Saturday, July 31, 2010

5 a.m. Prayer at Breath of Life Christian Center

So this past week Pastor Danny and Sharlene texted everyone on their list to let us know that for 40 days they will be meeting at the altar for prayer.

Precious time before the L-rd.
I can't go every day because I have to be at work almost that early. My praying time is between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m.

It felt so good, though, to simply be there praying with them the other morning. The peace and the strength that one absorbs from praying alongside other believers is simply amazing.

I am sort of done with my little research on the government and stuff. Yes, we must be on the alert, but we must also rely on G-d for wisdom and discernment. When we study something... or should I say, anything, we must do so in prayer and in G-d's wisdom. If we try to figure things out on our own without His spiritual guidance, discerning truth from fiction might become a bit difficult.

The stuff I have posted on here is definitely backed up by facts but right now I don't want to even look at it anymore. I pulled stuff from the library and I had help pulling stuff from sources that are not accessible to me, and I am just plain tired.
I am proud to be an American.
I was born in New York and most of my family still resides there... but it makes me sad to realize that the America I was born in is no longer. Things have changed, and although I as a believer am aware that these things would happen according to G-d's Word, it's still a shocker.

This is America. This is my beloved United States! I have three siblings serving in the armed forces and I can't help but wonder if what they are fighting for is freedom, or if they have simply become puppets towards a "freedom" that doesn't really exist.

Then again. G-d is in control. Satan is making way for the anti-christ, and G-d is making way for Yeshua to come and destroy him.
That is no fiction.
That is not a theory.
That is a fact!

Oh. One more thing.
The one world order will have one religion too. The one that will follow the anti-messiah.
The sad part of it is that it will look, feel and taste like Christianity... but it will be as far from G-d's Word as ever. That, I believe, is where the greatest deception is going to occur.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well... this video would've seemed weird to me a few weeks ago, but not anymore.
I went to the library and looked up all these facts.
This stuff is as accurate as it can get.
The information is correct.

Except for the "drama" factor... the info is right on the money. I am totally against red necks and "white power". To me, those are REALLY potentially dangerous, but not everyone else who believes in the right of questioning the government.
As a Jew I must remind everyone out there that right before the Nazis began to persecute and encarcerate the Jews, Jewish people were labeled as extremists and fanatics. This alone turned most of their neighbors and the general population against them.

Then I remembered Luke 21.
Yeshua warned us. He warned us.

I have access to military library material because of my family, but this one you all can find in the army website...

copy and paste this to your browser:

Towards the end of the video, I like the fact that states like Texas and Oklahoma are fighting back. Wow. Amazing.

Camp Fema
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

Depopulation... The Facts

Holy cow.

Oh my goodness.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hal Lindsey

National Geographic on the RFID Chip

National Geographic did this report recently.


National ID Card

Wow...this is getting creepier by the minute.
Oh my gosh.

Who Is This Crazy Nut?

None other than an ex-governor, a Navy Seal, etc. etc. etc.

Y'all draw your own conclusions.
I am a science freak and I love physics... (well, Quantum) I actually found this very interesting. Except for the thing with the headphones...cause, I can actually do that with my own set. LOL! There is no way for you to block sound with just your fingers. That is what your senses are for. Umm.... Mr. Ventura is good at what he does, but needs to chill out a bit.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Favorite Song

A song my children and I love to sing in the car early in the morning.
Powerful lyrics.
Great spiritual tool for when times get a bit tough.

Almighty God, my Redeemer,
My Hiding Place, my Safe Refuge
No other name like Jesus (Yeshua),
No power can stand against You.

My feet are planted on this rock
And I will not be shaken
My hope it comes from You alone
My Lord and my Salvation.

Your praise is always on my lips
Your Word is living in my heart
And I will praise You with a new song
My soul will bless You Lord.
You fill my life with greater joy
As I delight myself in You
And I will praise You with a new song
My soul will bless You Lord.

When I am weak You make me strong
When I'm poor, I know I'm rich
For in the power of Your name.
All things are possible

All things are possible!

Taking a Break From My Little "Research"

After reading and reading, and some serious Bible study and all, I am mentally exhausted.

