Tonight as I was pondering on all the events of this week, my daughter suggested we watch a movie from Netflix. It was my time to choose, and on the new releases we noticed a movie called "Letters to God".
At first I thought it was a secular comedy, but this movie turned out to be EXACTLY what we needed to watch tonight.
It was filled with prayer and the presence of G-d was felt so strong through each and every scene that we cried almost through the entire thing.
A true story!
Filmed entirely in Florida.
The places were all too familiar to us.
The hospital.
The children's playground.
The letters to G-d... oh my goodness! Claudia has a diary that is all about letters to G-d. I've been writing letters to G-d since I was like ten!
This movie touched so many personal aspects of our lives that it was as if we were there... going through it again.
Claudia was sobbing so hard.
I was crying so intensely.
G-d used this movie to send a message to the three of us that was so deep, and so full of G-d's love!
G-d used this movie to tell us that no matter what happens, He will love us through it, but most of all... that He DOES read our letters! Hallelujah!
That really meant a lot to Claudia.
I have no words.
My best friend Marcos died of leukemia when he was 17, and I was his "Sam".
The kid in the movie looked so much like him! I mean... down to the bandanas!
Claudia had been diagnosed with a medulloblastoma several years ago... and when while watching the movie she said, "Look Mom. That's my hospital."
I couldn't help but respond, "No Claudia. That WAS your hospital. G-d healed you!"
So we cried even harder.
Then again words cannot express, so you all have to see it and experience it yourselves.
What an incredible movie! G-d's Word is everywhere in it. The Holy Spirit is felt all through it! Intense and precious... and filled with the presence of G-d!