The pool was delicious!
The day was beautiful!
The kids had fun!
What else can you ask for?
Now the kiddos are sleeping and we are just chillaxing! :)
G-d is awesome!
Claudia had her first REAL karaoke experience and I think that she did pretty good! :)
Single working mother of two taking over the world, one cup of tea at a time.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
I love G-d FOR REAL.
Do you love Him FOR REAL?
God's grace and mercy should not be used as an excuse to keep living sinful lives.
Do you love Him FOR REAL?
God's grace and mercy should not be used as an excuse to keep living sinful lives.
Royal Wedding...
My kids woke up early to watch the royal wedding, and my son couldn't help himself, "Eww, mom! Why are British people so ugly?"
Claudia then butts in... "Wow... I was thinking the exact same thing. I guess you have to be royalty to be good looking, 'cause everyone else is like... you know... a little bit of this... and a little bit of that..."
(whatever that meant, she had me rolling with laughter!)
Claudia then butts in... "Wow... I was thinking the exact same thing. I guess you have to be royalty to be good looking, 'cause everyone else is like... you know... a little bit of this... and a little bit of that..."
(whatever that meant, she had me rolling with laughter!)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Cookie Time!
On my way to buy baking stuff to bake cookies for my students!
They have two really big tests tomorrow and they studied really hard in class today, so they need a treat!
Ok. I'm on a cookie mission.
Zoom! Zoom!
Hmmm... Publix or Walmart?
Yeah... Publix!
In and out! Walmart is always chaotic.
They have two really big tests tomorrow and they studied really hard in class today, so they need a treat!
Ok. I'm on a cookie mission.
Zoom! Zoom!
Hmmm... Publix or Walmart?
Yeah... Publix!
In and out! Walmart is always chaotic.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Rumors of War
My ENTIRE family is coming over to watch this tonight. It will be streamed "live" from the website and only members will be allowed access.
As Jews, this concerns us and this is what we are preparing for.
As believers, G-d expects us to be ready. Not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually.
It's not death we fear, for we are not afraid to die for Yeshua.
We just have to do what HaShem has called us to do and speak His Word to everyone out there, Jews and Gentiles!
There is no time to waste.
Ladies and gentlemen... WE ARE the generation that WILL witness the return of Yeshua HaMashiach. He is on His way down and time is running out!
As Jews, this concerns us and this is what we are preparing for.
As believers, G-d expects us to be ready. Not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually.
It's not death we fear, for we are not afraid to die for Yeshua.
We just have to do what HaShem has called us to do and speak His Word to everyone out there, Jews and Gentiles!
There is no time to waste.
Ladies and gentlemen... WE ARE the generation that WILL witness the return of Yeshua HaMashiach. He is on His way down and time is running out!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Okelani's First Vet Visit
It was time for Okelani to get her shots and to visit the vet for the very first time!
The vet was super nice and took his time explaining everything to the kids.
The cost? $135 but all worth it for our new family member! :D
The vet was super nice and took his time explaining everything to the kids.
The cost? $135 but all worth it for our new family member! :D
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Rose of Sharon...
Song of Solomon
I am the rose of Sharon,
And the lily of the valleys.
Like a lily among thorns,
So is my love among the daughters.
I am the rose of Sharon,
And the lily of the valleys.
Like a lily among thorns,
So is my love among the daughters.
G-d Spoke to Me on This Fun and Awesome Day!
So I decided to show up at this church (ACOR) today with Claudia, after a REALLY long debate with G-d, but He sure had a lot of things to tell me at the altar, and so I am writing them down because I don't want to forget.
She said that she was seeing hot coal being placed over my mouth and that there was an angel with a very huge vase pouring something over my head.
She said that G-d wanted me to know that I am a precious pearl in His hands and that He has seen my heart and all the obstacles that the enemy has tried to place before me so that His purpose with me wouldn't be accomplished.
More was said... but I'm still sort of floating in the heavens, because for the first time I do feel that this message came straight from G-d. These people don't know me. They have no idea what I've been through.
They had no idea that I was given this exact message on several occasions by seve
ral unknown individuals at different stages of my life.
They had no idea that this message has been passed on to me since I accepted Yeshua into my heart at the age of eight.
A lot of people see in me whatever they want to see.
Most never take the time to take a deeper look.
So glad for Yeshua.
So glad to know that He knows me and that I am whoever He says that I am, and not whoever others think that I am.
I'm ready and willing.
After service we all had a little picnic time. We laughed bunches! Today was a blessed, fun and silly Sunday!
The kids had fun. We were all so blessed!
HaShem... You are simply amazing!
I love YOU!
This pastor (Yadira's Mom) placed her hands on me and almost immediately the presence of G-d was so strong that I could barely stand up. Claudia was right next to me, hanging on to dear life, because I could feel her getting weak on the knees too.
She said that she was seeing hot coal being placed over my mouth and that there was an angel with a very huge vase pouring something over my head.

She said that He said that from this moment on He would not allow anything else to get in the way of what He has called me to do. That He has separated me from the very beginning for something very important and that I am to preach His word. More words of enouragement came along with that, but then the attention turned towards Claudia.