Bottom line... all we need to do is hold on to G-d with all of our hearts and our minds. What's going to happen is going to happen simply because G-d's Word is real.

A lot of stuff is out there that is a bit "off", but the information that is factual is accurate enough to keep us all on our toes.

After all, Yeshua encouraged us all to watch and pray.
Watch and pray...

That is key.
Perhaps as a mom, I will do my part in preparing my children in the knowlege of G-d's Word because after all, this is what they will be facing.
In fact... they will be facing this difficult reality more so than us.
This will be THEIR struggle.
This will be what THEY will go through and perhaps we have not done enough to prepare them.
Satan is on an everyday quest to destroy our children and our youth.
Ever wonder why?

If we take the time to prepare our children, pray over them, teach them about these things at a level that won't frighten them, but still retain a level of honesty... they will be the ones making sure that others know G-d's Word in the midst of chaos.
We will be passing on a torch of truth that nobody will be able to take away from their hands and most importantly, from their hearts.

It's as simple as teaching them how to pray.
It is as simple as teaching them about spiritual warfare.
It is as simple as teaching them about the power and authority that they have in the name of Yeshua.

It is this very authority and power that will protect them during the years to come, and as parents we will be held responsible before G-d for what we teach our children today.
Knowledge is the opposite of ignorance, and the Bible teaches us clearly that people perish because of their ignorance.
Pass it on to your children.
It's the best way to help them overcome.
Our job is to teach them the truth of G-d's Word and trust that this truth does not depart from them come what may.

John F Kennedy Knew...

Trust in the L-RD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

In researching what other Presidents have perhaps discussed on the subject, I found this speech.
He knew.
He told.
He got killed.

I am not a fanatic. I am not a cospiracy theorist. I am just a common citizen who is also a believer. If I am crazy, then the word of G-d must be crazy too. G-d revealed all of this through His WORD! This was in the Bible before it even made news.
Perhaps most of us believers knew deep down that we would be the generation to see all these things come to pass. Perhaps some of us have forgotten what we were taught early on.
No wonder G-d keeps waking His people up in the early morning hours to pray. Pray... pray... pray! This no longer a "theory" as they say.
It is a reality.
I am willing to die for Yeshua and for my right to serve Him and proclaim HIM as my one and only G-d.
I am willing.
Are you? This will no longer be about what we have or don't have.
This will be about our spiritual state of mind.
It will be about how strong we spiritually are and about how BRAVE we are to stand up for what we know to be true.
Cowards won't make it.
People who are worried about other people's opinions of them... won't make it either.
People who don't take the time to pray diligently will definitely not make it.
Even if we are killed.
Even if we die in the process, we have a hope that others don't have.
We have the hope of being with Yeshua for all eternity.
This will be more of a spiritual battle than a physical one.
The real fight will be in our hearts when they do their best to convince us to change or minds about our faith.
The true warriors will never give up on G-d's promises... as they will remember that G-d never gave up on them.

A storm is coming and we can stand strong in the L-rd.
Again... I am not a fanatic.
I am simply passionate for the cause of Yeshua HaMashiach and I will stand strong.

Will you stand strong too?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

FEMA Concentration Camps... are not a lie

Well... I did not believe this at first because I would be the one laughing at conspiracy theorists. Then I decided to do some research, and now I believe. I believe that this stuff is real.

Please take the time to go online and research REX 84 JUST as a web definition.
It was established to control civil unrest.
People are going to be against a lot of stuff that will go down in the next couple of years... and they will need these.
I found thousands of these all over my google map. Horrible. They are currently EMPTY waiting for Marshall law to go into place. The categories will be divided into red, blue and yellow.
Please research it. As a Jew, this to me is an insult. A huge violation of civil liberties! I am an AMERICAN... but this is not America as we know it, anymore.

There is a lot of unreliable information out there, so please be careful of what you find. I did this the old fashioned way and decided to rely on books from the library. I searched and searched until I found stuff that totally creeped me out.
I won't post much of it on here, being that I have decided to post my entries. What I want you all to do is go to your local library and research REX 84 and Garden Plot.
Don't search the Internet.
Search documents.
Search newspapers.
Search "executive orders"... even old ones.

