This pastor (Yadira's Mom) placed her hands on me and almost immediately the presence of G-d was so strong that I could barely stand up. Claudia was right next to me, hanging on to dear life, because I could feel her getting weak on the knees too.
She said that she was seeing hot coal being placed over my mouth and that there was an angel with a very huge vase pouring something over my head.

She said that He said that from this moment on He would not allow anything else to get in the way of what He has called me to do. That He has separated me from the very beginning for something very important and that I am to preach His word. More words of enouragement came along with that, but then the attention turned towards Claudia.
She said that G-d was showing her how Claudia was a gift for me, and that she has a very close connection with Him, and that G-d was going to use her to encourage me along the way of what I am about to do (which I gather has to do with preaching His Word)and He would also use her talent to bring others to Him. Almost as though He was saying that we are a team.
She began to say that all the pain in our hearts and the heavy burden because of those who have hurt us was being removed and washed away. All things new, and that my heart was precious to Him.
That He knew my thoughts... but that His plan for my life will happen no matter what. That I had been separated from the very beginning and given many talents that I will get to use in full for His glory.
More was said... but I'm still sort of floating in the heavens, because for the first time I do feel that this message came straight from G-d. These people don't know me. They have no idea what I've been through.
They had no idea that I was given this exact message on several occasions by seve

They had no idea that this message has been passed on to me since I accepted Yeshua into my heart at the age of eight.
A lot of people see in me whatever they want to see.
Most never take the time to take a deeper look.
So glad for Yeshua.
So glad to know that He knows me and that I am whoever He says that I am, and not whoever others think that I am.
I'm ready and willing.
That's all I have to say.
Thank You Yeshua, for Your sacrifice. Thank You for rising up on the third day! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! After service we all had a little picnic time. We laughed bunches! Today was a blessed, fun and silly Sunday!
The kids had fun. We were all so blessed!
HaShem... You are simply amazing!
I love YOU!