She said that G-d was showing her how Claudia was a gift for me, and that she has a very close connection with Him, and that G-d was going to use her to encourage me along the way of what I am about to do (which I gather has to do with preaching His Word)and He would also use her talent to bring others to Him. Almost as though He was saying that we are a team.
She began to say that all the pain in our hearts and the heavy burden because of those who have hurt us was being removed and washed away. All things new, and that my heart was precious to Him.
That He knew my thoughts... but that His plan for my life will happen no matter what. That I had been separated from the very beginning and given many talents that I will get to use in full for His glory.
More was said... but I'm still sort of floating in the heavens, because for the first time I do feel that this message came straight from G-d. These people don't know me. They have no idea what I've been through.
They had no idea that I was given this exact message on several occasions by seve

They had no idea that this message has been passed on to me since I accepted Yeshua into my heart at the age of eight.
A lot of people see in me whatever they want to see.
Most never take the time to take a deeper look.
So glad for Yeshua.
So glad to know that He knows me and that I am whoever He says that I am, and not whoever others think that I am.
I'm ready and willing.
That's all I have to say.
Thank You Yeshua, for Your sacrifice. Thank You for rising up on the third day! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! After service we all had a little picnic time. We laughed bunches! Today was a blessed, fun and silly Sunday!
The kids had fun. We were all so blessed!
HaShem... You are simply amazing!
I love YOU!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Do You Think This Is a Joke Now?
My dad says that everything will start crumbling in May.
This is not a joke folks.
It's happening exactly as they have projected it would.
More so... it's happening exactly as my dad projected it would happen.
This is not a joke folks.
It's happening exactly as they have projected it would.
More so... it's happening exactly as my dad projected it would happen.
Stop Harassing My Kids!
Why can't people keep things simple?
It isn't about how much you have, or what you can show off.
It's about the blessings that G-d gives and how you can pass them on to others.
Stop the competition.
To this day, my kids have NEVER even had a Nintendo DS or a PSP. I invested on a Wii because it's great exercise and awesome FAMILY fun, but that's it.
They don't walk around with cell phones or with the most expensive clothes or tennishoes.
Ladies and gentlemen, except for when there is a special occasion, we shop at Target or at Wal Mart.
I am raising my children to be thankful for having clothes!
Every day I remind them of how rich we are in comparison to the rest of the world and THEY REALLY get it.
Yes, they've been made fun of by other kids who wonder why they don't carry around the usual gadgets, but they have learned how to deal with the peer pressure.
So I don't drive the most expensive car around... but I am richer than others because the car I drive is paid off. I don't owe it to the bank.
So I spend like $500 a year fixing whatever goes wrong with it, but that is better than spending $500 a month on car payments.
Please, don't harass my kids.
They are happy and they don't plug into "gadgets" to disconnect from their family. We have actual CONVERSATIONS in the car and we actually spend quality time together.
When their friends come over to play, they are not allowed a single moment in front of the television. Unless they are all watching a movie, they go OUTSIDE to play. They jump and run and swim! They tackle each other and roll all over the grass and the dirt... like normal kids should.
They are not parked in front of a video game console indoors, missing out on a beautiful blue sky and lovely day.
My kids actually read and not by force. They prefer "Books A Million" or the library to a movie theater. They prefer a new interesting book to a television show.
Do we go to Olive Garden once or twice a month? Of course! Spending $30-$40 on a nice and healthy family dinner is better than spending more than that several times a month at McDonald's! That stuff is junk!
My kids eat healthy!
If they can't eat healthy when we go out, then we wait to eat healthy at home.
Other than that, it's sandwiches and Caprisuns in an ice cooler in the trunk of the car until we can get to where we're going.
Life is expensive, but we have learned to balance it out.
You want to compete because you think that living in a six bedroom house makes ME rich?
Please climb down from your tree of ignorance and listen up.
You can live in a CAVE and if you are FREE of DEBT, you are among the richest in this world.
We don't live out of appearances.
We are hard working simple folks. We buy things cash. We don't believe in credit. We only take out loans that we can pay within the month, if an emergency shows up.
We are selective with our friends and standoffish at times, because we have learned time and time again that people who have taken interest in a friendship with us, have only done so thinking that they can get something from us. It's always the same. They go to our house and look around and next thing we know, they are quick to assume that we are ready to lend them money. If I were to count the times that this has happened to us, I'd be rich for real.
Yes, we are reserved.
That doesn't mean that we don't laugh or rejoice. That doesn't mean that we are missing out on anything.
That just means that we don't go with the flow because we have learned (the hard way) that the flow doesn't always do the G-dly thing.
Don't let the crowd pressure you.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
We do help others, and when we do, it's from our heart.
We are just not out there to let people try to make us feel less for being who we are.
Like I said, stop harassing my kids.
They love life.
They love their family.
Above all things, they love G-d.
They don't need to "compete" to be happy.
They are happy just as they are and their friends have actually learned from them quite a bit.
