Yeah. At times we just need to take the initiative to make things right.
I don't like it when people get hurt by things that I say.
Other's opinions may not matter much to me... but hurting someone is not exactly my cup of tea.
Saying that you are sorry is a good way to let others know that you are not so high up on a pedestal that you can't express those words.
Saying that you are sorry and meaning it is perhaps the best way to start the new year.
Not everyone out there knows how to do that because they are prideful or whatever else.
Sometimes I can be a "cabeza de pollo" and say the stupidest things. Everyone is a "cabeza de pollo" at some point or another...
I just don't have a problem admitting it, while others can carry a chip on their shoulders forever.
Who wants that load? Really!
It's the G-d way, or the highway.
What's done is done and saying "I'm sorry" is all that's left to do.
Now, whether forgiven or not, I move on. It's a beautiful day.
Maybe I can sit outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and the warmth of the sun.
L-rd, please heal me and send me and my kids to Cuba.