one was incredibly immense.

Here is what I think with all of my heart.

Yom Kippur is a high holiday, but it frankly means nothing to G-d if it is simply something that one does as a yearly ritual. (I do understand that the High Holy Days mark the seasons... and that is important, but I am talking about the deeper meaning of repentance)
Aren't we supposed to ask for atonement EVERY SINGLE day of the year?

As I read the first chapter in Isaiah, I was surprised to find out that G-d himself made it very clear to His people that the ordained holidays meant nothing to Him if they were not meant from the heart.

Isaiah 1 verses 14 through 20 read:

11 "The multitude of your sacrifices—
what are they to me?" says the LORD.
"I have more than enough of burnt offerings,
of rams and the fat of fattened animals;
I have no pleasure
in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.

12 When you come to appear before me,
who has asked this of you,
this trampling of my courts?

13 Stop bringing meaningless offerings!
Your incense is detestable to me.
New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—
I cannot bear your evil assemblies.

14 Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts
my soul hates.
They have become a burden to me;
I am weary of bearing them.

15 When you spread out your hands in prayer,
I will hide my eyes from you;
even if you offer many prayers,
I will not listen.
Your hands are full of blood;

16 wash and make yourselves clean.
Take your evil deeds
out of my sight!
Stop doing wrong,

17 learn to do right!
Seek justice,
encourage the oppressed. [a]
Defend the cause of the fatherless,
plead the case of the widow.

18 "Come now, let us reason together,"
says the LORD.
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.

19 If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the best from the land;

20 but if you resist and rebel,
you will be devoured by the sword."
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

What difference does it make if we go on doing whatever we want the very next day?
He wants us to STOP doing wrong. He wants us to be WILLING and OBEDIENT.
We are dumb if we think as Jews that we can get away with sin just because we make atonement once a year... or as Messianic Jews because Yeshua made atonement for us.
True, He has cleansed us. Yet, here is the thing...

Let me share my heart, and I just KNOW that I am going to get soooo incredibly grilled for what I am about to say, but it's true because I have been there and done it myself.

Being a Jew can be a huge burden at times. Having to follow certain rituals makes me wonder if we REALLY get it, or if this is just something that we do because we are simply Jews.

Can I please be more honest?
Do you all want to know when I finally understood this?

This year.
Does that surprise any of you out there?

Please don't be shocked.
I recall walking into synagogue with my children in years past and praying with everyone else there... Messianics, of course. Praying for forgiveness. Praying for Israel. Praying and praying and praying...

This year I did not attend synagogue.
This year I stayed home with my kids.
We all fasted and prayed and cried... and then I realized right in the middle of it that Yeshua's blood had already cleansed me and that it did so EVERY SINGLE DAY... so why the huge fuss over it ONCE a year?

You see now why you are all going to grill me for this?

The more I prayed and cried before the presence of G-d, the more I understood Yeshua's struggle to let people know that religion is NO LONGER required, but that the simple acceptance of HIS sacrifice for us suffices.
YES, we observe the day out of obedience to HaShem, but do we REALLY observe His commandments? Do we really repent? Do we really make it a point to start brand new, or do we go back to the same old stuff a few minutes after we end our fast?

My heart has known for years that with our L-rd it is not about a religion but about a relationship.
This year, however, G-d made it crystal clear that the High Holy Days as we call them mean absolutely nothing if they are simply a once a year guilt trip.
Keeping our salvation is EVERY DAY work.
Every day that we struggle with sin we either wash ourselves with the blood of Yeshua as we repent, or we grab the mallet and nail Him back on the cross with our actions.

I wanted to be sincere.
I wanted to mean it.
No more guilt trips.
HaShem wants true repentance, and I sure had no choice but to realize that this is more serious than it looks.

We are running out of time here.
We seriously are.

My son is eight years old, but he took to that floor and did not lift up his head until he cried all he had to cry before the L-rd. As much as I wanted to pick him up and hold him, I knew that I had to leave Him alone.
He is just a child, but his spirit, his heart and his mind understood true repentance at his level.

Nobody else was there.
Just us three, worshipping our King.