I was in shock.

Glenn Beck, who to me is a very reliable source, did his best to warn people about this. I love the fact that he will shout out the truth and then comply with the producers in order to keep the show. Then again, he is limited as to what he can and cannot say, but he says it anyways even if he has to retract himself a bit. He does this all the time... but in a very special way lets everyone know what he REALLY believes.
Glenn Beck retracted himself on his belief that FEMA camps exist, but what choice did he have?
He had no choice because that is how he keeps the show going.
He shouts the truth and then denies it. He does this ALL the time!

He wants us to look at the FACTS, and although he had no choice but to hire an "independent" (controlled by the government) group to seek out this information... it sure got some people thinking.
Like I said, go to your local library.
The facts are there.
These places do exist and if you try to find them on google Earth and google maps... you will not be able to count them. That's how many exist! It is a scary thought.
The fact that they are building train tracks in those specific areas gives me the hibby jibbies.

Besides a couple of "ok" videos, I found this in the library. I was able to actually read the hard copy, but found it on the Internet as well, so here is the link.
This explains in part what REX 84 is and how it started. This is anonymous online but it was originally written years ago by a student from Texas University. He was doing research on it and wrote an essay.

Again... just copy and paste on your browser:

Because... This is flat out creepy.

For those of you who don't know what this is... it's the new RFID (radio frequency identification) chip that many companies have been partaking of... for the longest time now.
There is just one new thing about it.
It's our turn to get implanted.
So when you need health care, you won't be able to get any without it.
When you want to go grocery shopping, you won't be able to do so without it.
When you want to travel... you won't be able to go ANYWHERE... (that also means drive) without it.
I just got a letter from the department of vital statistics informing me that my children need a new birth certificate because the one they have will no longer be valid. The new birth certificates will use bar codes that will make them easier to scan and validate by any agency which requires their information.

Y'all think that Yeshua is returning before all this stuff happens.
I seriously believe in a post tribulation return.
believers EVERYWHERE think that they will be spared... but that's not what the Bible tells me.
People need to wake up from their slumber.
Every subtle change is nothing but a way to deceive G-d's people.
Oh... and talk to your kids.
This sort of thing started YEARS ago... and of course, it began with UPC codes and scanners.
Today, this year or the next, we will be the recipients of this system.
The word of G-d is so accurate.
The arm or the forehead... and they have been practicing for quite a while.
Just to go to Sea World we have to get our fingers scanned!
That's just ONE example.

Last year Glenn Beck did as best as he could (because he is not allowed to say everything on the air and you will notice this right away) to communicate this information to the public.

Glenn Beck decided to talk about what would happen when people simply do not accept what is coming...

This guy has been a conspiracy theorist for years... and this is an older video... but now he is starting to make a lot of sense!

Summary of Medicaid, CHIP, and Low-Income Provisions in Health Care Reform

March 30, 2010

On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is designed (with its companion set of amendments in H.R. 4782) to provide coverage to 32 million people, adopt broad-reaching reforms in insurance industry practices, make major new investments in public health, and reduce the federal deficits. This fact sheet describes the key Medicaid, CHIP, and low-income provisions in health care reform.

You will have to copy and paste the following web addresses in order to open them in a new window:

Download Summary of Medicaid, CHIP, and Low-Income Provisions in Health Care Reform (PDF) publications/health reform/health reform dates.pdf

Download Key Health Care Reform Dates for Children and Families (PDF) publications/health reform/health reform summary.pdf

Hospital Sleepover

So... I usually take my kids to work on the weekends, and they don't mind. They like it there because they do quite a bit of school work, read their books, watch movies and once I am done we head out to Sea World for a couple of hours.

This weekend was different.
As we got ready to leave the resort I knew that we wouldn't be going to Sea World.

To make a long story short, I tried to be brave and drive home in pain figuring that perhaps I just needed rest, but I didn't make it. As soon as I hit 192, I drove as fast as I could to Celebration Hospital.

My kids know when their mommy is not doing too good, but hey, I do all that I can to keep a smile on my face, crack jokes and make it funny even though it's not.