To the point that we have a full house of kids playing at our backyard every single afternoon, because their friends have finally realized what they've been missing.
The running, the tagging, the improvised soccer games, the fire pit and marshmallow and smores after dark... you get the point.
Give your kids the world.
Give them your time, your energy and as the parent, DISCONNECT them from the stuff that keeps them disconnected from YOU.
If you have to, drag them out of their routine and make them sit at the table with you as a family.
TURN OFF the television.
Make an EFFORT to have a conversation with your children.
You will be amazed at how much YOU have missed out on.
Next time you see my kids and YOUR kids make fun of them for not having a cell phone or a PSP... remember this. My kids have face to face conversartions with their friends and family. They don't need to text their way through life. When was the last time that YOU had that? If you are into texting your kids rather than cuddling with them, that's your problem.
Do my kids get cell phones when we go out to the parks? Yes. They have the famous "Firefly" which allows calls and texting ONLY to family members and to 911. It is so small that it goes on a keychain or around their neck. It looks like a trinket, so nobody has to even know that it's a cell phone. It also comes with the famous GPS "chaperone" service, which actually helps locate your child if they ever get lost or taken. All you do is program it to your phone and you get the exact location of where they are.
Very small and very inexpensive. I don't have to worry that someone is texting my kids with porn or that my daughter could meet a perv on Facebook.
Finally... get a life and let us live ours.
If you spend your time talking about me, it's definitely because my life is way more interesting than yours.
Why can't people keep things simple?
It isn't about how much you have, or what you can show off.
It's about the blessings that G-d gives and how you can pass them on to others.
Stop the competition.
To this day, my kids have NEVER even had a Nintendo DS or a PSP. I invested on a Wii because it's great exercise and awesome FAMILY fun, but that's it.
They don't walk around with cell phones or with the most expensive clothes or tennishoes.
Ladies and gentlemen, except for when there is a special occasion, we shop at Target or at Wal Mart.
I am raising my children to be thankful for having clothes!
Every day I remind them of how rich we are in comparison to the rest of the world and THEY REALLY get it.
Yes, they've been made fun of by other kids who wonder why they don't carry around the usual gadgets, but they have learned how to deal with the peer pressure.
So I don't drive the most expensive car around... but I am richer than others because the car I drive is paid off. I don't owe it to the bank.
So I spend like $500 a year fixing whatever goes wrong with it, but that is better than spending $500 a month on car payments.
Please, don't harass my kids.
They are happy and they don't plug into "gadgets" to disconnect from their family. We have actual CONVERSATIONS in the car and we actually spend quality time together.
When their friends come over to play, they are not allowed a single moment in front of the television. Unless they are all watching a movie, they go OUTSIDE to play. They jump and run and swim! They tackle each other and roll all over the grass and the dirt... like normal kids should.
They are not parked in front of a video game console indoors, missing out on a beautiful blue sky and lovely day.
My kids actually read and not by force. They prefer "Books A Million" or the library to a movie theater. They prefer a new interesting book to a television show.
Do we go to Olive Garden once or twice a month? Of course! Spending $30-$40 on a nice and healthy family dinner is better than spending more than that several times a month at McDonald's! That stuff is junk!
My kids eat healthy!
If they can't eat healthy when we go out, then we wait to eat healthy at home.
Other than that, it's sandwiches and Caprisuns in an ice cooler in the trunk of the car until we can get to where we're going.
Life is expensive, but we have learned to balance it out.
You want to compete because you think that living in a six bedroom house makes ME rich?
Please climb down from your tree of ignorance and listen up.
You can live in a CAVE and if you are FREE of DEBT, you are among the richest in this world.
We don't live out of appearances.
We are hard working simple folks. We buy things cash. We don't believe in credit. We only take out loans that we can pay within the month, if an emergency shows up.
We are selective with our friends and standoffish at times, because we have learned time and time again that people who have taken interest in a friendship with us, have only done so thinking that they can get something from us. It's always the same. They go to our house and look around and next thing we know, they are quick to assume that we are ready to lend them money. If I were to count the times that this has happened to us, I'd be rich for real.
Yes, we are reserved.
That doesn't mean that we don't laugh or rejoice. That doesn't mean that we are missing out on anything.
That just means that we don't go with the flow because we have learned (the hard way) that the flow doesn't always do the G-dly thing.
Don't let the crowd pressure you.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
We do help others, and when we do, it's from our heart.
We are just not out there to let people try to make us feel less for being who we are.
Like I said, stop harassing my kids.
They love life.
They love their family.
Above all things, they love G-d.
They don't need to "compete" to be happy.
They are happy just as they are and their friends have actually learned from them quite a bit.
To the point that we have a full house of kids playing at our backyard every single afternoon, because their friends have finally realized what they've been missing.
The running, the tagging, the improvised soccer games, the fire pit and marshmallow and smores after dark... you get the point.
Give your kids the world.
Give them your time, your energy and as the parent, DISCONNECT them from the stuff that keeps them disconnected from YOU.
If you have to, drag them out of their routine and make them sit at the table with you as a family.