When we can get THISCLOSE to Him... in such intimacy, then He opens our hearts to a better understanding of what we are doing and why we are supposed to do it.

It took me this long, but now I get it.
Next Yom Kippur I hope to be with Him... but if I am not, then I hope to be THISCLOSE to His heart and for Him to be THISCLOSE to my heart once more.

That simple.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

This Has Blown Me Away!

Please take a look at this video. I decided to investigate these tetrads myself because I don't like to take other people's word for it... and wow... I am blown away!
Although we do not know the DAY or the HOUR... G-d encourages us to watch out for the "seasons"!

This is the entire Torah Study on this subject. Take out your notebooks and start taking notes people! This stuff is GOOD!

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Personal Life Lessons for Rosh HaShanah

It's been a wonderful last few days. My home has been filled with the presence of G-d because Claudia, Ricardo and I have taken the time to delight ourselves in Him COMPLETELY.
Ricardo even felt from the L-rd that he should get oil and have us all anointed before HaShem's presence. It was very special and wow... words cannot describe.

My lessons for this year have been many, but one last thing that I learned several nights ago, right before Rosh HaShanah, was not only to let the events of the past few weeks go but to also recognize that we must stop seeking friendships that don't benefit us in the least.

When I was a model back in the 90's everyone wanted a piece of me. (Sounds so weird, LOL... but those who knew me back then know that I am not kidding) It was a horrible truth I had difficulty with back in those days. My parents were constantly on guard and my father would go with me to EVERY SINGLE casting and EVERY SINGLE shoot. It was a very stressful and odd stage in my life and it was even more stressful to have my dad breathing down my neck and down the director's neck. Most of those t.v. producers were from Argentina and they had temper issues... and when you mix that with a hard headed Jewish dad, it's deadly stuff.

The vulchers would scatter whenever they saw my dad. He knew that this type of environment was dangerous for me, and later on it almost proved fatal. If I survived the most hurtful event of my life, was because G-d must have had a plan. That simple. G-d kept me alive.
I was more comfortable doing radio since I had family in the entertainment business and I had "easy" access to that sort of thing, but then after the incident I retreated and became this horribly shy hermit. Tons of friends, but none that I would ever allow too close to my heart. Those same friends vanished when I vanished from "the scene".

Bit by bit, I have allowed G-d to take care of that. At times I wonder if I have had any progress, because I have chickened out of so many opportunities. If someone is your true friend, they will never care about your physical appearance or about your illnesses or handicaps.
When I had beauty and popularity people couldn't get past that in order to love me for my heart. Now that beauty is somewhat gone, people can't get past THAT in order to love me for my heart.
Ironic, isn't it? This shallow world does not have one single person out there who doesn't seek out another in true friendship unless they are able to get something in return. Then, once they have what they wanted, you are once more invisible.

True friendship. Does that even exist anymore?

My grandmother has a box of cards that she mails out every single year. She taught me as a child that a true friend never forgets birthdays and that a true friend should never stop seeking the opportunity to give without expecting anything in return. For years I carried on with her ways and made this my own personal mission, never forgetting a birthday and making sure that I would always find ways to give joy to someone, even in simple things... a book, a card, a movie gift certificate or a simple phone call.

Throughout the years, I have sifted out the people who like to take from me and those who like to receive from me. Those who like to receive from me already know that I give expecting nothing back. Those who take, do so afraid and paranoid that they have to respond to me a certain way. In other words, they only call when they need a favor and once they get what they came looking for they scram. Wow. What has this world done to people for them to become so increasingly paranoid? Where is G-d's love in these people who proclaim to know G-d, but then treat others like they themselves wouldn't want to be treated?

I can count my true friends with one hand. One. Everyone else has placed me and countless others in their "Who Cares" category.

I don't necessarily like Rick Warren because although his teachings sound good, my spirit feels just a bit uncomfortable with who he has become. Then again, there are a few quotes here and there that are right on the money. One quote of his that I totally agree with is this one:

"Never let flatterers into your inner circle. They are users, not friends"

So here is my advice to all of you out there...

