So my beautiful daughter wants a cupcake tree for her birthday and a fellow teacher, Mrs. Dartez, recommended that I contact Sweet Designs Kitchen in Hunters Creek.
Well, the price was right and all was wonderful until my mother saw pictures of the cupcake trees and said, "Please don't tell me that you are paying those people for something that I can do myself!"
My mom bakes.
Um... yeah... she is right.
This is actually very easy to do, and not only would I be saving money, but the cupcakes would taste absoultely delicious.
Mrs. Dartez had suggested keylime flavored cupcakes and Claudia loved that idea, but she also wants red velvet and vanilla and my mom can do all that! All we had left to do was choose the overall "look" of the cake which we could simply do by going over pictures on the internet. After looking at a gazillion pictures, Claudia found one that she REALLY liked. It is simple and delicate and it goes with the Spring theme!
Of course we would cover the tier with pretty pink paper and surround the edges with ribbon. This look is nice, but we can personalize it a bit. Just a litte bit. :-)