Monday, February 28, 2011

Quick Trip to Longwood

Right now I am at Rocio's house. We went very early to Longwood to visit her friend Margarita and pick up some products for Iris. It was  a blessed time. We prayed together and talked about the fruits of the Spirit and how we must pursue these in order to demonstrate G-dly character. To G-d be all glory.
Now we are hanging out here for a bit.
This week will be a busy one for me.
I have a lunch appointment with Evelyn on Thursday, and I am looking forward to it.
Haven't seen her in a while.
Rocio is planning on giving Claudia one of the puppies and wow... she is going to be sooooo happy!
Cool beans!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Moments in Time" by Jacqueline

Other Mommies Storing Food... THIS IS REAL! GET READY!

Beautiful Day!

Ok, so I ended up not having to sub today which was a good thing because my car is ready and so are Claudia's pictures! Yay!!!
We are off to an early start. Can't wait to get my car back and can't wait to see my kids' pics.

What a beautiful day!
G-d makes all things beautiful, doesn't He? Even in bad times He makes it all good.
Just the hope that we have in Him is magnificent.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Historic Moment: Last Shuttle Launch

In a little bit we are headed outdoors to watch what NASA claims to be the last shuttle launch.
I'm glad that my kids got to see previous ones and that they are old enough to remember this last one.

A lot of "last events" are coming and deep down our hearts know it.
After a long conversation with Dad the other night, I knew that we were both on the same page.
Eternity is elsewhere.
For now we pray and wait for prophecy to continue being fulfilled... until we go home one of two ways.
It's death or rapture.
Either path takes us to our King.

A Bit of Everything

As some of you know, here at home we have evening family devotional (altar familiar), which is something that my parents have done since I was a little girl.
We don't have a perfect record... but for the most part, we do meet in the living room most evenings around 7pm to pray, read the Bible and sing a few praises. We, as Messianic Jews, also take communion at home as a family.
As we all got on our knees to pray (most people stand up to pray, but we choose to get on our knees as a sign of humility) it was Emma's turn to lead us and wow... we were all blown away by how well she did.
Of course she prayed for everything and everyone, but one thing totally took us by surprise. In the middle of all her requests she said, "L-rd I pray for our government. Please help them." and she went on.
I wasn't the only one who looked up.
We all couldn't help but open our eyes to see each other's reactions.
How cute!!!!
At times we understimate the wisdom of children. They pick up on a lot more than we think.

Wow. Yesterday we set the day apart for meal planning and also for rearranging things around.
It's looking good.
Hopefully my car will be ready for me to pick up today. It was doing the "jiggy" and hopefully it is nice and serene now. :-)
On Friday my schedule is going to be tight, so Claudia and Ricardo have a bit more homeschooling to do between today and tomorrow since I have to go sub at PHA.
Ohhh... and I also get to pick up Claudia's pictures!!!!!!!!
How exciting!
Can't wait.
Ok. Time to get some sleep.
G-d is good.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wow. This Is So Cool!

Except for the bacon... EVERYTHING here looks so good! Needless to say, for those days without electricy a dutch oven is wonderful. Even if you don't use coal, you can set it over an open fire. With two fire pits here are home, I think we're good!
LOL. Mom wants to get a few of those today.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Food Storage

I know, it's a mess. We can't wait to get unit shelves at Home Depot. This is only one corner of the room, which is packed with food and essentials.
We moved the classroom to a spare room that is much bigger and brighter, so tomorrow the kids will help decorate it.
It's a lot of work, but we're getting there.
G-d has been very good to us and we hope to be there for others when the time comes. He will direct us. He will show us who to help out and how.
A recent experience allowed me the opportunity to learn the difference between people who really need help and people who don't make an effort to help themselves by living off other people's good will. It's ok to be nice to others, but it's not ok to let others take advantage of you. I've said this before. Never again will I throw pearls to the swine.
When people have a pattern of irresponsible behavior, this hinders their ability to use their common sense. Instead of making an effort to get their act straight, they keep making the same mistakes over and over again expecting different results. Helping people like that is not worth it. G-d has taught me that it is never wise to invest in someone else's foolishness.
I highly recommend a book called Boundaries. It was quite helpful.

"LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." Psalm 16:5-6


One cannot afford foolishness of any kind in the days to come.
We need to seek G-d with all of our hearts and all of our strength.
Unfortunately the world is distracted.
People go about spending and living life thinking that food and water will always be plentiful.
They are clueless.
Unfortunately people are going to try to get what they need when it's too late and many will actually try to steal what they themselves didn't take the time to earn. They will try to steal the investment and hard work out of someone else's table.
They will be desperate...
Which is why several members of my family have already considered getting a license to carry and handle a weapon. My major is in Criminal Justice so I'm good, and my mom already has the training.
For now, we have "Old Faithful" fully loaded and very legal, just in case.
As bad as it sounds... and as ridiculous (because I've thought of it as being a bit extreme), it's not a bad idea to be extra careful.
Just today we saw how a woman in plain daylight had her purse stolen from her shopping cart. She stopped to give someone directions at the parking lot and a second person snuck behind her, took the purse, got into the car and drove off.
She was trying to help them, but instead they "helped" themselves.

The poor lady was in shock, all upset and crying.
My daughter herself had never seen anything like that ever.
It was very scary for her.
The lady rushed to a customer service counter to try to contact the authorities. There wasn't much anyone could do for her. Most people don't carry cash anymore, so I'm sure she had plenty of calls to make after that.
Please keep her in your prayers.

Yeah. Having the extra protection sounds ridiculous... until something bad happens that makes you change your mind.
Today, after what I saw... I changed mine.

With three siblings in the US military who have already begged us to do it because of what is about to go down, I think it's time.
It's time alright.
We have G-d's protection, no doubt. Nothing beats having G-d by our side.
Then again, He also provided us with common sense and wisdom which we need to exercise diligently.
There is no time for foolishness.
We have peace in knowing that G-d is with us and takes excellent care of us.
I think that my parents and I are just bewildered at the events that are taking place. It's all so prophetic with so many profound implications.
It only means that Yeshua's return is closer and closer.
Amazing! Isn't it?

Markets are Shaky

I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to find my parents watching CNBC Market Alert.
I don't think that they slept last night, not because they lack peace...but because they are simply amazed at how events are unfolding so fast.


Libya Uprising Drags Down Markets

By CNNMoney staffFebruary 22, 2011: 6:31 AM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. stocks were set for an early sell off Tuesday, as oil prices continued to skyrocket and overseas markets plunged on the escalating political crisis in Libya.

Dow Jones industrial average (INDU), S&P 500 (SPX) and Nasdaq (COMP) futures were pointing to sharp losses ahead of the opening bell. Futures measure current index values against perceived future performance.

Print U.S. markets were closed on Monday for the President's Day holiday. But oil prices surged more than 6%, as antigovernment protests in the Middle East and Africa intensified -- raising worries about possible supply disruptions.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wow... A Government Shutdown HERE in the US? OMG.

Government Shutdown: What's at stake

By Charles Riley, staff reporterFebruary 21, 2011: 3:01 PM ET

NEW YORK ( -- The countdown to a possible government shutdown is on.

If lawmakers don't pass a funding extension by March 4, the government will shift to performing essential operations only. That could mean that government workers would stay home, national parks and museums would close and cleanup at toxic waste sites would stop.

It's difficult to predict how the current government would respond to a shutdown, because each federal agency is responsible for crafting and updating its own "shutdown plan."

Those plans are not made public. But the past offers some clues.

The last time the federal government went dark was for five days in November 1995 and another 21 days, ending in January 1996, during the Clinton administration.

As a result, the government closed 368 National Park Service sites, along with national museums and monuments, according to a Congressional Research Service report.