When someone who never usually reaches out to find out how you are doing makes a sudden attempt to act as a friend and then asks you for something... do what you can to help, but don't expect them to call until they need that same favor the following year. As a matter of fact, end your conversation with "Nice for you to take the initiative to call. Glad everyone is ok. Here is your favor and don't worry... I'll still be around next year when you need this favor again."

Yup. Sigh... true friendship. Who has the time, right?

Here is my personal statement and shout out to those creepy people out there who seriously need a reality check:

"Welcome to Planet Who Cares... where you even find people who are paranoid when you ask them if they want something for their birthday. Chillax people! Birthdays were meant for cards and little gifts. If those are way too insignificant and you only get excited about free admissions to an amusement park, then my most sincere apology."
I am simply being a REAL friend. Not a hypocrite. Not a nuisance.Then again, if a person doesn't care for another person's friendship... be honest and speak up. Tell them. Say it with words. Sending mixed signals is simply wrong. I don't have to befriend everyone I meet, but I don't have to pretend to be their friend either! It makes one wonder if people who do that somehow share with others that one is nothing other than their little personal joke. I've seen people do this all the time and it is very sad.

If you have forgotten what real friends are like, perhaps it would be a good idea to take a serious look within yourselves to achieve greater perspective. Perhaps the reason you can't recognize true friendship when you see it is because you are oblivious to it, since it is obvious that you can't receive what you yourself are unable to give."

Right now, though, I am relaxing in the L-rd and literally inhaling the book Finding Favor with the King, by Tommy Tenney. This is my second round through it and I just totally love it!

This last year was one of feast and famine, and through it all G-d loved my family. No regrets. None.
A better part of wisdom is to take those things which have hurt you and learn from them. How can you regret a good lesson learned? You can't. My hope is to grow better and not bitter from the events of the past year. It's been a tough one... wow!

Another lesson? People are not always who they appear to be and often times this ends up affecting our level of trust. How you deal with it, however, will either make you stronger or make the wound much deeper.

Forgiveness is a choice and one must first learn to ask for forgiveness and take that initiative before the presence of G-d, regardless of who is wrong and who isn't. None of us are righteous. We all come short, but G-d has enough mercies each morning for each and every one.

My final Rosh HaShanah lesson? Good boundaries are always good. Bad boundaries keep you isolated and lonely.
Gotta make sure I establish the good boundaries. The ones that allow me to say what I need to say when I need to say it, after asking G-d for the right attitude and words.

The Chinese Bamboo takes five years to sprout. For five years you see nothing. If you stop watering it during those five years, it dies, but if you carefully water and fertilize it every single year for the entire five years, it suddenly shoots up and in less than six weeks it grows up to 90 feet!!! Some of us are the same way.

We don't see our growth at times, even though we know that G-d is watering our faith and sending knowledge our way, which we slowly absorb. Deep in our hearts, all these roots are growing and growing and preparing us to withstand the amazing outward growth that is to take place in due time. We don't see it, but it's there. It's coming. We may not see the light right now, but when we finally shoot up to the sky and G-d's purpose for our lives is fulfilled, we will then be able to see from up there EVERYTHING that we could not quite grasp from down below.

I am such a bamboo, but my roots are growing and I am still alive. G-d won't let me die.

One day whether in life or in death I too will shoot up to the heavens!

L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu to all!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rosh HaShanah... I Am for My Beloved, and My Beloved Is for Me

Love the teachings of Charles Harari... wow!
Excellent way to start the New Year! Hallelujah!
G-d is my beloved and I am HIS entirely! Baruch HaShem!

This one NEVER GETS OLD FOR ME! This one is for my brave IDF friends.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

"In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise. The tongue of the righteous is choice silver… the lips of the righteous feed many." Proverbs 10:19-21

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Career Change

Wow. After 10 years of teaching and 5 years of Criminal Justice, I am ready to get this going.
Four more classes and then it's off to the District's Attorney's Office for a high paying job.

Love teaching, but REALLY needed the change.

Not getting any younger here but knowledge never ends! Love to learn!
Even my friend Evelyn is closer than ever to becoming an aviation attorney and we are almost the same age.

Time REALLY flies!
