Single working mother of two taking over the world, one cup of tea at a time.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sonic Boom
Just set my alarm to ring ten minutes prior to Endeavor's sonic boom. Moving the puppy into my room. I'm not dying of a heart attack at 2:30 a.m. and neither is the dog.
Girl's Night Out!
So after a REALLY long day at work, Mrs. Carmen, Janielly, Tania and I went to Abuelo's restaurant for dinner. It was delish.
Great laughs! LOL! Here are pics of the three of them. Of course, I am always behind the camera... 'cause that's my rule! LOL!
Great laughs! LOL! Here are pics of the three of them. Of course, I am always behind the camera... 'cause that's my rule! LOL!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day SPLASH!
Memorial Day was spent with our family. While my parents lounged in the lanai, my kids and Emma had a huge splash day! Everything from water balloon fights, to slip and sliding and of course, swimming.
Ahhhh... this is the life, and we praise G-d for it.
Ricardo got Claudia good with his balloon bombs! LOL and let me tell you... the more I saw him aim and hit, the more I considered the possibility of having him join a baseball team. Hmmm... let's see what happens. :D

Ahhhh... this is the life, and we praise G-d for it.
Ricardo got Claudia good with his balloon bombs! LOL and let me tell you... the more I saw him aim and hit, the more I considered the possibility of having him join a baseball team. Hmmm... let's see what happens. :D
Memorial Day
As we remember our fallen soldiers and veterans and spend time with our families, let's give G-d thanks for all of His blessings! We are blessed to live in the United States of America and we are proud of the brave men and women who are willing to risk their lives to protect ours.
Proud of our soldiers!!!
Now, it's off to Publix to get some beef franks! We are pulling out the grill, kicking back by the pool and enjoying Memorial Day with friends and family.
We are blessed.
We are truly blessed.
Proud of our soldiers!!!
Now, it's off to Publix to get some beef franks! We are pulling out the grill, kicking back by the pool and enjoying Memorial Day with friends and family.
We are blessed.
We are truly blessed.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Off to church and then to Downtown Disney. We are still deciding where to go for an early dinner.
Ricardo does not tolerate "themed" restaurants with moving animals and noises, so I am guessing that we can probably go to Fulton's Crab House.
Claudia has this thing for their filet mignon, and Ricardo loves their salmon. Mimi loves steak too, so let's see what she wants.
Yeah. Ok. Sounds like a plan.
A nice relaxing dinner at Fulton's and a late evening stroll enjoying the shops and the boardwalk.
This is vacation.
Next week it's off to Coco Key Resort to hang out with friends!
Loving it!
Ricardo does not tolerate "themed" restaurants with moving animals and noises, so I am guessing that we can probably go to Fulton's Crab House.
Claudia has this thing for their filet mignon, and Ricardo loves their salmon. Mimi loves steak too, so let's see what she wants.
Yeah. Ok. Sounds like a plan.
A nice relaxing dinner at Fulton's and a late evening stroll enjoying the shops and the boardwalk.
This is vacation.
Next week it's off to Coco Key Resort to hang out with friends!
Loving it!
Midlife Texting Codes
Yeah. Ok. I am 40... so not exactly sure that I need these until I hit 50! LOL!
ATD at the doctor.
BFF best friend fell.
BTW bring the wheelchair.
BYOT bring your own teeth.
FWIW forgot where I was.
GGPBL gotta go, pacemaker battery low.
GHA got heartburn again.
IMHO is my hearing aid on?
LMDO laughing my dentures out.
OMMR on my massage recliner.
ROFLACGU rolling on floor laughing and can't get up.
TTYL talk to you louder!
ATD at the doctor.
BFF best friend fell.
BTW bring the wheelchair.
BYOT bring your own teeth.
FWIW forgot where I was.
GGPBL gotta go, pacemaker battery low.
GHA got heartburn again.
IMHO is my hearing aid on?
LMDO laughing my dentures out.
OMMR on my massage recliner.
ROFLACGU rolling on floor laughing and can't get up.
TTYL talk to you louder!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
So now at home my son has decided that he is going to build a small scale time machine and prove that Einstein's theory of relativity...E=MC2, is REAL.
I, of course, get all excited when he is in "physics mode" and decide to show him this video, and wow... his response?
