Does it exist?
Albert Einstein was close to "re-discovering" this old and ancient truth.
It's not anti-biblical at all.
You see... in order to predict the future you have to be able to see it first.
The Bible is packed with prophecies that have already come to pass.
In G-d (our Prime Creator) there is no time and space.
2 Peter 3:8
But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the l-rd as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Do I believe in the plurality of worlds? Yes.
In order for time travel to be possible, you need to understand how the concept of a parallel universe works.
A bit of physics, shall we?
Hang on... my son needs help with his English class.
OK. So where were we? Ahhh yes. Parallel universes. Yes... I said that in plural because there is more than one. Science has known that for quite some time now. Even our forefathers believed in it. That's a whole other thing there... but I'm not talking aliens here.
There are no aliens. We're the aliens. LOL
What does exist are "multi dimensional beings" or as some of us prefer to call them "extra dimensional beings."
Do we have a multi dimensional G-d? Yes. He is multi dimensional but so are we. The humans of the here and now do not understand this concept because they have been deprived of it for some time now. That part of how we were originally designed is in hiatus, for lack of a better term. Hence the story of Adam and Eve... blah blah blah... no longer in the garden of Eden... blah blah blah.
The point is that we are only allowed to "perceive" up to the third dimension. Only animals and babies perceive up to the fourth. There are 11 dimensions in total. Can you get your head around that?
I didn't think so.
For those of you still confused about how dimensions work... here is a great video I found on YouTube.
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
I know that this only explains up to the 10th... but there's 11 in total. Trust me.
So here is the bottom line. There are other "realities" or "dimensions" that co-exist parallel to our own and what people think are aliens are just beings from those other dimensions.
Some people call them angels and some call them demons and in many cases it's neither of those. Just people like you and me who have the technology to travel from one dimension to the other in order to warn us about or alter our existing reality.
Still with me?
Hmmm... need a bit of help?
Imagine that you walk into a gym. There are mirrors everywhere. When you look to one side you see the reflection of yourself, but since there is a mirror on the opposite side of the room you see an image inside that image, inside another image... all the way into infinity.
Well... there is your visual on parallel universes. Time travel is nothing but a step forward or a step back into one of those.... give or take a 1 to 2 percent divergence.
The farther into the past or the future you travel, the larger the divergence is.
Am I crazy.
You all are for allowing yourselves the hypnotic slavery of what you know as media.
You are slaves to it. You are entertained and so incredibly distracted that you fail to connect with the true source of your existence...
He tries to speak to us all the time. He tries to warn us of things to come. He tries to connect but we are so disconnected from Him and connected to everything else that we no longer have the ability to tune into our own Creator.
Why the book of Enoch did not make it into the Bible is beyond me.
All I can say is that perhaps if it had been included it would've gotten people to think a lot more about our TRUE origins. Anyways... Hollywood is packed with "travelers" who have attempted unsuccessfully to remind humanity about something they lost a long time ago.
Not everything that is labeled as Science Fiction in Hollywood is fiction at all.
Lunch time. Will explain the simplicity of time travel a bit later.
Do you know that we can actually create a black hole? That there is a curvature in black holes that prevents a human being from being torn apart by its gravitational force?
Did you know that science in the here and now has already discovered this?
You didn't know because you are way too entertained to know.
Are you aware that the reason they just had someone skydive from the edge of space to test a "suit" is REALLY because the closest they can get to the g force of a black hole is the stratosphere?
Are you paying attention now?
Good. About time. TTYL.