Step by step if we do as G-d requests, He takes control and makes it all work out.
Thank You Abba.
So here I am. Getting ready for a new week and hoping to resolve the forwarding address mistake these fellas made.
Now my letters are being flown into New Jersey and I need those urgently.
The Post Office first thing in the morning, and then the library so the kids can do their homeschool.
As soon as we get home, it's straight to the pool.
It's gonna be ultra hot tomorrow.
So glad for dinner with fellow believers last night.
It was special and very, very helpful.
G-d is a G-d of truth and He can see EVERYTHING.
Single working mother of two taking over the world, one cup of tea at a time.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Shape Ups: The Oil Spill of Fashion...
About a month ago I considered buying a pair and then I remembered how almost all the elderly people in the area wear them.
My legs hurt and I need to shape up, no doubt.
But I'm not that old yet.
Uh Uh.
About a month ago I considered buying a pair and then I remembered how almost all the elderly people in the area wear them.
My legs hurt and I need to shape up, no doubt.
But I'm not that old yet.
Uh Uh.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
When G-d's love and peace overwhelmes you, it is because He has You so hidden in the palm of His hand that nothing can hurt you. Nothing.
After all these tears from the past couple of days, HaShem poured down smiles!
Ahhh... how refreshing to know that we are all ONE in Yeshua and that when G-d speaks, it is REAL. VERY REAL.
He gently reminded me of His love and protection.
We don't have all the answers, but we know that He does.
That's enough for me.
Is it enough for you?
Abba... I love You my King.
After all these tears from the past couple of days, HaShem poured down smiles!
Ahhh... how refreshing to know that we are all ONE in Yeshua and that when G-d speaks, it is REAL. VERY REAL.
He gently reminded me of His love and protection.
We don't have all the answers, but we know that He does.
That's enough for me.
Is it enough for you?
Abba... I love You my King.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
They Are Gone
I finally went home and they were gone.
Jen left everything nice and clean and after checking the account they did pay the electric bill as I requested.
On Sunday when Rick told me that the check he got was going entirely towards his car payments, Jen saw the look on my face.
Jen right away said that they would pay it. Rick said nothing.
Jen knew better and did the right thing. I thank her for this.
The note they left on the counter read:
"Thank you for what you did right, and we forgive you for what you did wrong. I hope that you do the same for us."
With tears streaming down my face I read that note.
If what I did wrong involved telling the truth... then it's ok. I actually think that I did them a favor.
It's time to walk by faith and not by sight.
Quoting the Bible is not enough.
A true believer has to LIVE the Word of G-d because G-d cannot be fooled.
They helped with the July electric bill, but left me stuck with the one for August... and I wasn't even home for an entire week. What were these people doing all day? Turning on ALL the appliances? $255.88. My goodness gracious!
Jen left everything nice and clean and after checking the account they did pay the electric bill as I requested.
On Sunday when Rick told me that the check he got was going entirely towards his car payments, Jen saw the look on my face.
Jen right away said that they would pay it. Rick said nothing.
Jen knew better and did the right thing. I thank her for this.
The note they left on the counter read:
"Thank you for what you did right, and we forgive you for what you did wrong. I hope that you do the same for us."
With tears streaming down my face I read that note.
If what I did wrong involved telling the truth... then it's ok. I actually think that I did them a favor.
It's time to walk by faith and not by sight.
Quoting the Bible is not enough.
A true believer has to LIVE the Word of G-d because G-d cannot be fooled.
They helped with the July electric bill, but left me stuck with the one for August... and I wasn't even home for an entire week. What were these people doing all day? Turning on ALL the appliances? $255.88. My goodness gracious!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Dear Abba
Please Abba... please.
Please love me right now because I am heartbroken.
Abba... I trust You.
I simply trust You.
I don't get what other people do... but I get what You do.
This hurts, but it's ok.
You've got me, right?
You've got my kids... I know You do.
I just don't want anybody else to get hurt... especially if they love You like I do.
Please love me right now because I am heartbroken.
Abba... I trust You.
I simply trust You.
I don't get what other people do... but I get what You do.
This hurts, but it's ok.
You've got me, right?
You've got my kids... I know You do.
I just don't want anybody else to get hurt... especially if they love You like I do.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Is this how it feels?
I've been down this path before...
No. I am no fool.
But for G-d's sake ... one needs to pretend to be dumb sometimes.
I did my part and I feel proud of myself and good with G-d.
Behold, G-d is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the L-RD YAWEH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Isaiah 12:2-3
I've been down this path before...
No. I am no fool.
But for G-d's sake ... one needs to pretend to be dumb sometimes.
I did my part and I feel proud of myself and good with G-d.
Behold, G-d is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the L-RD YAWEH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Isaiah 12:2-3
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Letters to God... WOW!

Tonight as I was pondering on all the events of this week, my daughter suggested we watch a movie from Netflix. It was my time to choose, and on the new releases we noticed a movie called "Letters to God".
At first I thought it was a secular comedy, but this movie turned out to be EXACTLY what we needed to watch tonight.