"I already knew that Mom. What I want to do is find a way to speed photons to the point of stopping time altogether making it possible to travel from one point to another. What seems like years to you will only be seconds to me."
... and so this is the part when I start quietly freaking out.
Ricardo is smart for his age... but I am his teacher and I have not taught him a thing about photons yet.
His obsession with dinosaurs could have a lot to do with his obsession with time travel, and the whole antimatter talk?
Ok then.
Time to take him to a basketball game and get him a bit distracted!
My kid needs to be a kid before he starts building a time machine! LOL!
So now at home my son has decided that he is going to build a small scale time machine and prove that Einstein's theory of relativity...E=MC2, is REAL.
I, of course, get all excited when he is in "physics mode" and decide to show him this video, and wow... his response?
"I already knew that Mom. What I want to do is find a way to speed photons to the point of stopping time altogether making it possible to travel from one point to another. What seems like years to you will only be seconds to me."
... and so this is the part when I start quietly freaking out.
Ricardo is smart for his age... but I am his teacher and I have not taught him a thing about photons yet.
His obsession with dinosaurs could have a lot to do with his obsession with time travel, and the whole antimatter talk?
Ok then.
Time to take him to a basketball game and get him a bit distracted!
My kid needs to be a kid before he starts building a time machine! LOL!
Movie with a MENU! Downtown Disney Here We Come!
Tonight we have dinner while we watch a great movie at Downtown Disney! This is the BEST idea ever! Pirates of the Caribbean it is!!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Shabbat Shalom Y'all
Ultra busy day today! Wow.
I am so tired.
Glad to be home with the kiddos and the family relaxing.
Soon it will be Shabbat...YES!!!
Shabbat Shalom Y'all!
Enjoy your three day weekend!
The swimming pool was AWESOME!
Ahora que llegue toda la lluvia que quiera! Let it rain! Let it rain!
I am so tired.
Glad to be home with the kiddos and the family relaxing.
Soon it will be Shabbat...YES!!!
Shabbat Shalom Y'all!
Enjoy your three day weekend!
The swimming pool was AWESOME!
Ahora que llegue toda la lluvia que quiera! Let it rain! Let it rain!
Magnetic Pole Shift
Magnetic North keeps moving causing climatic changes that are wayyyy too obvious to ignore! They have already confirmed that this was responsible for the death of thousands of birds and fish all over planet. Here in the US the severe tornadoes and the whole thing with the Mississippi River have plenty to do with it.
Albert Einstein was sooooooo incredibly right.
With the magnetic poles moving and with that HUGE hole in the magnetic field, a solar flare (which is said to strike like within a year) can happen!
Wow. Most of these videos are from January and February... and look at what is happening NOW! This is pretty impressive and it is all happening so fast.
As a science freak, this is all so exciting! This subject has fascinated me all of my life! None of this stuff scares me. I post anything I can find because I am seeing history in the making and it all signals to the fact that Yeshua is on His way!!!
Albert Einstein was sooooooo incredibly right.
With the magnetic poles moving and with that HUGE hole in the magnetic field, a solar flare (which is said to strike like within a year) can happen!
Wow. Most of these videos are from January and February... and look at what is happening NOW! This is pretty impressive and it is all happening so fast.
As a science freak, this is all so exciting! This subject has fascinated me all of my life! None of this stuff scares me. I post anything I can find because I am seeing history in the making and it all signals to the fact that Yeshua is on His way!!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wow! It's HOT
As soon as I got out of work I called Mom and asked her to pull out the grill. You know it's hot when the grill comes out!!!!
I threw myself into the pool with my kids and the water was soooooo delicious and refreshing! Perfect for such a HOT afternoon!
Ricardo loves it when I make raspberry vinaigrette marinated steaks.
They are his favorite!
Gotta love my little (big) boy!!!
Then it was mini brownie bites with milk! Nooooo, those were not all for him. He got to share them with the chocaholics in this family (except Claudia since she cannot have chocolate).
I threw myself into the pool with my kids and the water was soooooo delicious and refreshing! Perfect for such a HOT afternoon!
Ricardo loves it when I make raspberry vinaigrette marinated steaks.
They are his favorite!
Gotta love my little (big) boy!!!
Then it was mini brownie bites with milk! Nooooo, those were not all for him. He got to share them with the chocaholics in this family (except Claudia since she cannot have chocolate).
I am simply amazed.