Wow. This Is Getting Really Bad EVERYWHERE...

Getting up early to buy more stuff before prices get REALLY bad.
I mean... not that they aren't bad already.
It's just that as soon as this whole thing in Lybia erupts into greater proportions, oil will go up, food prices will sky rocket and of course, food resources will become limited.

My dad wants us to get this going.
Several trips tomorrow. We need to finish stocking up.
It all sounds so fanatical, I know.
I wish it was all a big joke. The truth is that I wish it was all theory, a fantasy... a false alarm.
However, it is not.
With family in the military, we are usually one step ahead of what's next.
What's next is bad.
Very bad.
The US military is getting ready for it as we speak.
Food, water, basics...
Please, don't hesitate and get it done. The time is now.

If You Think That It Can't Happen Here... Think Again

My dad says that it will happen soon. Very, very soon. This is from February 9th. Today is February 21st and Lybia is already on it's way to a full blown revolution, which will increase oil prices, which will increase food prices.
Please... if you out there have any common sense, begin storing food because you will not be able to afford it pretty soon.

Great Overview of What is Going On...

Awesome Baby Shower

We had a blast at Dorely's baby shower. It was great!
Ricardo didn't even look like he had just come out of surgery.
No pain!
Isn't he amazing?
Now we are so tired and so ready for bed! LOL!
Good night peeps!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wow... It's China's Turn Now.

Revolution is spreading out like a wild fire. It's really EVERYWHERE... and now it's China's turn.
China tries to stamp out 'Jasmine Revolution'

Published February 20, 2011
| Associated Press
BEIJING – Jittery Chinese authorities staged a show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East.
Authorities detained activists, increased the number of police on the streets and censored online calls to stage protests in Beijing, Shanghai and 11 other major cities. Citizens were urged to shout "We want food, we want work, we want housing, we want fairness" — a slogan that highlights common complaints among ordinary Chinese.

Many activists said they didn't know who was behind the campaign and weren't sure what to make of the call to protest, which was first posted on the U.S.-based Chinese-language advocacy website

China's authoritarian government has appeared unnerved by recent protests in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria and Libya. It has limited media reports about them, stressing the instability caused by protests in Egypt, and restricted Internet searches to keep people uninformed.

Going Home

There is beauty in the words, "You can go home today."
Ricardo is very happy.
So am I.
He's not even in pain. He made me walk the whole floor with him like 5 times!
Hmmmm... maybe I won't miss out on Dorely's baby shower after all.
Dorely just called and she's like, "Oh my gosh! You have to come and bring Ricardo. We just need to be careful with him."
Ricardo totally digs it and wants to go.
He can probably just veg out in the living room and watch cartoons with Claudia, Isabella and Martin.
Yeah. Why not? He's doing awesome.

Ok. Time to go pack! Yay!!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ricardo's "Happy" Appendectomy

My son Ricardo has followed in the footsteps of EVERYONE in the family.
His body didn't want his appendix anymore, so after several hours of belly button pain, we all knew that it was time to get him checked out at the ER.
Belly button pain is how it started for Mom, Dad, Abuelita and me.
His reaction to the news that he needed surgery?
Hysterically funny.
Ricardo: "Really? Wow! I've never been in an ambulance before! Am I going to get sodium chloride? Will I get to meet a surgeon? Do I get to keep my appendix in a jar?"
Eww. No way.
I'm not into dead body parts of any kind! Especially after discovering somebody's umbilical chord tucked inside a Bible.
Ricardo had us rolling with laughter. You see, my son is not usually the bravest one.
I guess that he somehow toughens up under pressure. He he heee!
They ended up transferring him from Osceola Regional to Arnold Palmer in Orlando and he was simply having a blast.
If I was nervous about his procedure, he somehow managed to love away my nerves with his great sense of humor and excitement.
You see, Ricardo is my healthy child, so he rarely ever visits the doctor.
To him, this was like an adventure!
An avid fan of the Discovery Channel and hospital reality shows, my son was suddenly making this appendicitis reality look like the coolest thing in the world.
He had surgery early this morning and right now we are here, chilling. He can only have soup and gelatin, which is fine with him. I already cloth bathed him and got him into his new pajamas and he is quite content with the video console and games that the nurses brought in for him.
I'm about to settle down to watch a Netflix movie online because THERE IS INTERNET! Yay!!!!!
Ricardo is already walking and going to the bathroom by himself and I am totally cool with that. He says that it hurts, but that it's not really that bad anymore. This morning after he came out of surgery he was not a very happy camper.
It's all good now, praise G-d.
We thank all our friends who lifted him up in prayer last night and this morning.
The doctor told us that he will probably be ready to leave tomorrow. Whoo hooo!

