Going nuts with all the beautiful luminaries! So many to choose from for Claudia's birthday dinner! We are opting for the flickering LED lighted ones because they give the illusion of real flame without the fire risk. Soooo pretty! Now all we have to do is choose the design inserts.
Because it is spring, Claudia really likes the humming birds, the butterflies and the dragonflies. Of course, as part of the decoration, there will be smaller Star of David luminaries as well.
Claudia has decided that she prefers the French modern table setting rather than the French formal. It's an excellent choice. It's still formal and elegant, but it doesn't look overdone. I couldn't agree more. Elegance and simplicity go hand in hand. When it comes to classy, less is more. The votives and luminaries will double as party favors, as well as the place card holders.
The engraved silverware is a true relic, a gift from my grandmother to my mother, then from my mother to me, and it will be eventually passed on to Claudia. The silver is engraved with the family initials.
Yes, we are personalizing the event and letting G-d guide us. Not only are we honoring Claudia, but above all things, we are honoring our L-rd and Savior for all the wonderful blessings that He has poured over Claudia's life during the past 12 years. This will be a celebration of thanksgiving, and it will be beautiful in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach.
It will be an intimate formal dinner, with only family present. Yes, we are still sending out invitations. LOL. We just can't make up our minds! The templates are all soooo gorgeous!
Ok. Lots of planning to do!

Here are her dress options. She picked out several and now we are down to two. I like the longer dress, but the darker pink is pretty too. LOL!
After creating a poll online, lots of friends think that the longer dress is a perfect match. Hmmm... yeah! I agree!