It was the best decision ever! With the kids asleep in the backseat, the a/c off (no need for it early in the morning), the messianic praise and worship cd on, I was relaxed and ready for the road.
We arrived at approximately 8:30 a.m. after pulling over at a rest stop for bit.
After spending the morning with Lee and baby Angelee it started to rain, so we all decided that lunch and a movie would be a good relaxing start. Afterwards we went to Publix for some groceries and then came home and chillaxed.
I did the best I could to get some school work done, but I was soooo tired.
I don't like cell phone pics. They suck... but this is all I've got for now.
More vacation pics to come when I have the time. Right now I am just having too much fun to be logging on to a computer!
Hugs y'all!