It was filled with prayer and the presence of G-d was felt so strong through each and every scene that we cried almost through the entire thing.
A true story!
Filmed entirely in Florida.
The places were all too familiar to us.
The hospital.
The children's playground.
The letters to G-d... oh my goodness! Claudia has a diary that is all about letters to G-d. I've been writing letters to G-d since I was like ten!
This movie touched so many personal aspects of our lives that it was as if we were there... going through it again.
Claudia was sobbing so hard.
I was crying so intensely.
G-d used this movie to send a message to the three of us that was so deep, and so full of G-d's love!
G-d used this movie to tell us that no matter what happens, He will love us through it, but most of all... that He DOES read our letters! Hallelujah!
That really meant a lot to Claudia.
I have no words.
My best friend Marcos died of leukemia when he was 17, and I was his "Sam".
The kid in the movie looked so much like him! I mean... down to the bandanas!
Claudia had been diagnosed with a medulloblastoma several years ago... and when while watching the movie she said, "Look Mom. That's my hospital."
I couldn't help but respond, "No Claudia. That WAS your hospital. G-d healed you!"
So we cried even harder.
Then again words cannot express, so you all have to see it and experience it yourselves.
What an incredible movie! G-d's Word is everywhere in it. The Holy Spirit is felt all through it! Intense and precious... and filled with the presence of G-d!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Yeah... by the time we took this picture it was really dark and well... no flash and all. It's going to rain big time!!!
My kids are black! Oh my gosh! I am lobster red... but I tanned. Yup!
Love our tans. Love the way my skin feels and looks after being sun kissed!
Nice and smooth!
Now we are back at the condo doing laundry and getting ready to take off tomorrow.
The beach was awesome today.
The G-d I serve is real.
Hmmm... I wonder if I might need to stop somewhere for a few school supplies for the kids. I think we have everything, but I am almost certain that Claudia needs lined paper for her essays, and that Ricardo needs a handwriting workbook.
Cursive this year... yay!
On with life.
G-d's got me. G-d's got us.
Feels good to know that.
Claudia likes this picture. Bad quality I look like a boy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Bridge? NO WAY... OH NO WAY!!!
As most of you already know, I am terrified of highways and heights.
So much so, that I rarely travel and I NEVER fly. It took a bit of courage to drive all the way to Jacksonville.
Well, this is what happened to me today.
As I was headed to the zoo with the kids, I was paying more attention to the water around us than to what was out in the horizon.
Suddenly I hear Claudia shout, "MOM! Look at the cool bridge!"
As I looked at this thing and at the signs that said, "NO STOPPING ON BRIDGE" I freaked out. I was at the point of no return, and there was no way out of it!!!
I did my best to keep my kids from noticing that I entered my "panic" zone, but it was useless. The tears were already streaming down my face and I could barely breathe!
Prayed the whole way through this thing!
I knew that my car was not powerful enough to make it up that tall steep bridge! I turned off the a/c to see if I could give things a bit more power... but it was torment. My kids started asking me why I was crying and I just could barely talk. In all truth I think that I was about to faint when I finally saw the other side. LOL.
My only words to them were, "Just trying to get across... that's all."
Needless to say, we got back home on the ferry.

So much so, that I rarely travel and I NEVER fly. It took a bit of courage to drive all the way to Jacksonville.
Well, this is what happened to me today.
As I was headed to the zoo with the kids, I was paying more attention to the water around us than to what was out in the horizon.
Suddenly I hear Claudia shout, "MOM! Look at the cool bridge!"
As I looked at this thing and at the signs that said, "NO STOPPING ON BRIDGE" I freaked out. I was at the point of no return, and there was no way out of it!!!
I did my best to keep my kids from noticing that I entered my "panic" zone, but it was useless. The tears were already streaming down my face and I could barely breathe!
Prayed the whole way through this thing!
I knew that my car was not powerful enough to make it up that tall steep bridge! I turned off the a/c to see if I could give things a bit more power... but it was torment. My kids started asking me why I was crying and I just could barely talk. In all truth I think that I was about to faint when I finally saw the other side. LOL.
My only words to them were, "Just trying to get across... that's all."
Needless to say, we got back home on the ferry.

It's HOT
This has been a really hot day! Oh my goodness!
We opted out of the water park because the zoo had a splash zone, and we really don't want to go to the pool again.
I think that I might just crank the a/c while we watch Wipe Out tonight.
Tomorrow we go to the beach again!
Need the ocean!
Need the sand!
Need the waves!
Vacation is almost over, but it has been a blessed one!
G-d is sooooo good!
We opted out of the water park because the zoo had a splash zone, and we really don't want to go to the pool again.
I think that I might just crank the a/c while we watch Wipe Out tonight.
Tomorrow we go to the beach again!
Need the ocean!
Need the sand!
Need the waves!
Vacation is almost over, but it has been a blessed one!
G-d is sooooo good!
Jacksonville Day 5: The Zoo!
Well, it's been great. Today we went to the zoo and got to feed the giraffes!
I know that people my age get excited about other stuff (such as make up, hair, shopping,etc.), but life is about enjoying the simple things too.
