Thursday, May 26, 2011


I am simply amazed.

Yesterday my day was incredibly blessed.

Wendy's pastor showed up at my classroom and after talking to me for a bit prayed for me.
As she prayed the L-rd used her to speak to my heart.

She said, "Your love for G-d is passionate and He honors that."

Yes it is.

When people use church as a social club or as a place to simply "show off" it angers me. It's not about just shining in church.
One must be willing to shine EVERYWHERE for the L-rd... and this starts n the home with your own family, your neighbors... STRANGERS! We must minister wherever we go!

Yesterday was just blessed.
The experience we had with new people we met simply baffled not only Rocio and Iris, but me as well. G-d is getting His people together and preparing them for what is coming. Hallelujah!

I'll blog about that later. Today I have a long day at the school.