TURN OFF the television.
Make an EFFORT to have a conversation with your children.
You will be amazed at how much YOU have missed out on.
Next time you see my kids and YOUR kids make fun of them for not having a cell phone or a PSP... remember this. My kids have face to face conversartions with their friends and family. They don't need to text their way through life. When was the last time that YOU had that? If you are into texting your kids rather than cuddling with them, that's your problem.
Do my kids get cell phones when we go out to the parks? Yes. They have the famous "Firefly" which allows calls and texting ONLY to family members and to 911. It is so small that it goes on a keychain or around their neck. It looks like a trinket, so nobody has to even know that it's a cell phone. It also comes with the famous GPS "chaperone" service, which actually helps locate your child if they ever get lost or taken. All you do is program it to your phone and you get the exact location of where they are.
Very small and very inexpensive. I don't have to worry that someone is texting my kids with porn or that my daughter could meet a perv on Facebook.
Finally... get a life and let us live ours.
If you spend your time talking about me, it's definitely because my life is way more interesting than yours.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Claudia LOVES Okelani!
A preview of Claudia's Bat Mitzvah black and white pictures.
Desperate here to post them, but as always... good things take time and we just have to wait.
Another day... thank You Yeshua for making my days so special.
Every day that I can seek your mercy, forgiveness, love, wisdom and strength is another blessed day.
I love You Yeshua.
I love You Ruach HaKodesh
I love You HaShem.
As imperfect as I am, I truly love You.
You see my flaws and yet You love me right through them and take the time to correct me.
I'm still learning, and that's ok, I guess.
Not quite there yet, but definitely not where I was before.
Avanzando voy... como dice la cancion.
Poquito a poco, pero avanzando! Amen!
You are awesome my King!
Every day that I can seek your mercy, forgiveness, love, wisdom and strength is another blessed day.
I love You Yeshua.
I love You Ruach HaKodesh
I love You HaShem.
As imperfect as I am, I truly love You.
You see my flaws and yet You love me right through them and take the time to correct me.
I'm still learning, and that's ok, I guess.
Not quite there yet, but definitely not where I was before.
Avanzando voy... como dice la cancion.
Poquito a poco, pero avanzando! Amen!
You are awesome my King!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
That's all I have to say.
Feeling blessed that we are Spanish/Caribbean Sephardic Jews.
Rice, beans, plantains and lots of veggies and fruits to ease the pain.
Who needs bread... right?
Beans and Matzah.
One gives you the runs and the other constipation.
What a perfect match.
That's all I have to say.
Feeling blessed that we are Spanish/Caribbean Sephardic Jews.
Rice, beans, plantains and lots of veggies and fruits to ease the pain.
Who needs bread... right?
Beans and Matzah.
One gives you the runs and the other constipation.
What a perfect match.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Happy Pesach! Hoy es UNA NOCHE DIFERENTE!
Hag Sameach! Next year in Jerusalem!
Rose, Claudia and Ricardo!
Rose, Claudia and Ricardo!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
My Bat Mitzvah Girl
All I have to say is that it turned out better than we expected. We had 15 guests in total and although small and intimate, it was beautiful in all of its simplicity.
Claudia was so happy! She just glowed. My parents bought her a Torah scroll and she was so excited! We did the ceremony as a family because Claudia's birthday always falls too close to Pesach, so synagogues are mega booked with special activities and churches are mega booked with Easter plans.
I have to say that the experience was so uplifting that we felt the presence of G-d so strong! Two people came to know the L-rd after Claudia's message, and wow! To think that G-d totally took over is just awesome!
Claudia preached about how ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they decide to follow G-d, and so her message was based on the story of Ruth.
It took her like a month to research and pray and ask me for a bit of help here and there, but she did most of it and frankly, it left us all in awe! Wow!
It was testimony after testimony and HaShem was glorified!
We had set a place for Him at our table, and we just knew that He was there in person.
The way everything turned out, G-d was in the center of it all! Hallelujah.
Dad cried... a lot, and after crying he decided to preach a sermon! I have it on video, but have not posted it yet. I will do that after Pesach.
G-d is awesome. Simply awesome!
My princess loved her Bat Mitzvah! I am such a proud mommy!
Claudia was so happy! She just glowed. My parents bought her a Torah scroll and she was so excited! We did the ceremony as a family because Claudia's birthday always falls too close to Pesach, so synagogues are mega booked with special activities and churches are mega booked with Easter plans.
I have to say that the experience was so uplifting that we felt the presence of G-d so strong! Two people came to know the L-rd after Claudia's message, and wow! To think that G-d totally took over is just awesome!
Claudia preached about how ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they decide to follow G-d, and so her message was based on the story of Ruth.
It took her like a month to research and pray and ask me for a bit of help here and there, but she did most of it and frankly, it left us all in awe! Wow!
It was testimony after testimony and HaShem was glorified!
We had set a place for Him at our table, and we just knew that He was there in person.
The way everything turned out, G-d was in the center of it all! Hallelujah.
Dad cried... a lot, and after crying he decided to preach a sermon! I have it on video, but have not posted it yet. I will do that after Pesach.