Love simplicity.
Love G-d's creation!
Love giraffes!
They are so cute! REALLY cute!
Noah must have had such a hard time getting them into the ark! Can you imagine? He probably had an entire corner just for them. LOL!
Here are some pics!

I know that people my age get excited about other stuff (such as make up, hair, shopping,etc.), but life is about enjoying the simple things too.
Love simplicity.
Love G-d's creation!
Love giraffes!
They are so cute! REALLY cute!
Noah must have had such a hard time getting them into the ark! Can you imagine? He probably had an entire corner just for them. LOL!
Here are some pics!
“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”- 1 John 5:12
So glad to have You Yeshua!
You are our EVERYTHING!
You are our LIFE!
I know that things will be different when I get back home...
but I welcome the changes. It's time for a new job and You, my L-rd are the only one who knows where You will place me. All I ask dear Abba is that I don't have to commute an hour to get there. It's getting really difficult for me at this point.
Then again, I just have to continue trusting that our lives are in Your hands.
Todo obra para bien para aquellos que te aman mi Dios.
Yo te amo HaShem.
Yo te amo con todo mi corazon.
Time to get on with our day.
Thank You so much for Your peace my King.
Oh... and as silly as this seems... can you please tell a giraffe to come straight to me so I can feed it? I want awesome pictures today L-rd!
This time with my kids has been so precious, but please make the next two days EXTRA special Abba!
I have never seen a giraffe up close before, and I can't even remember the last time that I went to a REAL zoo!!!
Look at me. I am 39 years old and I feel like a kid, but that's a good thing, I guess. LOL!
I love You Abba.
Thank You for loving us through it all. Thank you for this peaceful and fun time that I get to spend with my kids. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Yours forever,
So glad to have You Yeshua!
You are our EVERYTHING!
You are our LIFE!
I know that things will be different when I get back home...
but I welcome the changes. It's time for a new job and You, my L-rd are the only one who knows where You will place me. All I ask dear Abba is that I don't have to commute an hour to get there. It's getting really difficult for me at this point.
Then again, I just have to continue trusting that our lives are in Your hands.
Todo obra para bien para aquellos que te aman mi Dios.
Yo te amo HaShem.
Yo te amo con todo mi corazon.
Time to get on with our day.
Thank You so much for Your peace my King.
Oh... and as silly as this seems... can you please tell a giraffe to come straight to me so I can feed it? I want awesome pictures today L-rd!
This time with my kids has been so precious, but please make the next two days EXTRA special Abba!
I have never seen a giraffe up close before, and I can't even remember the last time that I went to a REAL zoo!!!
Look at me. I am 39 years old and I feel like a kid, but that's a good thing, I guess. LOL!
I love You Abba.
Thank You for loving us through it all. Thank you for this peaceful and fun time that I get to spend with my kids. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Yours forever,
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Jax Vacation Day 4: Today We Relax
It's a beautiful day outdoors and I might take the kids to the pool later for a quick splash.
Today we relax.
I'll do laundry, clean, cook, and take an evening stroll later on.
My kids are just happy, all cozied up on the sofa reading their books.
Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day. We are going to the zoo and then we are hitting the water park. They're excited about that.
Me? I just want to feed the giraffes! LOL!
My sister had to be at a funeral today and she is home early with the baby. She is not feeling very good. She has had migraine headaches for two days now.
I'll watch the baby while she rests.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jax Vacation Day 3: St. Augustine!
Today we decided to go to St. Augustine and do it all! We visited the Castillo de San Marco, the Menendez Fort, the Colonial Spanish Quarter and the Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum of Oddities!
After all the History we went back to the condo and took a little break before going to the skate park so that Claudia could use her rip stick to her heart's content. Ricardo's reaction was priceless when he saw the park.
"Mom! She's going to kill herself! These are literally holes deep into the ground! They look like empty swimming pools! MOM!!!"
My reaction to his paranoia?
I kept myself cool, calm and collected... on the outside.
On the inside I was truly freaking out.
She had all the gear on and all, but these "whatever you call them" were pretty deep, so I was totally glad when the dude in charge told her that she should start at the "free style" section. Claudia was a bit upset because she wanted to do it all, but I was not ready. All I kept seeing were kids all over the place disappearing after dropping into one of them holes, and that was just too much for me to handle. She finally convinced me to let her go down the infamous "snake pit" and I agreed but prayed the entire time.
She did good.
With more practice I am sure that she could take on the half pipe, no sweat.
Ok. Had trouble with the blogger pic uploader, so I decided that the quickest way was to let Movie Maker do it's thing. It's not as good as I would've wanted it to be because I set it up for "auto movie", but it will do for now.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Jax Vacation Day 2: Atlantic Beach
Ohhhh my gosh! We had a blast at the beach!
My kids loved it!
We are so tired that at THEIR request (still can't believe it) we are not going to the skate park today. After taking a shower they both cozied up on the floor to read their books. Ricardo is into his dinosaurs and Claudia is into her American Girl series.
I'm just ready to post these pics and do some laundry.
