Last week's stay was of four days, almost five... and this week it was also four days.
We are just glad to be sleeping in our own beds tonight!
The hospital staff was simply wonderful to Claudia and made her stay as comfortable and as bearable as possible. No kid wants to be stuck in a hospital room, but the Child Life personnel always found ways to keep Claudia's days interesting.
There were lots of arts and crafts, pet therapy (Claudia got to see puppy Aluzia twice!), volunteers came and took her to the play room to do her hair and nails (purple and green :P) and R2D2 from Star Wars came in to pay her a visit!
That was FUN! I am a Star Wars freak (and Star Trek... and Transformers... yeah... I'm a geek) so when I saw him rolling down the hallway I immediately went for the camera! Oh my goodness! Claudia loved the visit, but I went nuts over it! Ha ha ha! I did manage to keep my cool but deep down I was like, "Holy cow! Is this for real???? R2D2 is HERE! OH MY GOODNESS! It's him! it's him!" My dad couldn't believe it either! LOL. Here is the video!
May the force be with y'all!
We are home now! Hallelujah!
Thank You Heavenly Father for seeing Claudia through all of this. Thank You for all the wonderful doctors, nurses and new friends we both made. Thank You Abba because in You there are no coincidences and because You used this experience for Your GLORY!
Even Claudia was able to recognize this as well.
We praise You! We love You. Thank You for taking such great care of my princess.
In Yeshua's Name,