Yesterday my day was incredibly blessed.
Wendy's pastor showed up at my classroom and after talking to me for a bit prayed for me.
As she prayed the L-rd used her to speak to my heart.
She said, "Your love for G-d is passionate and He honors that."
Yes it is.
When people use church as a social club or as a place to simply "show off" it angers me. It's not about just shining in church.
One must be willing to shine EVERYWHERE for the L-rd... and this starts n the home with your own family, your neighbors... STRANGERS! We must minister wherever we go!
Yesterday was just blessed.
The experience we had with new people we met simply baffled not only Rocio and Iris, but me as well. G-d is getting His people together and preparing them for what is coming. Hallelujah!
I'll blog about that later. Today I have a long day at the school.
Yesterday my day was incredibly blessed.
Wendy's pastor showed up at my classroom and after talking to me for a bit prayed for me.
As she prayed the L-rd used her to speak to my heart.
She said, "Your love for G-d is passionate and He honors that."
Yes it is.
When people use church as a social club or as a place to simply "show off" it angers me. It's not about just shining in church.
One must be willing to shine EVERYWHERE for the L-rd... and this starts n the home with your own family, your neighbors... STRANGERS! We must minister wherever we go!
Yesterday was just blessed.
The experience we had with new people we met simply baffled not only Rocio and Iris, but me as well. G-d is getting His people together and preparing them for what is coming. Hallelujah!
I'll blog about that later. Today I have a long day at the school.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Off to work, then to the massage spa with friends and finally back home to homeschool the kiddos.
Today is a short school day for my my kids and my students.
Bible study tonight! Ohhhh yeah!
Looking forward to that s well! :)
Loooove Wednesdays!
"Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard, that the everlasting G-d, the L-RD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary" there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength."
Isaiah 40:28-29
Today is a short school day for my my kids and my students.
Bible study tonight! Ohhhh yeah!
Looking forward to that s well! :)
Loooove Wednesdays!
"Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard, that the everlasting G-d, the L-RD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary" there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength."
Isaiah 40:28-29
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Eat, Pray, Laugh!
We ate, prayed and had great laughs!
Rocio made the most amazing guacamole EVER!!! Yummy!
Good times among friends. I never knew that you could make avocados ripe in the microwave! Here is Rocio trying to do just that! Who knew, right?
Tomorrow we all meet again! :)
Lots of blessings coming our way and we all have to seize the day!!! I'll meet with them after work.
My students have a short day tomorrow.
Monday, May 23, 2011
This Is Why Israel CANNOT Go Back to Pre-1967 Borders!
Please watch this and pass it on to as many people as POSSIBLE!!!
I stand with my people!
Do you?
I stand with my people!
Do you?
My Dad Said It
Yeah. My dad said that this would happen in May. Wow.
Pretty accurate, as always. Click on the link next to the image for the full article.
Pretty accurate, as always. Click on the link next to the image for the full article.
Breakfast Fellowship with Friends
Today was a very blessed day and tomorrow will be even more blessed.
I'll be meeting very early with great friends for a fruity delicious breakfast, prayer time and fellowship.
I need to call Rocio and Iris to let them know that I'm making some Brie en Croute. We had the raspberry version of it last time and it was delish! This time around I might spice things up with a bit of jalapeno pepper jelly and almonds to give it a bit of a zing. It looks like Mom might join us as well and she loooooves my brie with the jalapeno jelly. It's her favorite :)
It will be nice. When Mom and Rocio get together to talk, it's a lot of fun! Last time at the hospital waiting room, it was great conversation and awesome wisdom from one to the other along with great laughs!
As we waited for Claudia to come out of surgery, having friends there made the nerves go away and time go by faster. True believers are there for one another in utmost sincerity and that makes a world of a difference.
Nothing like early prayer time with great women of G-d!
Gotta seize the day that the L-rd has made!
What G-d has been doing in each of our lives is simply AMAZING!
Thank You Abba.
You are simply WONDERFUL!
We love You and praise You our King!
I'll be meeting very early with great friends for a fruity delicious breakfast, prayer time and fellowship.