Then, it's honey BBQ beef ribs for dinner! Yummy!

Yeah. I parked my stuff right next to the "Bay Watch" dude... just in case. LOL!
My kids loved it!
We are so tired that at THEIR request (still can't believe it) we are not going to the skate park today. After taking a shower they both cozied up on the floor to read their books. Ricardo is into his dinosaurs and Claudia is into her American Girl series.
I'm just ready to post these pics and do some laundry.
Then, it's honey BBQ beef ribs for dinner! Yummy!
Yeah. I parked my stuff right next to the "Bay Watch" dude... just in case. LOL!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Jax Vax Day 1: We Arrive at Lee's
We left the house at approximately 4:30 a.m.
It was the best decision ever! With the kids asleep in the backseat, the a/c off (no need for it early in the morning), the messianic praise and worship cd on, I was relaxed and ready for the road.
We arrived at approximately 8:30 a.m. after pulling over at a rest stop for bit.
After spending the morning with Lee and baby Angelee it started to rain, so we all decided that lunch and a movie would be a good relaxing start. Afterwards we went to Publix for some groceries and then came home and chillaxed.
I did the best I could to get some school work done, but I was soooo tired.
I don't like cell phone pics. They suck... but this is all I've got for now.
More vacation pics to come when I have the time. Right now I am just having too much fun to be logging on to a computer!
Hugs y'all!
It was the best decision ever! With the kids asleep in the backseat, the a/c off (no need for it early in the morning), the messianic praise and worship cd on, I was relaxed and ready for the road.
We arrived at approximately 8:30 a.m. after pulling over at a rest stop for bit.
After spending the morning with Lee and baby Angelee it started to rain, so we all decided that lunch and a movie would be a good relaxing start. Afterwards we went to Publix for some groceries and then came home and chillaxed.
I did the best I could to get some school work done, but I was soooo tired.
I don't like cell phone pics. They suck... but this is all I've got for now.
More vacation pics to come when I have the time. Right now I am just having too much fun to be logging on to a computer!
Hugs y'all!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ready! Ok!

I know. That was soooo cheerleader-ish, but hey. Got my tire.
Got my stuff packed. Mom helped.
Got my plan for the week all set up. Yeepee yay!
Got G-d.
Can't leave without G-d by my side!
Can't wait.
Vacation time!
I'm sooooo ready for this.
Bye bye Central Florida! See ya en una semana!
My kids are excited.
I'm going to have some fun with my babies! Love being a mom.
What a privilege.
Ok. Time to catch some Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.
Oh my gosh. I need a new tire.
Well... it's simply going to have to be a used tire this time around.
List of things to do today.
*Find a Used tire sale somewhere!
*Pack our stuff (bathing suits!!! Must not forget bathing suits)
*Go to Wal Mart (Jenn's list)
*Beach Umbrella anchor - buy one.
*Pay rent
*Call Sheraldi to see how her grandma is doing.
*Call Julito to see if Marilu had her baby already. She was about to pop.
*Call G-d. Yup. Use the direct line. I'm sooooo going to need Him today! :o)
Oki doki.
Time to get going.
Well... it's simply going to have to be a used tire this time around.
List of things to do today.
*Find a Used tire sale somewhere!
*Pack our stuff (bathing suits!!! Must not forget bathing suits)
*Go to Wal Mart (Jenn's list)
*Beach Umbrella anchor - buy one.
*Pay rent
*Call Sheraldi to see how her grandma is doing.
*Call Julito to see if Marilu had her baby already. She was about to pop.
*Call G-d. Yup. Use the direct line. I'm sooooo going to need Him today! :o)
Oki doki.
Time to get going.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
My friend Jenn just sent me this and I love it!
"It is victorious endurance, Christian steadfastness, the brave and courageous acceptance of everything life can do to us, and the transmuting of even the worst into another step on the upward way. It is the courageous and triumphant
ability to bear things, which enables a man to pass a breaking point and
not to break, and always to greet the unseen with a cheer."
She is right in saying that this is where we are in life right now.
"It is victorious endurance, Christian steadfastness, the brave and courageous acceptance of everything life can do to us, and the transmuting of even the worst into another step on the upward way. It is the courageous and triumphant
ability to bear things, which enables a man to pass a breaking point and
not to break, and always to greet the unseen with a cheer."
She is right in saying that this is where we are in life right now.
Sandra's Brain Fart
So... here we were planning this road trip to Virginia to pick up Sandra's car because she didn't want to leave it at the base for an entire year.
We were almost done trying to plan it all out when my mother asked the golden question, " So, where do we pick up the car keys?"
Yeah. For those of you who know my sister Sandra, I am sure that you guessed correctly.
She took both sets of keys with her on the ship. Right now her car keys are cruising somewhere near Pakistan, and she won't be able to mail them out until mid September.
Well. Huge brain fart.
Way to go Sandrita!
I guess it's just Jacksonville and St. Augustine for now! LOL!
The look on Mom's face was priceless.
Yeah. It really was. LOL!!!
I'm bummed, but more relaxed.
Ok. Back to my original plans.
