Friday, August 6, 2010

My Provision

Well... G-d spoke to me so clearly in my car that I had to stay there, parked at Home Depot for a bit. Wow. I wasn't even going to Home Depot. I just had to pull over and Home Depot happened to be there.

Yes. He told me flat out that He WILL provide.

Yes. He will provide and I am not to worry about a thing.


That was something. He does that when He knows that I am stressed pretty bad, and well, He hadn't done that in a while.

He will provide and He made it so crystal clear that I just had to sit there and take it all in.

Ok L-rd. You are in control.

You are.
You are.
You are.

I am simply Yours dear Abba.

Lee (my sister) told Mom that she'll send me the keys to her condo in Jacksonville and that I am welcomed to stay there as long as I want. In the meantime, I'll look for work while I vacation. She told mom that they are hiring at the base... civilian jobs, you know.
I'll go apply.
Central Florida is going bonkers with all the teachers that were laid off and we all need to find a way to survive somehow. If I find work in Jacksonville, it will probably pay a lot more than here and what I'll do is pay off the rest of my lease and simply move up there IF that is what G-d wants me to do.