Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Kids Traded a Movie Date For...

So I was dying to go see the Voyage of the Dawn Treader and I was feeling well enough to go to The Loop with the kids. As we were approaching The Loop they saw it!
Books A Million!

Claudia: "Mom, what if we just go there instead. We can always wait for the movie to come out on video."

Me: "You sure?"

Ricardo: "Yes Mom! We're sure! They have this new book on Oceanography that has all the blah blah blah blah blah... on the blah blah blah... and it shows pictures of the blah blah blah..."

Claudia: "Yeah Mom! I want another Judy Blume book and a Lego architectural guide so I can build the White House. It's so cool because blah blah blah and the pieces are blah blah blah blah blah, mounted on the blah blah blah blah blah..."

Of course... that's what I heard because my mind was simply stuck on... "I cannot believe that they would trade the newest Narnia movie for books. I just cannot believe that I won't get to see this movie today because they want to read books about FISH and LEGOS!"

My kids are nerds... just like their mother.
Narnia is going to have to wait, and G-d knows I won't go see it without my kids. It's a family movie... BAH HUMBUG!!!!