We were almost done trying to plan it all out when my mother asked the golden question, " So, where do we pick up the car keys?"
Yeah. For those of you who know my sister Sandra, I am sure that you guessed correctly.
She took both sets of keys with her on the ship. Right now her car keys are cruising somewhere near Pakistan, and she won't be able to mail them out until mid September.
Well. Huge brain fart.
Way to go Sandrita!
I guess it's just Jacksonville and St. Augustine for now! LOL!
The look on Mom's face was priceless.
Yeah. It really was. LOL!!!
I'm bummed, but more relaxed.
Ok. Back to my original plans.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Going to St. Augustine, Newport News, Virginia and Washington D.C!!
Holy cow.
My vacation is going to be soooo incredibly busy!
Here is the thing...
As it turns out, I am going to Jacksonville to visit my sister at the base, but on my way we are making a small stop in St. Augustine to visit the beach, the fort and the Historic District.
So done with that, I have to go with Lee to Newport News, Virginia to get Sandra's car at the base over there. Lee will come back to Jacksonville and I will stay in Virginia to go to Colonial Williamsburg and while I'm at it, drive to Washington D.C. for a tour with the kids.
Am I going to be able to do that in one week and drive back and make it on time???
Oh my gosh.
Is that going to be possible?
Sheesh... I really need to think about this. I was kinda hoping for a relaxing week in St. Augustine, but Sandra was deployed to the Middle East, and Lee, who is back for a few weeks, is trying to get her stuff in order before being deployed again for an entire year!
Military life.
Military family.
It sucks sometimes, but if this is my chance of lifetime to go somewhere other than Florida, then let it be.
I'm going to be doing some serious driving and truth be told, I am terrified.
Then again, my kids and I really need this.
We seriously really do.
Sigh. Now Mom wants to go.
Triple sigh.
Let's do this.
I gotta go pack.
My vacation is going to be soooo incredibly busy!
Here is the thing...
As it turns out, I am going to Jacksonville to visit my sister at the base, but on my way we are making a small stop in St. Augustine to visit the beach, the fort and the Historic District.
So done with that, I have to go with Lee to Newport News, Virginia to get Sandra's car at the base over there. Lee will come back to Jacksonville and I will stay in Virginia to go to Colonial Williamsburg and while I'm at it, drive to Washington D.C. for a tour with the kids.
Am I going to be able to do that in one week and drive back and make it on time???
Oh my gosh.
Is that going to be possible?
Sheesh... I really need to think about this. I was kinda hoping for a relaxing week in St. Augustine, but Sandra was deployed to the Middle East, and Lee, who is back for a few weeks, is trying to get her stuff in order before being deployed again for an entire year!
Military life.
Military family.
It sucks sometimes, but if this is my chance of lifetime to go somewhere other than Florida, then let it be.
I'm going to be doing some serious driving and truth be told, I am terrified.
Then again, my kids and I really need this.
We seriously really do.
Sigh. Now Mom wants to go.
Triple sigh.
Let's do this.
I gotta go pack.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My Provision (Part 2)
G-d HAS provided.
Let me just say that my previous encounter with G-d did not end at the Home Depot parking lot. That afternoon G-d kept speaking to me and loving me throughout my stress, and well, here is the story.
As I drove home after that very special moment when G-d reassured me that He would provide, I felt peace, but I was still somehow exhausted from the struggle. G-d knew that, so in His infinite mercy He continued to speak to me and love me.
I picked up my kids a bit later than the usual and my daughter told me that we really should go to service. I was tired, but I knew we had to go.
During Friday service the pastor began to speak about how we as believers need to keep our focus on G-d regardless of our circumstances.
One by one, several members began to testify about the amazing way in which G-d had provided for each of their needs.
I was sooooooo glad to be there and I felt so encouraged by each testimony.
Then, it was time for some interactive fun. We were divided into teams and to make a long story short, at some point we had to try distract someone who was trying to count crayons. We did everything possible to make him lose count, but the more we pestered him, the louder he counted his crayons. He did not lose focus AT ALL!
Bottom line, we all learned that the enemy will try to distract us, but that we cannot lose focus. We must "keep counting our crayons" regardless of our circumstances.
G-d has got us in the palm of His hand.
That however is not the best part of my story.
The best part is that G-d had been preparing my heart for something very special that would happen on our way home that night!
On the way home from service I heard my son Ricardo sobbing in the back seat so I worried that something was wrong with him. Claudia asked him if his stomach hurt but he continued sobbing so hard, that I seriously thought of pulling over to see what was wrong.
Then out of his mouth came the most amazing words...
"Mom, I am trembling before the presence of G-d!!!"
I was rather shocked, but it didn't stop there! I will do my best with Claudia's help to remember as much as I can and quote it here.
"I love you G-d! I love you! I love You soooo much! You are my father! You are my King! You are my everything!!!
Thank You for Your provision! Thank You for a roof over our heads! Thank you for the food on our table! Thank You for living in my heart! Thank you for being a G-d of second chances! Thank You for your forgiveness! Thank You Abba! Thank YOU my KING!!! THANK YOU for welcoming us into Your kingdom! Thank you for saving us! THANK YOU for PROVIDING for US! I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH! I tremble before Your presence Father!"