I need to call Rocio and Iris to let them know that I'm making some Brie en Croute. We had the raspberry version of it last time and it was delish! This time around I might spice things up with a bit of jalapeno pepper jelly and almonds to give it a bit of a zing. It looks like Mom might join us as well and she loooooves my brie with the jalapeno jelly. It's her favorite :)
It will be nice. When Mom and Rocio get together to talk, it's a lot of fun! Last time at the hospital waiting room, it was great conversation and awesome wisdom from one to the other along with great laughs!
As we waited for Claudia to come out of surgery, having friends there made the nerves go away and time go by faster. True believers are there for one another in utmost sincerity and that makes a world of a difference.
Nothing like early prayer time with great women of G-d!
Gotta seize the day that the L-rd has made!
What G-d has been doing in each of our lives is simply AMAZING!
Thank You Abba.
You are simply WONDERFUL!
We love You and praise You our King!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
My Birthday Gift!
My birthday gift???
Three tickets to see Blueman Group at the Aquos Sharp Theater! PONCHO section!!!!!!! Front and center!!!!
Ohhhhh yeahhh! LOL!!!
Not for this week, of course. Next week when Claudia is doing better. It is an interactive show! Soooo cool!
Ohhhhh my gosh! This is great!
Three tickets to see Blueman Group at the Aquos Sharp Theater! PONCHO section!!!!!!! Front and center!!!!
Ohhhhh yeahhh! LOL!!!
Not for this week, of course. Next week when Claudia is doing better. It is an interactive show! Soooo cool!
Ohhhhh my gosh! This is great!
Birthday Cake
Ha ha ha! My mom made us all laugh so hard!!!
See, she found "psycho" and her husband at Publix looking through the cake section. So she rushed to the counter to get a cake (huge no-no on Shabbat... but she had forgotten to get one because things have been a bit busy at home lately). Psycho's husband murmured something under his breath that she didn't quite understand (people rarely ever understand what he says anyways).
Mom's thoughts at the moment?
"Psycho looks really hungry. If I don't go ahead and order a cake now, I might not find anything here later!"
We were rolling with laughter when she told us.
We don't like making fun of people, but this person has behaved in such a low, ghetto and non Christian way that at this point it is ok to pray for her, but have a little fun too. LOL!!!
Geez... from what I've heard, she has been to like three "retiros" already, and she is either immune to G-d's voice or something! Right after she attends a retreat, she ends up doing something really low, ghetto, and evil. They just had another retreat last weekend and we can't help but wonder what kind of creepy evil thing she's gonna do next! LOL.
Carmen and I were talking in the car last night because she went to that retreat last weekend with Magali. LOL. Without going into detail, let's just say that we both had a really good laugh. LOL!
I need to breathe. We have laughed so hard! LOL!!! That was funny. :D
Time to continue celebrating my birthday and Dad's with our loved ones. Not only are we celebrating one more year of life, but also all the blessings that come with serving a true and faithful G-d.
Thank You Yeshua for loving us through EVERYTHING! We choose to love those who hate us. We choose to pray for those who think evil against us.
That is EXACTLY what You want us to do.
Not always easy... but not impossible.
Serving you is such a privilege.
See, she found "psycho" and her husband at Publix looking through the cake section. So she rushed to the counter to get a cake (huge no-no on Shabbat... but she had forgotten to get one because things have been a bit busy at home lately). Psycho's husband murmured something under his breath that she didn't quite understand (people rarely ever understand what he says anyways).
Mom's thoughts at the moment?
"Psycho looks really hungry. If I don't go ahead and order a cake now, I might not find anything here later!"
We were rolling with laughter when she told us.
We don't like making fun of people, but this person has behaved in such a low, ghetto and non Christian way that at this point it is ok to pray for her, but have a little fun too. LOL!!!
Geez... from what I've heard, she has been to like three "retiros" already, and she is either immune to G-d's voice or something! Right after she attends a retreat, she ends up doing something really low, ghetto, and evil. They just had another retreat last weekend and we can't help but wonder what kind of creepy evil thing she's gonna do next! LOL.
Carmen and I were talking in the car last night because she went to that retreat last weekend with Magali. LOL. Without going into detail, let's just say that we both had a really good laugh. LOL!
I need to breathe. We have laughed so hard! LOL!!! That was funny. :D
Time to continue celebrating my birthday and Dad's with our loved ones. Not only are we celebrating one more year of life, but also all the blessings that come with serving a true and faithful G-d.
Thank You Yeshua for loving us through EVERYTHING! We choose to love those who hate us. We choose to pray for those who think evil against us.