G-d is awesome. Simply awesome!
My princess loved her Bat Mitzvah! I am such a proud mommy!
Okelani is Home! Yay!
Yes! She is here and Claudia is so happy! Okelani is still getting used to her surroundings, but she slept so good last night in Claudia's bed with Claudia! Those two have bonded quite well. Next week I have to take Okelani in for her shots and everything else that goes with that.
It was hard for her family to say goodbye... but Claudia will be taking her over there when she goes to visit with her friends Annyris and Jessica!
It was hard for her family to say goodbye... but Claudia will be taking her over there when she goes to visit with her friends Annyris and Jessica!
Maya says goodbye to her pup. Awww!!!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Full Schedule Ahead!
Ok. Today is HAIR day.
Claudia and I have hair appointments with Rocio and we are on a mission!
First, while Claudia and Janielly hang out, I help Carmen out with something she needed done for today.
Then we take off from there and do a quick lunch, and finally get our hair done.
Holy cow...
We have a full schedule ahead!
Hallelujah! You are good to us HaShem! We love You Almighty G-d for You restore all things and make ALL things GOOD!
Ok. Today is HAIR day.
Claudia and I have hair appointments with Rocio and we are on a mission!
First, while Claudia and Janielly hang out, I help Carmen out with something she needed done for today.
Then we take off from there and do a quick lunch, and finally get our hair done.
Holy cow...
We have a full schedule ahead!
Hallelujah! You are good to us HaShem! We love You Almighty G-d for You restore all things and make ALL things GOOD!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Okelani is Coming Home Tomorrow! Yay!
Rocio is giving Claudia one of Maya's puppies!
She is soooo ready to finally get her Shih tzu, oh my gosh.
I'd be surprised if Claudia gets any sleep tonight. She has been waiting for this puppy forever! LOL
So as most of you know my parents and I went crazy getting her all the puppy stuff she needed. A puppy stroller, a puppy playpen (it's huge, but we'll take pictures of her in it tomorrow) and all the other fun stuff that comes with being a new pet owner!
Rocio is giving Claudia one of Maya's puppies!
She is soooo ready to finally get her Shih tzu, oh my gosh.
I'd be surprised if Claudia gets any sleep tonight. She has been waiting for this puppy forever! LOL
It is Rocio's birthday gift for Claudia and wow, we just want to say THANK YOU so much Rocio and Jessica! You guys are awesome!
Check it out! Is she ready for her new puppy or what? LOL!
Up and Outta Here!
It's almost 5:30 a.m. and I am already up, ready for breakfast and ready for work. Gotta go teach a class in Kissimmee today.
Alrighty then!
Thank You G-d for a new day and for Your BLESSINGS! :-)
Alrighty then!
Thank You G-d for a new day and for Your BLESSINGS! :-)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
USGS for April 13, 2012
This has been going on since 2 a.m. All I want to do is bring my brother, his wife and kids to Florida, but my brother wears many hats. He is a missionary, a soldier, a business owner...
They just bought the most beautiful house and he is not about to leave everything and come here.
Dear L-rd, please be with Your people and protect them.
Protect my family Abba.
In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, amen.
They just bought the most beautiful house and he is not about to leave everything and come here.
Dear L-rd, please be with Your people and protect them.
Protect my family Abba.
In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, amen.
Dear Claudia
Happy Birthday.
I love you. You have taken my heart to places it never knew before.
My whole life changed for the better because of you and I am proud to call you my daughter.
Ye'simech Elohim ke-Sarah, Rivka, Rachel ve-Leah.
Yevarech'echa Adonai ve-yish'merecha.
Ya'eir Adonai panav eilecha viy-chuneka.
Yisa Adonai eilecha, ve-yaseim lecha shalom.
Te amo!
Monday, April 11, 2011
This is What a Bat Mitzvah Is
People can do all the Sweet 16's and quinceaneros they want... but Claudia agrees with me. She wouldn't trade her Bat Mitzvah for anything that resembles a secular festivity. Even some Bat Mitzvahs have become just that. Of course, this is because of secular Jews who only show up at temple during High Holidays.
You can introduce a girl to society at the age of 15 or 16, but when you introduce a 12 year old girl to G-d's commandments and to the responsibilities that go with that, the end result is the biggest blessing ever.
You can introduce a girl to society at the age of 15 or 16, but when you introduce a 12 year old girl to G-d's commandments and to the responsibilities that go with that, the end result is the biggest blessing ever.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
It's About Him
It will be an intimate family celebration, so although small, it will be very special.
We will be thanking G-d for Claudia's 12 years.
It will be a night of praise and worship, prayer, blessings and great food!
Most of all, it will be a night when we re-dedicate Claudia to the L-rd.
With G-d as our guest of honor for this special occasion, I know that it will be memorable for her.
She will read a portion of the Torah, and she will preach about memorable women in the Bible, such as Ruth, Hannah and Esther. Then she will read her letter of gratitude to G-d.
She has been working on it for the past few days, and I know that Claudia has a lot to thank G-d for.