This went on for over 30 minutes. I simply sat there driving and crying. It was as if fire was coming from the back seat! I had the a/c full blast, but my entire body was burning up! I could barely see Claudia through the rear view mirror, but whenever the light was right, I could see the tears just flowing down her cheeks.
We were both quiet, stunned, as Ricardo literally sobbed and yelled out this gratitude prayer at the top of his lungs. Not once did he ask for anything. This entire prayer was a prayer of worship, love and gratitude.
The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) was so strong that he was simply unable to stop.
G-d used my son to remind me to of how much we must express our love and gratitude to our L-rd and King, because HE CARES FOR US!
It took me exactly 30 minutes to get home and at some point I figured that perhaps I might have to continue driving until it was over, because if I got home with him like this, he would wake up all of Marion Lakes!
As soon as we got home, we sat in the car quietly as Ricardo finished praying and crying.
When he opened his eyes (since they were closed the entire time) he had the biggest smile and he told me how G-d had gotten into his "soul" and told him how to pray.
Then he said, "Mommy, this was the best birthday gift EVER! G-d gave me the gift of having Him inside my heart and I am so happy!"
I wept.
I held him.
I held Claudia.
I was happy too. My son had just been baptized in the Holy Spirit and He knew it was a gift!
Ricardo turned 8 this past Sunday, and he got lots of cool presents. Dinosaur books, dinosaur dig experiments, dinosaur arts and crafts... but G-d gave him a gift that will never go away.
I praise You Abba!
I praise You for loving us like only you can!
Amen. Hallelujah.
This week G-d provided just as He had promised. G-d took care of us just as He told us He would.
I am in love with my Savior!
I am DEEPLY in love with my King.
Thank You Abba!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Let me just say that my previous encounter with G-d did not end at the Home Depot parking lot. That afternoon G-d kept speaking to me and loving me throughout my stress, and well, here is the story.
As I drove home after that very special moment when G-d reassured me that He would provide, I felt peace, but I was still somehow exhausted from the struggle. G-d knew that, so in His infinite mercy He continued to speak to me and love me.
I picked up my kids a bit later than the usual and my daughter told me that we really should go to service. I was tired, but I knew we had to go.
During Friday service the pastor began to speak about how we as believers need to keep our focus on G-d regardless of our circumstances.
One by one, several members began to testify about the amazing way in which G-d had provided for each of their needs.
I was sooooooo glad to be there and I felt so encouraged by each testimony.
Then, it was time for some interactive fun. We were divided into teams and to make a long story short, at some point we had to try distract someone who was trying to count crayons. We did everything possible to make him lose count, but the more we pestered him, the louder he counted his crayons. He did not lose focus AT ALL!
Bottom line, we all learned that the enemy will try to distract us, but that we cannot lose focus. We must "keep counting our crayons" regardless of our circumstances.
G-d has got us in the palm of His hand.
That however is not the best part of my story.
The best part is that G-d had been preparing my heart for something very special that would happen on our way home that night!
On the way home from service I heard my son Ricardo sobbing in the back seat so I worried that something was wrong with him. Claudia asked him if his stomach hurt but he continued sobbing so hard, that I seriously thought of pulling over to see what was wrong.
Then out of his mouth came the most amazing words...
"Mom, I am trembling before the presence of G-d!!!"
I was rather shocked, but it didn't stop there! I will do my best with Claudia's help to remember as much as I can and quote it here.
"I love you G-d! I love you! I love You soooo much! You are my father! You are my King! You are my everything!!!
Thank You for Your provision! Thank You for a roof over our heads! Thank you for the food on our table! Thank You for living in my heart! Thank you for being a G-d of second chances! Thank You for your forgiveness! Thank You Abba! Thank YOU my KING!!! THANK YOU for welcoming us into Your kingdom! Thank you for saving us! THANK YOU for PROVIDING for US! I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH! I tremble before Your presence Father!"
This went on for over 30 minutes. I simply sat there driving and crying. It was as if fire was coming from the back seat! I had the a/c full blast, but my entire body was burning up! I could barely see Claudia through the rear view mirror, but whenever the light was right, I could see the tears just flowing down her cheeks.
We were both quiet, stunned, as Ricardo literally sobbed and yelled out this gratitude prayer at the top of his lungs. Not once did he ask for anything. This entire prayer was a prayer of worship, love and gratitude.
The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) was so strong that he was simply unable to stop.
G-d used my son to remind me to of how much we must express our love and gratitude to our L-rd and King, because HE CARES FOR US!
It took me exactly 30 minutes to get home and at some point I figured that perhaps I might have to continue driving until it was over, because if I got home with him like this, he would wake up all of Marion Lakes!
As soon as we got home, we sat in the car quietly as Ricardo finished praying and crying.
When he opened his eyes (since they were closed the entire time) he had the biggest smile and he told me how G-d had gotten into his "soul" and told him how to pray.