That is EXACTLY what You want us to do.
Not always easy... but not impossible.
Serving you is such a privilege.
Ok. So last night's GRADVENTURE was as crazy as it looks in the pics! LOL!!!
Had a blast with all the kids and fellow teachers: Wendy Neuman, Nestor, Mr. Valentin, Karlie, Janielly, Mrs. Carmen, Mrs. Nazario, Mr. Figueroa...we all had FUN!!! Today I am simply EXHAUSTED!
By the time Carmen drove me home it was like 2 a.m., but we had awesome laughs. Good times!
Glad that today is Shabbat.
Time to REST!
Had a blast with all the kids and fellow teachers: Wendy Neuman, Nestor, Mr. Valentin, Karlie, Janielly, Mrs. Carmen, Mrs. Nazario, Mr. Figueroa...we all had FUN!!! Today I am simply EXHAUSTED!
By the time Carmen drove me home it was like 2 a.m., but we had awesome laughs. Good times!
Glad that today is Shabbat.
Time to REST!
Oh my goodness.
Another failed prediction by some ridiculous person who had nothing better to do but think that he could outsmart G-d when it comes to the UNKNOWN time of His Son's return.
Ugh! So much ignorance!
Why can't these people read their Bibles? The truth is THERE!
But ohhhh no. They choose to follow the teachings of some old man who took his calculator one day and decided that 2 plus 2 equaled... I don't know... the end of the world?!?!
Son ciegos guias de ciegos. En serio! Uy!!!!!
Another failed prediction by some ridiculous person who had nothing better to do but think that he could outsmart G-d when it comes to the UNKNOWN time of His Son's return.
Ugh! So much ignorance!
Why can't these people read their Bibles? The truth is THERE!
But ohhhh no. They choose to follow the teachings of some old man who took his calculator one day and decided that 2 plus 2 equaled... I don't know... the end of the world?!?!
Son ciegos guias de ciegos. En serio! Uy!!!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Birthday Field Trip!
Today it's off to Universal Studios with my eigth graders! Whooo hooo!
I'm so tired already.
Mom is home from being in Virginia and Washington D.C. so she will be taking care of my kiddos who are totally bummed because they don't get to go.
Claudia can't go ANYWHERE for at least a week and Ricardo is just upset that I have to spend my birthday elsewhere, but I have to go.
Mrs. Carmen has already purshased my ticket and as tired as I am, my students need their teacher there. :)
Only eigth graders get to enjoy Universal's Gradventure this afternoon and tonight! Yup.
Since we'll be home like around 3 a.m. (according to Mrs. Carmen and the staff), my big celebration will have to wait.
It's a special number!!!
I have lived 40 spectacular years and it only gets better from here!
For forty... I'm a babe! LOL!
LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH... but above all things ACKNOWLEDGE the giver of life! HaShem!
Claudia's Hospital Stays
Last week's stay was of four days, almost five... and this week it was also four days.
We are just glad to be sleeping in our own beds tonight!
The hospital staff was simply wonderful to Claudia and made her stay as comfortable and as bearable as possible. No kid wants to be stuck in a hospital room, but the Child Life personnel always found ways to keep Claudia's days interesting.
There were lots of arts and crafts, pet therapy (Claudia got to see puppy Aluzia twice!), volunteers came and took her to the play room to do her hair and nails (purple and green :P) and R2D2 from Star Wars came in to pay her a visit!
That was FUN! I am a Star Wars freak (and Star Trek... and Transformers... yeah... I'm a geek) so when I saw him rolling down the hallway I immediately went for the camera! Oh my goodness! Claudia loved the visit, but I went nuts over it! Ha ha ha! I did manage to keep my cool but deep down I was like, "Holy cow! Is this for real???? R2D2 is HERE! OH MY GOODNESS! It's him! it's him!" My dad couldn't believe it either! LOL. Here is the video!
May the force be with y'all!
We are home now! Hallelujah!
Thank You Heavenly Father for seeing Claudia through all of this. Thank You for all the wonderful doctors, nurses and new friends we both made. Thank You Abba because in You there are no coincidences and because You used this experience for Your GLORY!
Even Claudia was able to recognize this as well.
We praise You! We love You. Thank You for taking such great care of my princess.
In Yeshua's Name,
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