It has long been known that Hollywood’s movie scheduling is, in reality, more like ‘predictive programming’. For instance, the Internet is humming with speculation that recent, seemingly unrelated events (and much covert planning), are in fact preparations for the imminent arrival of Comet Elenin—a scenario that precisely mirrors the storyline of the 1998 movie “Deep Impact”..
Here are just a few similarities:
The launch of the space shuttle Atlantis, meeting the Russians on the ISS.
Obama bringing home 33,000 troops.
Two weeks till USA budget solved. Obama and Congress fighting over it now.
The resignation of the “Secretary of Treasury” in August.
“The Messiah is the largest space vehicle ever constructed”—So is the ISS (Issa is Arabic for Jesus/Messiah).
August 16th: the date that Earth crosses Comet Honda’s orbital path, 0.082AU.
Wall clock set to 911 (WTC attack). Sept 11, 2011—Elenin closest point to the sun.
Elenin’s orbital path similar to comet in movie.
E.L.E. = Elenin (Extinction Level Event). Movie: a boy called Leo discovers comet with small telescope. Real life: Leonid Elenin discovers Elenin with small telescope. Comet discovered in Leo. (Some doubt Leonid Elenin actually exists, and that his name is code for the upcoming event)
More facts to consider:
We have two celestial objects heading toward Earth, that will come very close to us.
The governments of the world have been building 1000s of deep underground bunkers (D.U.M.B.s) for many years.
FEMA has been very busy, building ‘camps’ and has acquired millions of body bags. They are preparing for some big event. They are also stockpiling millions of tons of dried food and Fema is doing a massive drill on November 9, 2011
Black President and the first to discover the comet in the movie is Elijah Woods (called Leo)
There is growing evidence (Carl Johan Calleman) that the 2012 Mayan calendar endpoint may actually be October 28th 2011—very close to the time we pass though Elenin’s debris field.
NASA remove information pertaining to Elenin on their site and and all their employees received a personal letter.
It seems, the USA Congress is going to take a holiday in November! This is extremely very rare and hardly ever happens. They usually take their breaks in late December and return early January which the president kicks it off doing the State of the Union Address.
The military is mobilizing north in USA. They are moving heavy artillery North?, including much military equipment near the Canadian Border as reported by people observing the military movements in USA.
We see in the movie, there is no impact on Earth of the large Comet, (Read Elenin) but a smaller Comet hit the Earth ( read YU55 ).
However since we know they are building bunkers, I would think Elenin as well as smaller comets are probably not going to hit us and I suppose that they are building bunkers as protection against a meteor shower rather than the impact of a large comet. The people are trapped inside the bunkers if a large comet like Elenin hit the Earth, think for example of all the debris that can completely block the exits of a bunker. In my opinion, it is more likely, a massive meteor shower will hit the Earth, (perhaps with disastrous consequences? – I hope not -) Time will tell!
Explanation of the name Leonid: The Leonid is a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The Leonids get their name from the location of their radiant in the constellation Leo: the meteors appear to radiate from that point in the sky.
They tend to peak in November!
Many people do not believe in predictions and I will not say that the film is a reflection of what is currently going on and what we might expect, but it remains remarkably.