Claudia's Hebrew name is Ayelet, which means "musical instrument," as in Psalms 22:1 and I'll be talking a bit about that.
As Messianic Jews we will also be taking "santa cena" at home as a family. Most Messianic Jews do this, and we are not the exception. As part of this celebration we simply cannot leave out the importance of Yeshua's sacrifice, and Claudia needs to understand the importance of what He did for us.
Then of course prayer will follow, along with blessings and dinner.
This is not about how pretty or perfect, or fancy or expensive it all turns out to be. Of course we have strived to give her a memorable evening and I did save myself a great deal of money thanks to G-d's unfailing wisdom.
However, this is about Claudia's heavenly Abba and about her current and future reltionship with Him.
It's about teaching her how to place G-d first in her life.
While other people focus on parties, dj's and big events with lots of guests, we wanted to put our focus on what's really important. Of course, after this dinner, once Pesach is over, Claudia will have the opportunity to have a blast with her friends at a waterpark resort in Orlando, which I think is way more fun! It will be an awesome pajama party for Claudia, her friends and of course, for us moms too!
Our priority right now?
For who would we be without Him?
Teaching never stops and even through a celebration we choose to teach the children in our family that their special day is not entirely about them, but also about the One who made it all possible.
Wow. I praise Him for my children.
I praise Him for the opportunity to honor Him through them.
G-d, we love You.
We will set a place for You at our table...
Thank You so much for Claudia's 12 wonderful years!
We will be thanking G-d for Claudia's 12 years.
It will be a night of praise and worship, prayer, blessings and great food!
Most of all, it will be a night when we re-dedicate Claudia to the L-rd.
With G-d as our guest of honor for this special occasion, I know that it will be memorable for her.
She will read a portion of the Torah, and she will preach about memorable women in the Bible, such as Ruth, Hannah and Esther. Then she will read her letter of gratitude to G-d.
She has been working on it for the past few days, and I know that Claudia has a lot to thank G-d for.
Claudia's Hebrew name is Ayelet, which means "musical instrument," as in Psalms 22:1 and I'll be talking a bit about that.
As Messianic Jews we will also be taking "santa cena" at home as a family. Most Messianic Jews do this, and we are not the exception. As part of this celebration we simply cannot leave out the importance of Yeshua's sacrifice, and Claudia needs to understand the importance of what He did for us.
Then of course prayer will follow, along with blessings and dinner.
This is not about how pretty or perfect, or fancy or expensive it all turns out to be. Of course we have strived to give her a memorable evening and I did save myself a great deal of money thanks to G-d's unfailing wisdom.
However, this is about Claudia's heavenly Abba and about her current and future reltionship with Him.
It's about teaching her how to place G-d first in her life.
While other people focus on parties, dj's and big events with lots of guests, we wanted to put our focus on what's really important. Of course, after this dinner, once Pesach is over, Claudia will have the opportunity to have a blast with her friends at a waterpark resort in Orlando, which I think is way more fun! It will be an awesome pajama party for Claudia, her friends and of course, for us moms too!
Our priority right now?
For who would we be without Him?
Teaching never stops and even through a celebration we choose to teach the children in our family that their special day is not entirely about them, but also about the One who made it all possible.
Wow. I praise Him for my children.
I praise Him for the opportunity to honor Him through them.
G-d, we love You.
We will set a place for You at our table...
Thank You so much for Claudia's 12 wonderful years!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Visual Styles

Of course, this decision of hers had me pulling my hairs out of my head, because a Spring birthday is colorful and full of life! To take black and white pictures would be to literally "kill" the momentum.
Well, thanks to the digital era, we were able to compromise.
She can have her black and white pics once they have been edited, and I can have my colorful ones! Yay!.
We are going retro either way. The color technique we requested is known as vintage style. The pictures are supposed to look as though they were taken back in the 70's. Therefore they will be more fuzzy than sharp, more worn out than anything.
This is the Weekend to Relax!
With Claudia's birthday next week, this is the weekend to relax!
I still have not ordered the wine. Oy.
Ok. Let me go ahead and do that. They have a really good winery here in Central Florida. Just need to make sure that they have what I want. If not, I suppose that any light and fruity blush wine will do.
Holy cow. Look at the time! Gotta make lunch!
I still have not ordered the wine. Oy.
Ok. Let me go ahead and do that. They have a really good winery here in Central Florida. Just need to make sure that they have what I want. If not, I suppose that any light and fruity blush wine will do.
Holy cow. Look at the time! Gotta make lunch!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Government IS BROKE! Why Should Our Troops Pay the Price?
Well, this is where we know that the worst to come has begun.
As all these events unfold before us, we need to cling on to G-d.
HOW DARE HE (President Obama) threaten to veto a bill to fund the troops?
Shame on him! Shame on him for daring to do such a thing!
Dear Government and Dear President,
If you feel the need to stop paying our military personnel, then I think you should feel the need to stop paying yourselves. I'd like to see you support your family without a pay check! By the way, maybe if you take your pay check down to less than $100K it would help some of the budget issues in America. I'd like to see you survive on enlisted military personnel pay!