Yeah. We were in the ER from 4 p.m. yesterday until this morning and the nurses, who know me by now, kept my kids super pampered and entertained. My pookies actually had fun through it all. They had books, crayons, movies, pizza (yeah!), and they each had a recliner chair parked right in front of the t.v. with a blanket and munchies. By the time it was 11 p.m. they were fast asleep, and the nurses took turns keeping an eye on them while I had all sorts of tests done.

Turns out I have another tumor.
Oh well.

The story of my life, so here is the plan.

I'll take my kids to see the ocean because we have lived in Florida for 11 years and we have only been to the beach once.
We take it all in.
The sunset.
The sand.
The sea.

We pray and we play and take tons of pictures. Claudia will go to that skateboard park she has been dying to go to, and Ricardo will experience a REAL pirate ship adventure, and hopefully the memories will last them a lifetime.

I know it's not Toledo, Spain or Israel. It's not a beautiful canyon in Sedona or a historical journey in Williamsburg, Virginia...

It's just St. Augustine, Florida.

But hey... it will still be beautiful because anytime that I spend with my children is precious.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Can't Wait for Vacation Time

My goodness.
Time needs to fly.
Can't wait to go to St. Augustine with the kiddos.
Sooooo need the ocean!
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

1 Peter 5:6-7


So here is my problem.
When a man refers to attractive women as "hot", I could care less if this is simply an "American" expression, it's ghetto to use that term after you hit 35 (even as a joke).
Then, in regards to the "menu" comment...

No disrespect, but some men have no idea what they say when they are saying it.
When referring to women, "Menu" is a term commonly used in sex trafficking.

Then again, I know that this person had no idea. I just wish men had a bit more common sense when referring to women. Some phrases are just demeaning.
Perhaps this sir desires to be treated like the man that he is underneath the whole pastoral thing. Some women don't get that.
Must be difficult for women to know how to erase that line when dating pastors.
Maybe this is one of the reasons why he has a difficult time finding someone.

I'll keep praying for him.
That's all I can do.
If he is truly letting G-d choose, then he is in good hands.

G-d will find the right one for him, and only G-d knows who that is.
Hope he holds his ground and waits for G-d's perfect will, even if the L-rd has to "special order her" all the way from Mongolia. LOL!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Christianity is one beggar telling another one where to find bread

— Martin Luther

Chris Lazo

This is Chris Lazo... Jenn's brother.

Powerful message.


Romans 15:23-33 "The Body of Christ- Being a blessing" from chris lazo on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Meditating in the L-rd.
Hanging on.

Holding on to Him for dear life.
Loving Him.
Living for Him.

Resting in HIS peace.


Friday, July 16, 2010

This Makes My Stomach Turn

Videos... US to Attack Iran?


My co-worker and friend Jessica had a car accident but she is doing fine.
She scared us all, but I praise G-d that He protected her.
It could've been bad, but G-d is good.


No Call / No Show

We can't find my co-worker (works the 3rd shift) Jessica anywhere. She was a no call/no show at work and she has NEVER done that.
Her best friend can't find her and she doesn't answer her phone.

We are worried sick.

Praying that nothing happened to her.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

US About to Attack Iran

It's no joke folks.

My sisters have been deployed to the area already, and they have been informed of what is about to happen.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Yeah. It took me a while to post this, but hey... gotta give it to the mother land.
They played a great game!

Que viva ESPANA!!!!!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

At Work...

Tired but here... on Shabbat.
Oh well.
Gotta survive.

G-d is good all the time... including the times I have to work on Shabbat.
He loves me anyway.

Friday, July 9, 2010

“"The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints"”

Ephesians 1:18

Wipe Out!!! LOL!!! (I cry from laughter every single show!)

Watch videos:

Lord have MERCY!!! This dude screams like a GIRL!!! LOL!!! Ha ha ha haaha haha!!!!

I swear this girl is retarded...LOL!!!!

Ok. This woman lost her boobs on the red balls! LOL!!! I am almost sure that I saw them detach from her chest as the "motivator" was pushing her off!!! LOL!!!

LOL!!!! This dude cracks me up! He is a Rivera by the way! LOL!!!!

