What I really want to say is that ignorance has won.
When people only watch what the media feeds them and disregard hard facts, they tend to vote for what they think they need... and for what they "think" they're going to get.
People even think that they voted for the president when in fact they really didn't.
FACT 1 : The vast majority of people DO NOT choose the President; the electoral college does. Even if the President won the popular vote by a HAIR this time around, one has to wonder about all those absentee ballots that are still out there and will take at least ten days to process. This system is antiquated and needs to be changed!
FACT 2 : People who are uninsured THINK that they will get free healthcare. Nope. They still have to pay for it and it's not going to be what they expect.
You see, doctors are not all rich snobs who choose to become doctors to get rich. Most had parents who worked hard to put them through college, and most work their way through college to pay for their education. Most are still paying their student loans and ALL of them have to cover overhead costs such as
STAFF : nurses, front desk clerks, insurance clerks, maintenance etc.
BASIC EXPENSES: office rental, electricity, water use, equipment, materials, in office medications, oxygen etc.
OTHER COSTS: Taxes, Insurance, etc.
So when government insurances do not pay the doctor for the services they render to these patients, and the doctors realize that they are literally going bankrupt because of this, they stop taking patients who depend on government insurance.
Two years ago I lived this horror with my daughter. She suffers from really bad hemorrhagic cysts (and tumors) in her ovaries and she needed to be hospitalized right away for a terrible pain. The doctor who tended to her (Dr. Snook, from an OBGYN office in Orlando) dismissed her case at the hospital and literally sent us home without treating Claudia.
After putting my foot down and requesting a second opinion, an internist who had nothing to do with GYN issues decided to do an exploratory surgery. As it turns out, Claudia's tumor was the size of a grapefruit and it had caused a torsion to one of her fallopian tubes causing the stop of blood flow to one of her ovaries. Not only that, but she would have bled to death had it bursted.
It was so serious that they thought that my daughter, who at the time was only 11, would need one of her ovaries removed.
I was simply confused. How could a specialist know less than the hospital internist? Dr. Snook was forced to perform the surgery alongside this other doctor, but when it came time to do a follow up in her office, Dr. Snook made it very clear that it would just be a COURTESY visit because she did not accept medicaid patients.
That's when the light bulb went on and I realized that the reason she was sending Claudia home the first time around as sick as she was, was simply because she knew that Claudia was on emergency medicaid. I was in between teaching jobs and uninsured.
I was furious!
With Obamacare, medical offices will be over saturated with patients that the government cannot really afford. Doctors will be forced to no longer accept former patients in order to keep their overhead costs and the quality of healthcare for those with private insurance. Doctors who decide to take Obamacare patients will not provide the quality of healthcare that is needed and going to extremes here.. in a few years we might see what we see in socialist countries. We might see a nurse performing an appendectomy. We might see old people dying sooner because of the lack of good medical care.
My daughter was only 11 when she went through this.
I can only imagine what will happen to people like my parents.
A friend of a friend posted this on Facebook, "I didn't think that Mitt Romney was the hero who would save us all, but I thought he might slow the bleeding..."
That is exactly how I feel.
People I love voted wrong because they thought they would be voting for a liar if they voted for Mitt Romney.
Well... I have never known a President in my 41 years who didn't lie during a campaign, including this one.
Here. Educate yourselves.
Now on to FACT 3:
Now that we know for sure that this country will decline faster than we expected... it's time to prepare spiritually.
Revival is coming to the land.
It's coming and we have known that it was coming since we were kids and heard about it during evangelical campaigns and even during those times when G-d spoke to us directly to tell us that we were called for something important.
Well... this is it.
Our job now is set before us to be light in the midst of darkness.
To be strong in faith and to not let ANYONE deviate or lure us away from what we know is right.
Let's preach Yeshua with all of our hearts!
Let us NEVER deny His Name in exchange for ANYTHING.
I just lost my husband to standing firm.
I might get my head cut off for it too.
We were called to serve Him and to not waiver.
Lately I have been seeing loved ones waiver left and right.
They are afraid of losing "benefits" ... and I just know that this is one easy way for Satan to corner them and give them no choice of thought. Many will deny the truth of Yeshua out of fear.
Let's stay strong for we serve a HOLY G-d.