Then he said, "Mommy, this was the best birthday gift EVER! G-d gave me the gift of having Him inside my heart and I am so happy!"
I wept.
I held him.
I held Claudia.
I was happy too. My son had just been baptized in the Holy Spirit and He knew it was a gift!
Ricardo turned 8 this past Sunday, and he got lots of cool presents. Dinosaur books, dinosaur dig experiments, dinosaur arts and crafts... but G-d gave him a gift that will never go away.
I praise You Abba!
I praise You for loving us like only you can!
Amen. Hallelujah.
This week G-d provided just as He had promised. G-d took care of us just as He told us He would.
I am in love with my Savior!
I am DEEPLY in love with my King.
Thank You Abba!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Friday, August 6, 2010
My Provision
Well... G-d spoke to me so clearly in my car that I had to stay there, parked at Home Depot for a bit. Wow. I wasn't even going to Home Depot. I just had to pull over and Home Depot happened to be there.
Yes. He told me flat out that He WILL provide.
Yes. He will provide and I am not to worry about a thing.
That was something. He does that when He knows that I am stressed pretty bad, and well, He hadn't done that in a while.
He will provide and He made it so crystal clear that I just had to sit there and take it all in.
Ok L-rd. You are in control.
You are.
You are.
You are.
I am simply Yours dear Abba.
Lee (my sister) told Mom that she'll send me the keys to her condo in Jacksonville and that I am welcomed to stay there as long as I want. In the meantime, I'll look for work while I vacation. She told mom that they are hiring at the base... civilian jobs, you know.
I'll go apply.
Central Florida is going bonkers with all the teachers that were laid off and we all need to find a way to survive somehow. If I find work in Jacksonville, it will probably pay a lot more than here and what I'll do is pay off the rest of my lease and simply move up there IF that is what G-d wants me to do.
Yes. He told me flat out that He WILL provide.
Yes. He will provide and I am not to worry about a thing.
That was something. He does that when He knows that I am stressed pretty bad, and well, He hadn't done that in a while.
He will provide and He made it so crystal clear that I just had to sit there and take it all in.
Ok L-rd. You are in control.
You are.
You are.
You are.
I am simply Yours dear Abba.
Lee (my sister) told Mom that she'll send me the keys to her condo in Jacksonville and that I am welcomed to stay there as long as I want. In the meantime, I'll look for work while I vacation. She told mom that they are hiring at the base... civilian jobs, you know.
I'll go apply.
Central Florida is going bonkers with all the teachers that were laid off and we all need to find a way to survive somehow. If I find work in Jacksonville, it will probably pay a lot more than here and what I'll do is pay off the rest of my lease and simply move up there IF that is what G-d wants me to do.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I cannot believe that I just finished watching a Godzilla movie.
What the heck is wrong with me?
Horrible! Words were going one way and mouths another... and the toy helicopters really had me in a daze of some sort.
I must have been tripping to have watched that whole piece of... doo doo.
I need to pray this out of my system before I go to bed tonight!
What the heck is wrong with me?
Horrible! Words were going one way and mouths another... and the toy helicopters really had me in a daze of some sort.
I must have been tripping to have watched that whole piece of... doo doo.
I need to pray this out of my system before I go to bed tonight!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Prayer Time with Pastor Danny and Sharlene
This morning I woke up very early (4 a.m.)and met Pastor Danny and Sharlene at BLCC for prayer. It felt so good to be able to share with them what was stirring in my heart, and for the three of us to agree in prayer and place it before the L-rd.
One of the things we did talk about involved the end times, and they will be doing a Bible study (I think tomorrow night) about how to interpret the times. He'll go more into detail pertaining Chronos, Kairos and Hora.
We started that class last week, but focused more on interpreting Yeshua's love... whether it was phileo or agape.
I'm not sure if I am saying this right, but I want to "agape" Yeshua... and not just "phileo" Him.
Huge difference.
Because I am so thirsty for G-d's Word and I am desperate to get the right information, sometimes I can't wait and I start asking around.
Turns out that the AG movement mostly believes in a "pre-trib" but Danny and Shar explained to me that when they went to college (they are AG) they were taught about all three possibilities and were allowed to come to that conclusion on their own. So they were not forced to believe in one particular possibility. Based on what they learned they told me that although they initially believed in a "pre-trib", through their studies they ended up concluding that Yeshua's return would happen before these things take place.
I welcome the knowledge... but something deep in my heart still tells me that believers EVERYWHERE will experience persecution right before Yeshua comes back. I'm willing to learn, though, because maybe I'm wrong.
Then again, I received a text this morning that made something very clear to me.
The time of Yeshua's return and the times of tribulation are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that we must all be ready as if we were the last generation before Yeshua's return. So whether we go through it all or not, we simply must be ready.
So want to learn! My heart aches for knowledge and although I've received a lot of that lately, there is so much that I want to know.
The Messianic perspective is, in my opinion, very good... but it lacks something.
In the same way, the Christian perspective is good but it lacks as well, so in trying to seek balance, I had to seriously have a talk with Shar and Danny.
