Yesterday I had planned to come home after work and catch up on my laundry, and then go to service, but I ended up at the hospital for the dreaded potassium fix.
That means that today is cleaning day.
Everything from the carpets to the fridge, the laundry... the car!!! Oh my gosh! YES! Gotta clean my car.
I think I have enough energy today to get things done, so I'll take advantage of that. Hopefully by 5pm I can lounge by the pool with the kids and maybe grill some salmon.
Ok. Time to get started!!!!
I've rested enough this morning.
I LOVE YOU HASHEM! YOU are my strength!
Sunday I'm just taking my kids to work with me and then head out to Sea World to see the 4th of July fireworks.
I always have to work on 4th of July and it's a bummer, but hey... I praise G-d for work. I praise G-d for provision. I praise G-d for strength to continue to work.
Some people don't know how I do it.
I know. I don't take a break after hospital stays and it's crazy, but I have to live. I have to continue with life.
I refuse to be stuck in a bed feeling sorry for myself.
That won't happen.
It feels really good to go on with normal life. It feels good to take a good shower after a hospital stay and put the kids in the car and take off.
It feels good to clean my house.
It feels great be the chef in my kitchen and make yummy food for my kids! You know... set the table and serve my family.
I love to cook.
I love to do things around the house.
I love my life.
I love being a mom.
I love teaching my kids.
Hypokalemia is not going to keep me from all that. Life goes on.
G-d is my strength.
The love of my life.
He is the love that sustains me.