The kids had a wonderful Chanukah.
Their joy is mine as well.
What can I say...
G-d has been good.
Simplicity works for me.
Nothing complicated.
Just the basics.
The world of an aspie requires extra effort in the social part. My son is doing excellent in identifying social cues he often would miss.
We are doing much better.
I am proud of him.
Right now, truth lies in our hearts. We express it bluntly and honestly and not everyone out there digs that.
That's ok.
I imagine Yeshua being blunt and honest with the Pharisees... and trust me when I say that they didn't like that about him.
Then again, some of us were created to not care much about others opinions about us.
That's how we are bold enough to get a message across.
We are not afraid of stigmas. We are not afraid of what others may think.
Like Dr. Seuss once wrote:
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”