Sunday, July 31, 2011



A deal on the debt limit, praise the L-rd!

Now we just have to wait for it to be voted through.


Watching Fareed Zakaria's GPS on CNN... and his material is excellent, but his voice is so monotonous! In order to stay awake I have to pair up his program with caffeine.

Today's program is excellent. I agree that damage is already done.
Even if the White House comes to an agreement, the good rep with other countries is literally gone.

If we as a country cannot get our stuff together, how can they trust us to pay up?


Saturday, July 30, 2011

America in Crisis

If this issue in Washington is not resolved, and our government defaults... social security and disability checks won't go out.

There is no money, people!

We should, as a people, garnish the wages of EVERY SINGLE politician in the White House!

If we took at least fifty percent of what each of them make... we might be able to take this country out of this huge debt.

So sick of these people.

I am not sad for those who take advantage of the system.
I am sad for all the seniors and all the veterans who might be short changed in this process.

They better not cut corners when it comes to taking care of those who were pillars in building up this nation... and those who almost died defending it!

Deep down I am convinced that the "hidden" agenda here is to try to cause a revolution in this country that would further open doors for a New World Order. The weaker the United States becomes, the easier it will be to control.

The other very crazy idea that is circulating the net is that the government has spent an insane amount of money in trying to deal with a potential catastrophic event...
Then again, that is just blubber, but to me it has great potential to be true.

After what this government is doing to our country, I wouldn't be surprised.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Zoom! Zoom!

Taking off for an entire week with my kids. See y'all on the 3rd of August!

What the Bible Says...

 I am going to put together an entire blog and I will take the book of Revelation and explain it IN ORDER! You will see when I do, that most of what was prophecied in Revelation (also in Daniel and other prophecies) has already taken place. We are literally at the end of our rope, and YES, Israel will be a very big part of it... but  you will see exactly WHEN.

Revelation 6

The opening of the sixth seal suddenly brings the most amazing, surprising, world-awakening events in all of prophecy. These events are the milestone - the sign - that confirms the coming of the Kingdom of God in a way the whole world can neither ignore nor deny. All activity stops while mankind stares in amazed wonder:

12. And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood [dull red in color]; 13. And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth [there was a great meteor shower], even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together [the stars seemed to disappear]; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16. And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17. For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Wow... it can't get any clearer than that!  The kings of the earth, the rich men, the chief captains and the mighty men will hide themselves in the rocks of the mountains! Which is why thousands of bunkers are being built high up in the mountains for the ELITE and why so many of them are currently resigning from their positions, retiring or simply taking a convenient "vacation" around the time when the events take place.

Sure, most of it could be speculation... but after a bit of a research, I couldn't help but be alarmed at the amount of CEO's that have chosen to retire THIS year! Then you have celebrities... and the list keeps getting longer and longer.
I personally don't believe in the 2012 thing. I however, believe that something huge is about to happen THIS year, and that the majority of the world is totally clueless.

Could this really happen? What could cause the sun and moon to dim? What could cause a great meteor shower at the same time, and make the stars in the night sky seem to disappear? Even now clouds of dust in space prevent astronomers from viewing regions of the night sky. And it is dust or small particles shooting from space into our atmosphere that gives us most meteors.

For those of you who are visual learners... here you go.

Ahem... So, If This Dude Walks Out Now (to go hide in his bunker)... Who Takes His Place?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Deep Impact Coming Soon? You Decide...

It has long been known that Hollywood’s movie scheduling is, in reality, more like ‘predictive programming’. For instance, the Internet is humming with speculation that recent, seemingly unrelated events (and much covert planning), are in fact preparations for the imminent arrival of Comet Elenin—a scenario that precisely mirrors the storyline of the 1998 movie “Deep Impact”..

Here are just a few similarities:

The launch of the space shuttle Atlantis, meeting the Russians on the ISS.

Obama bringing home 33,000 troops.

Two weeks till USA budget solved. Obama and Congress fighting over it now.

The resignation of the “Secretary of Treasury” in August.

“The Messiah is the largest space vehicle ever constructed”—So is the ISS (Issa is Arabic for Jesus/Messiah).

August 16th: the date that Earth crosses Comet Honda’s orbital path, 0.082AU.

Wall clock set to 911 (WTC attack). Sept 11, 2011—Elenin closest point to the sun.

Elenin’s orbital path similar to comet in movie.

E.L.E. = Elenin (Extinction Level Event). Movie: a boy called Leo discovers comet with small telescope. Real life: Leonid Elenin discovers Elenin with small telescope. Comet discovered in Leo. (Some doubt Leonid Elenin actually exists, and that his name is code for the upcoming event)

More facts to consider:

We have two celestial objects heading toward Earth, that will come very close to us.