Union Show Down at Wisconsin Capitol

Wow. It has begun.

Published February 19, 2011
As many as 70,000 people were expected to attend the dueling rallies Saturday in the wake of a budget showdown that has captured national attention and paralyzed the state.

As many as 40,000 people, including teachers, students, firefighters and prison guards, swarmed the Capitol on Friday, raising the noise in its rotunda to earsplitting levels.

The crowds have been loud but peaceful. Police reported just nine citations for minor offenses as of Friday. Schools throughout the state have closed this week after teachers called in sick, including in the state's largest district, in Milwaukee.

Some say this week's rallies are unmatched in their sustained, impassioned energy -- bolstered by Senate Democrats who fled the state to delay action on Walker's proposal and threatened to stay in hiding for weeks if calls for negotiation go unheeded. State troopers were sent to retrieve the Democratic minority leader from his home Friday, but their knocks went unanswered.

"That's jaw-dropping. This is uncharted," said Mordecai Lee, a UW-Milwaukee political scientist and former state lawmaker who said he's been reminded this week of when motorcycle riders' protest of a helmet law in the late 1970s persuaded legislators to overturn the measure.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Emma's Twinkle Toes!

My sister Sandra just sent Emma the cutest tennishoes! They are called "Twinkle Toes" by Sketchers (because they twinkle when she walks, of course!). Doesn't she look adorable? Gotta love her!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rice Buckets

Got the rice! Online!
Ohhhh I am a genius! It was cheaper and it already came in a storage bucket with a shelf life of 10 years. Got beans too!
Sooo cool.
That way we don't have to be dragging stuff anywhere.
It comes right to our front door! Yay!

Neat Day So Far

Awesome first half of my day!
I ordered Dorely's stroller online from her baby registry and she was super happy!
We talked for a while on the phone. It's her first baby and she had a lot of questions which I was happy to answer. Being a first timer can be a bit tense, so having supportive friends helps a lot. I'm not too worried about Dorely though, because I know that she will be a terrific mommy. Wow! So excited for her!
Next on my list was lunch!
I had invited my friend Rocio out to join us.
Totally loved my mushrooms! They were perfect.
Rocio ordered an apricot glazed chicken and the kids ordered gnocchi soup, so needless to say, we had a good time.
At some point when the kids were in the restroom she told me that "psycho" had offered her money in exchange for not doing my hair.
We both bursted out laughing.
Never in our lives (because she told me the same thing) had we ever come across another adult whose train of thought was so... ghetto.
Just like that song...How Low Can You Go... we kept thinking that she was simply beyond low. When I told my dad, the exact words out of his mouth were, "That woman is creepy. I think she crossed the line with that one."
My friend, who is not stupid and was already upset that "psycho" owed her money, took the offer (as an attempt to get some of her money back)... but "psycho" never fulfilled her offer. LOL. Why doesn't that surprise me? Hmmmm.... oh yeah! It doesn't because she never fulfills ANYTHING! LOL!
Ewww. It's nauseating. She offered Rocio $100 so that she would never do my hair again. Dad is right. Can it get any creepier than that?