As all these events unfold before us, we need to cling on to G-d.
HOW DARE HE (President Obama) threaten to veto a bill to fund the troops?
Shame on him! Shame on him for daring to do such a thing!
Dear Government and Dear President,
If you feel the need to stop paying our military personnel, then I think you should feel the need to stop paying yourselves. I'd like to see you support your family without a pay check! By the way, maybe if you take your pay check down to less than $100K it would help some of the budget issues in America. I'd like to see you survive on enlisted military personnel pay!
Cheeseburgers for Lunch
Everybody eats lunch in the lanai when it's nice and sunny! See those tomatoes? They were from our garden and were super delicious!!! Yum!
Claudia's Necklace
Well, here it is! Claudia designed it with help from her friend Annyris, and Diana Crockett custom created it! It's sooooo pretty and it comes with a matching bracelet! It's only missing the star of David in the center, but that will be placed on later. The flowers appear larger than they really are. They are small and delicate and she made them out of crystal. The yellowish stones are actually very small tiger eyes.
Awesome piece of work! Diana Crockett is the best when it comes to customized jewelery.
Awesome piece of work! Diana Crockett is the best when it comes to customized jewelery.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Splash Time After Homeschool!
Yeah, it was that kind of day today! He he he he! FUN!!!!!
From the last picture you can probably gather that Ricardo almost gave me a heart attack... but after giving him the "eye" he was clear about NO back flips on the shallow end of the pool. :-)
I freaked out... but you can clearly see Claudia freaking out even more in the background! LOL
From the last picture you can probably gather that Ricardo almost gave me a heart attack... but after giving him the "eye" he was clear about NO back flips on the shallow end of the pool. :-)
I freaked out... but you can clearly see Claudia freaking out even more in the background! LOL
Shine Where You Are!
Wherever I go and no matter what I am doing during the day, G-d always opens a door for me to minister to someone!
Somehow I end up praying for them whether at a store, or over the phone, or online... everyday it's someone new!
Time really flies when you are busy doing what G-d has asked you to do.
My abuelita always told me that we have to shine for G-d right where we are!
Well, let's keep shining for His glory!
Somehow I end up praying for them whether at a store, or over the phone, or online... everyday it's someone new!
Time really flies when you are busy doing what G-d has asked you to do.
My abuelita always told me that we have to shine for G-d right where we are!
Well, let's keep shining for His glory!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Look At This Pic
Remember how a couple of days ago I posted another map and said that there is way too much pressure on either side of the fault above PR? Well, here is another pic, this one from today.
Just finished talking to my brother. There were almost 40 tremors along the north last night and it's still going on.
The fact that they are to the north out at sea really gives me the creeps. That can only mean that if the fault gives, the potential for a tsunami is extremely high.
People in Puerto Rico are not ready for what's coming.
They really aren't.
L-rd, I pray that You please protect your people from what is about to take place. Please put your angels around them and keep them from harm.
In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, amen.
Enrique told me that he might make it for Claudia's birthday. That would be awesome! I pray that he does. I pray that they ALL do.
Just finished talking to my brother. There were almost 40 tremors along the north last night and it's still going on.
The fact that they are to the north out at sea really gives me the creeps. That can only mean that if the fault gives, the potential for a tsunami is extremely high.
People in Puerto Rico are not ready for what's coming.
They really aren't.
L-rd, I pray that You please protect your people from what is about to take place. Please put your angels around them and keep them from harm.
In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, amen.
Enrique told me that he might make it for Claudia's birthday. That would be awesome! I pray that he does. I pray that they ALL do.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Menu (Continued)
So here is the menu...finally!
No hors d'oeuvres (appetizers)! This is fine dining, not the 4th of July.
Appetizers are meant for six to eight hour events where people need a snack to hold them until the meal is served.
With an event that will take less than four hours, all you need is soup or salad to get started so that you don't spoil your appetite and feel stuffed halfway through the meal. In our case, we opted for salad. This is followed by the main course, and finally at the end we have tea with very light sandwiches, mini pastries or a light fruit tart to satisfy our craving for something sweet. Nothing too heavy. Tea helps settle the stomach after a delicious meal, especially in the late evening hours.
We are Jewish... so while the kids have a nice glass of sparkling grape juice (red or white), the adults in the house will enjoy a glass or two of Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé WITH our meal. That's our limit since wine is a flavor enhancer not intended to be taken in excess. A lot of people out there have no clue that wine contains medicinal properties. Wine contains resveratrol and polyphenol which have been found to fight cancer, lower cholesterol and even reduce the pain of arthritis. When taken in moderation, it does the body good! Yeshua Himself drank wine... and I'm sure that He never got tipsy. Moderation is the key. A glass or two on special occasions.
Salad: Strawberry-avocado spinach salad with poppyseed dressing. Yum!
For the kids if they don't feel like spinach... FRUIT! This is how it will be served. Fun, right?