The governments of the world have been building 1000s of deep underground bunkers (D.U.M.B.s) for many years.

FEMA has been very busy, building ‘camps’ and has acquired millions of body bags. They are preparing for some big event. They are also stockpiling millions of tons of dried food and Fema is doing a massive drill on November 9, 2011

Black President and the first to discover the comet in the movie is Elijah Woods (called Leo)

There is growing evidence (Carl Johan Calleman) that the 2012 Mayan calendar endpoint may actually be October 28th 2011—very close to the time we pass though Elenin’s debris field.

NASA remove information pertaining to Elenin on their site and and all their employees received a personal letter.


It seems, the USA Congress is going to take a holiday in November! This is extremely very rare and hardly ever happens. They usually take their breaks in late December and return early January which the president kicks it off doing the State of the Union Address.

The military is mobilizing north in USA. They are moving heavy artillery North?, including much military equipment near the Canadian Border as reported by people observing the military movements in USA.

We see in the movie, there is no impact on Earth of the large Comet, (Read Elenin) but a smaller Comet hit the Earth ( read YU55 ).

However since we know they are building bunkers, I would think Elenin as well as smaller comets are probably not going to hit us and I suppose that they are building bunkers as protection against a meteor shower rather than the impact of a large comet. The people are trapped inside the bunkers if a large comet like Elenin hit the Earth, think for example of all the debris that can completely block the exits of a bunker. In my opinion, it is more likely, a massive meteor shower will hit the Earth, (perhaps with disastrous consequences? – I hope not -) Time will tell!

Explanation of the name Leonid: The Leonid is a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The Leonids get their name from the location of their radiant in the constellation Leo: the meteors appear to radiate from that point in the sky.

They tend to peak in November!

Many people do not believe in predictions and I will not say that the film is a reflection of what is currently going on and what we might expect, but it remains remarkably.


Draw your own conclusions...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Will This Country Default?


This country is being led by morons.

If this country defaults (it has NEVER happened before), it will become another Greece.
Do you see a revolution taking place?
If there is a default... you bet.

This is it folks.

My Dad was right on target!


We are ready for what's coming. We've been getting ready for months!

Are YOU ready?
Well, I sure hope so... because if you follow this blog you can definitely agree to the fact that I TOLD YOU SO!

Please pray...
it's about to get ugly out there.

Presidential Address Tonight at 9 PM

The President of the United States will address the nation tonight.

The Debt Ceiling Situation = Russian Roulette

Although I have a feeling that we are in for a very big surprise... and it's not going to be good.


These people are NOT going to get it together before the deadline. You'll see.

It's Lego Time!

On the floor playing Legos with my son and loving it!

Ricardo, mommy loves you!


I don't have to wonder much about who attempted to go into my Facebook account.

Guess some people are never going to change.

Thank goodness for security features which show the EXACT location of the person trying to break in. Well, the account was blocked. Had to change my password but it's ok.

Being that this person is once more on MANIC mode... I have no choice but to keep things safe... again.


Sunday, July 24, 2011


Mood: Pensive

How debt talks in the government are not really debt talks.
About how ELENIN is on its way... maybe in one piece or maybe all shattered... yet still on course.

How everything that we know... is not how we think it is.

How the next few months will probably be the most... unbelievable.

Midnight Splash!


Mood: Pensive

What am I thinking about?

The Plejaren.

Let's meet. Please!

It's time.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Change of Plans... Dinner Plans :(

Oh my goodness! Season's 52 is going to have to wait until next week :(

My daughter has begged me to host a pajama party for her and Kiannah... so it's Lemay's Pizza instead.

 LOL! Lo que hacemos las madres por nuestros hijos, verdad? What us mommies do for our kids, right? Ni modo.

Cancelled my reservations!
Next weekend it is... and NO PAJAMA party will keep me from the deliciousness of fine dining!

It's a Shabbat SPLASH Party! LOL!

So just as I was getting ready to grab a good book and lay low until the evening, the doorbell rang! A small group of friends and family showed up and of course... it was time for a pool party! :) The kids had fun and my sister Sally and her husband Jason made our day with their endless good humor! Loved it!
Now it's off to DINNER!!! Whooo hooo!


From left to right: Jason, Kiannah, Sally, Claudia, Emma and Ricardo!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Season's 52 Tomorrow Night! Yeah Baby!

We Kept Getting SPLASHED Over and Over!

Yeah! I scream like a crazy nut when I'm having fun! LOL!

We had lots of fun yesterday!
First we went to Macaroni Grill and had the most delicious lunch! Then for dessert we had the most delicious Ghiradelli Chocolate Cake! Yummmy!!!
Then we went to Sea World and it was awesome!
Finally we had a nice Asian dinner! :) Delicious!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Not sure where to take the kids today...

