Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who Is Ready for English Class?

Oh my goodness! I am so excited!
Can't wait to meet my students! Yay!!!

Well, my classroom is ready. Praise the L-rd!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

G-d's Perfect Will

Being in the perfect will of G-d often requires submitting ourselves to changes that may seem to others like we have been demoted. What people don't seem to understand is that when we are willing to subject ourselves to these lessons of humility, we are taking on a HUGE spiritual PROMOTION. We are here to serve our King of Kings wherever He chooses to place us. :)

I want to be like Ruth and embrace G-d's will for my life. Ruth went from being a respected wife and mother to being a widow who gathered grain in the fields all day. Because she embraced G-d's perfect will as it was presented to her, He blessed her beyond anything she could've ever dreamed of. :)

As for my kids... they are part of the package and I know that G-d already knows exactly how it's all going to work out. :) I just need to be STILL and know that HE is L-rd.

Monday, August 1, 2011