Totally agree with this! Teachers in public schools are merely using the time to prep the kids for these standardized tests, but are no longer TEACHING.
My children take standardized testing once a year to ensure that their homeschooling is coming along, but what REALLY works in helping them pass is simply TEACHING my kids their regular class with no stress, and no rush.
By simply teaching them their regular curriculum, my kids always do great in their Stanford Tests because traditional teaching helps them a lot with critical thinking.
When teachers spend most of the school year trying to get the kids to pass these exams, kids simply bottle up formulas and concepts that they quickly forget!
Learning is a process that takes time, and every child is different. That is why plopping the exact same test on all these kids, will never address their individual needs.
Standardized testing has become a way to keep tabs on how a school and its teachers are performing. If in this process traditional teaching is compromised, then there is a huge problem with the public education system.
This is the movie that is creating the awesome movement! Kids need to learn deeply, think deeply and be creative!!!
This movie "Waiting for Superman" literally made me cry! Wow. The Public Education system TODAY (because this is not how it was years ago) is just horrible!
The worst part is that when kids finally get to college, they don't know how to cope with it either. Many who did not quit high school will end up quitting higher education altogether. That is just sad.