Chuck E Cheese?
Sea World?
An Aquatic Center?

Thinking... thinking...

Hair Blues!

It's summer time and I usually let my kid's hair go wild.
Why bother with hair stylists and treatments with all the sun exposure and pool chemicals?
Can't wait until a week before school to tame Claudia's hair again! I know that she has been having bad hair days and that her eyebrows are wild, but you know... her smile pretty much tells me that she is happy with herself.

I even asked.

"Mom", she said,"why do you worry about silly things like that? It's SUMMER! Let the frizz just... be!"

Glad she likes her "frizz" because I sure as heck don't like mine. My hair looks like a witch's underarm!

Patience... patience!
As soon as summer is at it's close, we shall tame the mane!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Dear Heavenly Abba...

I love You.

My life means absolutely nothing without You.

From the bottom of my heart,


Monday, July 18, 2011

A Bit of Summer Fun Left...

Planning Ricardo's birthday and some fun at Disney's Coronado Spring Resort with friends.


That and so many other things!

Let's get this going!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Explained

Ok... so I have not posted anything on this subject for a while because I decided to take a break to enjoy summer with my kids. Worrying about the coming economic woes would've ruined my mojo! LOL!
I promised myself that I would give my children the best summer EVER this year, and I am even planning on celebrating Ricardo's birthday a few weeks earlier.

Time is running out folks.

Food storage... savings... if you have not prepared yet, it is still not too late. If this time around the debt ceiling is not approved, things could get ugly very fast.
If it is approved, please understand that it would only be a patch. It's only a VERY TEMPORARY solution to a very HUGE problem.
It would put off the inevitable, but not for too long.
Here. Educate yourselves. This one is everywhere in the news because it concerns YOU!

The Girls and Their Loot! The Machine Was Rigged!!! LOL!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Zoom! Zoom!

Off to Millenia tonight for some blessed Shabbat time with friends! Then it's off to Festival Bay tomorrow with Lizette, her daughter Gianna, and Claudia for some Montecarlo fun! Whooo hooo!
Meanwhile, Ricardo has fun at Sea World with Sidney (Lizette's husband) and his son Alejandro!
Montecarlo is girly stuff. The boys don't dig that! LOL!

AWESOME times!

G-d is good!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Prayer Meeting

On my way to a prayer meeting in St. Cloud.

L-rd I am thirsty for You!
I am thirsty for Your Word... Your guidance... Your wisdom... Your EVERYTHING!

Really, REALLY need YOU Abba!

Please speak to my heart today, and tell me how to proceed with certain decisions I must make.

Love You L-rd!
You are My KING!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

So This Is Love...

A la verdad que desde que la recortaron no parece ni perra. Parece un mucaro...un ferret...un racoon... de todo menos una perrita! Por mi madre que quedo bien feita... pero igual la queremos! Ha ha ha!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kit Kat Blues!!!

This storm is keeping me from going to Walgreens to get a Kit Kat! LOL!

For real...

I want a Kit Kat and I want it NOW!!!!

I'm on a chocolate BINGE!!!

Holy chocolate cow!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Not All The Time We have Joys! Yet, We ALWAYS Have G-d's Love!

The kids and I are feeling so much better!
We were craving watermelon today and so I took off to buy whatever I could find in Publix.

Totally exhausted after last night. Just hope we can go to bed early tonight.

We all need to sleep really good.
Tomorrow I have a lot of things to do.

You know... the good thing about serving a great big G-d is that He always finds ways to cheer us up regardless of what people around us do.

It's as if He says, "It's ok. I see and know everything. Please don't feel so sad because I love you very much and everything is going to be alright."

So without further worries life goes on.
The truth is that some people are never going to change.
Sad, but true.

Since happiness is a CHOICE... I choose to be happy.
My kids deserve joy in their lives and whether people have "issues" or not, my goal in life is to give my kids a happy life.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

School Shopping

It has been a wonderful summer so far.
This is where we've been forced by a sniffles attack to stop and rest.
We needed it.

This is our shopping week anyways...

School shopping.

It's gonna be an interesting week alright! LOL.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's a Sniffles Kind of Day

Tucked in bed with my two pookies.
We are soooo sick with the sniffles!

It's time for some chicken soup... like PRONTO!!!
That and some awesome tea!
Hey... why not?
We can have a sniffles tea party! LOL!
Gotta make it somewhat fun, right?
Alright... it's a sniffles tea party in bed. :) LOL!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Okelani's First Haircut!

Oh my goodness! I walked into the pet groomers with a big ball of black fur and came out with the cutest salt & pepper puppy!
Okelani looks sooooooo cute!
Love her! They even gave her the cutest certificate! :)

Fun Times at Liki Tiki Polynesian Village!