Main Dish (Two options will be offered)
Option 1: Filet Mignon
Option 2: Grilled Mediterranean fish
Both will be served with lemon-herb roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus, (with a side of chimichurri sauce for the filet mignon, and a side of lemon sauce for the fish).
Dessert/Tea Time
We like to have tea time after dinner, so tea cucumber sandwiches will be served along with a delectable lemon tart, cheese pastries and of course, Claudia's cupcakes!
Tea Flavors: We will have several options to choose from. All will be fruity herbal teas.
So here is the menu...finally!
No hors d'oeuvres (appetizers)! This is fine dining, not the 4th of July.
Appetizers are meant for six to eight hour events where people need a snack to hold them until the meal is served.
With an event that will take less than four hours, all you need is soup or salad to get started so that you don't spoil your appetite and feel stuffed halfway through the meal. In our case, we opted for salad. This is followed by the main course, and finally at the end we have tea with very light sandwiches, mini pastries or a light fruit tart to satisfy our craving for something sweet. Nothing too heavy. Tea helps settle the stomach after a delicious meal, especially in the late evening hours.
We are Jewish... so while the kids have a nice glass of sparkling grape juice (red or white), the adults in the house will enjoy a glass or two of Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé WITH our meal. That's our limit since wine is a flavor enhancer not intended to be taken in excess. A lot of people out there have no clue that wine contains medicinal properties. Wine contains resveratrol and polyphenol which have been found to fight cancer, lower cholesterol and even reduce the pain of arthritis. When taken in moderation, it does the body good! Yeshua Himself drank wine... and I'm sure that He never got tipsy. Moderation is the key. A glass or two on special occasions.
Salad: Strawberry-avocado spinach salad with poppyseed dressing. Yum!
For the kids if they don't feel like spinach... FRUIT! This is how it will be served. Fun, right?
Main Dish (Two options will be offered)
Option 1: Filet Mignon
Option 2: Grilled Mediterranean fish
Both will be served with lemon-herb roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus, (with a side of chimichurri sauce for the filet mignon, and a side of lemon sauce for the fish).
Dessert/Tea Time
We like to have tea time after dinner, so tea cucumber sandwiches will be served along with a delectable lemon tart, cheese pastries and of course, Claudia's cupcakes!
Tea Flavors: We will have several options to choose from. All will be fruity herbal teas.
Planning is DONE, and the order is in! Claudia wants filet mignon, we'll give her filet mignon! LOL
Me: Claudia, we are special ordering your menu. What would you like the main entree to be?
Claudia: Filet Mignon
Me: Ok... I thought we were doing the Mediterranean thing.
Claudia: Yes, but we need two options. Not everybody is going to eat Mediterranean. Sooooo we can special order Filet Mignon AND grilled Mediterranean fish with aged sherry-vinegar-tarragon vinaigrette.
Me: Huh? Say whaaaaat? Says who????
Claudia: Bobby Flay
Me: (Deep sigh, moving my hands like I'm Italian)... and who is that?
Claudia: "Food Network Mom ... Food Network!"
Me: "Ok. I'll go grab a knife and you go get the fishing rod. While I kill the neighbor's cow, you can go to the lake and catch some fish! I'm on a budget here!!!"
Claudia: Filet Mignon
Me: Ok... I thought we were doing the Mediterranean thing.
Claudia: Yes, but we need two options. Not everybody is going to eat Mediterranean. Sooooo we can special order Filet Mignon AND grilled Mediterranean fish with aged sherry-vinegar-tarragon vinaigrette.
Me: Huh? Say whaaaaat? Says who????
Claudia: Bobby Flay
Me: (Deep sigh, moving my hands like I'm Italian)... and who is that?
Claudia: "Food Network Mom ... Food Network!"
Me: "Ok. I'll go grab a knife and you go get the fishing rod. While I kill the neighbor's cow, you can go to the lake and catch some fish! I'm on a budget here!!!"
See This Picture?
This picture tells me that something is about to go down. There is pressure on both sides of the fault... and it's about to jolt.
Let me call my brother.
I hope I'm wrong... but I seriously don't like the look of it.
I give it a month... maybe less.
People in PR are not ready.
They just aren't.
Let me call my brother.
I hope I'm wrong... but I seriously don't like the look of it.
I give it a month... maybe less.
People in PR are not ready.
They just aren't.
REALLY OLD Pictures of My Family
Here they are... my beautiful aunts, my handsome uncles, my dad, my grandpa, and my gorgeous grandmother!
My abuelita is already in her mid 90's and very well alive. We still have her with us and she is still very beautiful, but wow! She was something else in her days! My grandpa's favorite pastime was taking pictures of her! LOL!
She is my dad's mom and I named my daughter after her... Claudia.
This first one is a picture of my grandparents and my uncles.
My abuelita is already in her mid 90's and very well alive. We still have her with us and she is still very beautiful, but wow! She was something else in her days! My grandpa's favorite pastime was taking pictures of her! LOL!
She is my dad's mom and I named my daughter after her... Claudia.
This first one is a picture of my grandparents and my uncles.
This second picture is my daddy!!!!
This is my uncle! He is not that serious... trust me!
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