Smooth Day

It's been a much better day today.
Last night the kids and I watched "Wipe Out" with Rick and Jenn and laughed our butts off. Great family show!

The day went smooth and peaceful. That's how it always is here at my place.
My kids had an awesome night. No night lights.

They also had a good day. We went to the DMV to get my license renewed and after a couple of errands we went home. We've had quite a bit of prayer time and G-d has covered us in His peace and amazing love. We feel blessed.

It's time to realize that some things will not change, so it's time to move on. What hurts us cannot be a part of us. To each their own.
New beginnings.
G-d talked to me about new beginnings and about the authority to make decisions...

Moving on.
New beginnings it is, and He has given me His authority to do whatever it takes to keep us close to His presence.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Bunker PLEASE!!!

It's 4th of July and instead of enjoying the fireworks, I am trying to find a bunker to avoid getting hit by a stray bullet.

What is wrong with these people????


Fireworks are ok.
Guns... NO NO NO!

Watching TV inside my living room as LOW on the floor as we can go.

Goodness gracious!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer Break Almost Over

Now is when the good stuff starts to happen.

Back to homeschooling.
Back to mission work... and I seriously can't wait!!! Praise G-d!
Evangelism! Evangelism! Evangelism!!!!

Time is running out!

Let's do this!
Whooo hooo!
"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the L-rd require of you? To act Justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your G-d."

Micah 6:8

World Cup

Really hope that Uruguay kicks Netherlands butt and REALLY hope that Spain kicks Germany's butt!!!

This obsession is Abuelita's fault.
She has gotten me all hyped up with this never ending World Cup.

Not only does it last FOREVER, but those vuvuelas call for Excedrin.
Why not shofars???
Shofars would be more tolerable.

I'm just flat out surprised that my 96 year old grandmother has not died from a heart attack. I can hear her all the way from the lanai yelling at her favorite team.

Go Abuelita!!!
I wish I had that much energy! LOL!
Gotta love her.

Shabbat Shalom... (then off to work)

So I get to spend Shabbat morning with my kids and then I am off to work.
No problem. It's better than nothing.
I miss out on the oneg, but that's alright.

I can deal with this.

Happy that I could have Shabbat dinner last night.

It was good. Rick and Jenn made steak (yum) with baked potatoes and spinach! Delicious.

This will be a very busy weekend at the resort. I'm kind of glad that I get to work second shift instead of first. Really needed to sleep in today.
Tomorrow is fourth of July and I am just glad that I work first shift.
Changed my mind about Sea World.
It will be extraordinarily crowded and besides... mom's food and a nice swim in this hot weather sounds much, much better.

Shabbat Shalom.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

Hebrews 13:5

Thursday, July 1, 2010

House Cleaning Thursday

Yesterday I had planned to come home after work and catch up on my laundry, and then go to service, but I ended up at the hospital for the dreaded potassium fix.

That means that today is cleaning day.
Everything from the carpets to the fridge, the laundry... the car!!! Oh my gosh! YES! Gotta clean my car.

I think I have enough energy today to get things done, so I'll take advantage of that. Hopefully by 5pm I can lounge by the pool with the kids and maybe grill some salmon.

Ok. Time to get started!!!!
I've rested enough this morning.

I LOVE YOU HASHEM! YOU are my strength!

Sunday I'm just taking my kids to work with me and then head out to Sea World to see the 4th of July fireworks.
I always have to work on 4th of July and it's a bummer, but hey... I praise G-d for work. I praise G-d for provision. I praise G-d for strength to continue to work.

Some people don't know how I do it.
I know. I don't take a break after hospital stays and it's crazy, but I have to live. I have to continue with life.
I refuse to be stuck in a bed feeling sorry for myself.
That won't happen.
It feels really good to go on with normal life. It feels good to take a good shower after a hospital stay and put the kids in the car and take off.
It feels good to clean my house.
It feels great be the chef in my kitchen and make yummy food for my kids! You know... set the table and serve my family.
I love to cook.
I love to do things around the house.
I love my life.
I love being a mom.
I love teaching my kids.
Hypokalemia is not going to keep me from all that. Life goes on.

G-d is my strength.
The love of my life.
He is the love that sustains me.