I left there with lots of peace in my heart remembering so much what G-d had told me about having the authority to make decisions and the warning He had given me at the retreat regarding someone who would come to me with lies. When one takes the time to seek G-d's face, He takes the time to warn and protect His people. I thank the L-rd so much for that.
One thing that I have learned is that whenever peace overflows it is because G-d has truly spoken to one's heart.
One of the things we did talk about involved the end times, and they will be doing a Bible study (I think tomorrow night) about how to interpret the times. He'll go more into detail pertaining Chronos, Kairos and Hora.
We started that class last week, but focused more on interpreting Yeshua's love... whether it was phileo or agape.
I'm not sure if I am saying this right, but I want to "agape" Yeshua... and not just "phileo" Him.
Huge difference.
Because I am so thirsty for G-d's Word and I am desperate to get the right information, sometimes I can't wait and I start asking around.
Turns out that the AG movement mostly believes in a "pre-trib" but Danny and Shar explained to me that when they went to college (they are AG) they were taught about all three possibilities and were allowed to come to that conclusion on their own. So they were not forced to believe in one particular possibility. Based on what they learned they told me that although they initially believed in a "pre-trib", through their studies they ended up concluding that Yeshua's return would happen before these things take place.
I welcome the knowledge... but something deep in my heart still tells me that believers EVERYWHERE will experience persecution right before Yeshua comes back. I'm willing to learn, though, because maybe I'm wrong.
Then again, I received a text this morning that made something very clear to me.
The time of Yeshua's return and the times of tribulation are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that we must all be ready as if we were the last generation before Yeshua's return. So whether we go through it all or not, we simply must be ready.
So want to learn! My heart aches for knowledge and although I've received a lot of that lately, there is so much that I want to know.
The Messianic perspective is, in my opinion, very good... but it lacks something.
In the same way, the Christian perspective is good but it lacks as well, so in trying to seek balance, I had to seriously have a talk with Shar and Danny.
I left there with lots of peace in my heart remembering so much what G-d had told me about having the authority to make decisions and the warning He had given me at the retreat regarding someone who would come to me with lies. When one takes the time to seek G-d's face, He takes the time to warn and protect His people. I thank the L-rd so much for that.
One thing that I have learned is that whenever peace overflows it is because G-d has truly spoken to one's heart.
We Made Lots of Noise in the Library!!! LOL!
So today is my day off and much to our delight we had a blast at the library.
Ok. I'm getting hungry, but I don't want to cook.
Chinese food anyone?
Chinese food it is.
Then it's back to the library because I have tons of work from college that I have to finish, and then we go home to chillax. It's Wipe Out Tuesday. Oh... and Laundry Tuesday too.
Wow... yup I better get going.
Shalom y'all!
Ok. I'm getting hungry, but I don't want to cook.
Chinese food anyone?
Chinese food it is.
Then it's back to the library because I have tons of work from college that I have to finish, and then we go home to chillax. It's Wipe Out Tuesday. Oh... and Laundry Tuesday too.
Wow... yup I better get going.
Shalom y'all!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Who's the Stupid Now???
When one adult openly calls another grown adult "stupid", it is a bit baffling.
It makes one wonder how this person treats his own wife.
As I stood there, watching the whole thing unfold, I couldn't help but smile inside.
Well... some stupid people have no idea how truly smart the people they just called "stupid" really are.
LOL! If they only knew. He he he he...
It takes someone really smart to keep quiet at comments like that, not out of fear of being fired, but out of personal conviction that the idiot is the one who can't tame his tongue in the workplace and respect others.
So glad this person kept quiet in demonstration of how normal people deal with the alpha male personalities in the work place.
It makes one wonder how this person treats his own wife.
As I stood there, watching the whole thing unfold, I couldn't help but smile inside.
Well... some stupid people have no idea how truly smart the people they just called "stupid" really are.
LOL! If they only knew. He he he he...
It takes someone really smart to keep quiet at comments like that, not out of fear of being fired, but out of personal conviction that the idiot is the one who can't tame his tongue in the workplace and respect others.
So glad this person kept quiet in demonstration of how normal people deal with the alpha male personalities in the work place.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
G-d is Testing My Level of Grace...
Well... I love being there for others, and although my level of grace has not
reached its limit, I am a bit concerned with something.
Let's see how that one goes this month.
G-d always takes care of things.
reached its limit, I am a bit concerned with something.
Let's see how that one goes this month.
G-d always takes care of things.
Oki Doki...
Well... I had posted something on plastic coffins, and I must clarify. Casket liners go OVER caskets, not inside. So, the fact that these liners are bigger than a casket, is ok.
Now, here is what bothers me. The lids.
Casket liners don't have lids. They mostly cover the top and sides of the casket.
The quantities ordered per state don't make a lot of sense, but I will leave it at that. I don't want to post inaccurate information on here.
Won't take my chances.
Now, here is what bothers me. The lids.
Casket liners don't have lids. They mostly cover the top and sides of the casket.
The quantities ordered per state don't make a lot of sense, but I will leave it at that. I don't want to post inaccurate information on here.
Won't take my chances.
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