After reading and reading, and some serious Bible study and all, I am mentally exhausted.
Bottom line... all we need to do is hold on to G-d with all of our hearts and our minds. What's going to happen is going to happen simply because G-d's Word is real.
A lot of stuff is out there that is a bit "off", but the information that is factual is accurate enough to keep us all on our toes.
After all, Yeshua encouraged us all to watch and pray.
Watch and pray...
That is key.
Perhaps as a mom, I will do my part in preparing my children in the knowlege of G-d's Word because after all, this is what they will be facing.
In fact... they will be facing this difficult reality more so than us.
This will be THEIR struggle.
This will be what THEY will go through and perhaps we have not done enough to prepare them.
Satan is on an everyday quest to destroy our children and our youth.
Ever wonder why?
If we take the time to prepare our children, pray over them, teach them about these things at a level that won't frighten them, but still retain a level of honesty... they will be the ones making sure that others know G-d's Word in the midst of chaos.
We will be passing on a torch of truth that nobody will be able to take away from their hands and most importantly, from their hearts.
It's as simple as teaching them how to pray.
It is as simple as teaching them about spiritual warfare.
It is as simple as teaching them about the power and authority that they have in the name of Yeshua.
It is this very authority and power that will protect them during the years to come, and as parents we will be held responsible before G-d for what we teach our children today.
Knowledge is the opposite of ignorance, and the Bible teaches us clearly that people perish because of their ignorance.
Pass it on to your children.
It's the best way to help them overcome.
Our job is to teach them the truth of G-d's Word and trust that this truth does not depart from them come what may.