Rocio and I agree that "psycho" is special ed. Definitely.
She needs to have a TRUE encounter with G-d...and another one with a psychiatrist. My goodness! Totally glad I bid her good riddance!
My heart goes out to her children who have to deal her split personality disorder every single day... one dirty dish and cuss word at a time. Poor kids. She's constantly yelling at them for no reason. G-d help them.
I stretched my mercy as much as I could, but attempting to stretch my mercy while she kept taking advantage of me and of others took it's toll.
This lesson was one I had to learn the hard way. G-d encourages us to never throw the pearls to the swine.
Now I know why.
The way in which that woman constantly lied and mistreated the children in front of mine, affected my daughter greatly. I wonder if her husband has any idea of what those kids go through when he is not around. Sad. Very, very sad.
My dad thinks that the poor man is clueless. Dad thinks that he is completely unaware of what his wife did and of the truth.

Anyway, on to more positive things...
On the way back Rocio pulled over to fill the tank and guess who was there with his wife?
My rabbi!
Rocio got to meet him and my kids were very happy to see him.
Gotta give them a call soon. They have game night once a week at their place and it's always tons of fun. Last time we were there we played Mexican Train Dominoes and it was hilarious! More so than charades. Good fun people. Strong believers.
Well, let's see...right now I am getting ready to go out with my mom. We have to buy rice by the bucket, so we'll be needing the van.
It would be a good thing to call my car repair person. My car is doing the "jiggy" and that's not cool.
Alrighty then.
Time to get going. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mushroom Day!

I am craving Olive Garden's stuffed mushrooms... but I have to wait until tomorrow.
Going with the kids and a friend.
Heck, even if my friend can't make it, I've gotta have my mushrooms.
It's mushroom day tomorrow.
He he he!

It's going to be a busy Thursday.
Dorely's baby shower is on Sunday. Tomorrow is mushroom and shopping day. Babies R Us is right there. Then again her registry is with Target.
Talked to her today for a while, and I'm kinda hoping that nobody has gotten her the carriage yet.
I need to look at the registry to see how it's progressed.
That baby shower her mom is organizing for her is going to be awesome!
She deserves it!
Their first baby! Awwwwwwwww!
I'm sooooo excited!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Beauty of Serving Yeshua

Great laughs today.
I love my life.

Thank You Yeshua!

Thank You for being our King of Kings!
There is beauty in everything YOU do.

Can we live without You?
I don't think so.
It's been a crazy but blessed two days, and I'm all excited because we finally organized the food storage room. It's coming along great, and the kids had fun putting everything where it goes.
Claudia was like, "Ok... so now we have our little grocery shop in the house. How cool is that?"
Mom, Dad and I looked at each other. We are almost done with it and are literally running out of time to get everything else that is needed... people out there don't know or don't care to know what we know.
According to my beautiful daughter, it's all "cool"... but deep down we simply don't think it is.
A lot of people out there are going to suffer... and only G-d knows how long the crisis is going to last.
So many believers keep saying that G-d will provide and that we must have faith.
I wonder if they take the time to read their Bibles.
Noah acted on faith... but the important thing is that he was proactive.
Faith without works is not faith at all.
Every patriarch from the Bible ACTED in faith.
They were proactive in their faith.
I've said it before and I will say it again.
G-d will never give you ANYTHING that you have not decided to pursue.

Oy Vey... This is From Four Days Ago

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The International Monetary Fund issued a report Thursday on a possible replacement for the dollar as the world's reserve currency. My dad was right.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Following Good Advice

A good friend who read my previous blog  (the one that talks about the psycho who verbally and phsyically abuses her children) gave me some sound advice.
She said, "Ew... hide that entry. Who that woman is and what she does will make your readers vomit!"
I couldn't have said it better myself. Behavior like hers is definitely nauseating.
Blog entry saved into draft folder.

I have way more important things to blog about.
People like that are not worth a single minute of our lives.

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

Honesty pays, but it don't seem to pay enough to suit some people. ~Frank McKinney

Time to Stock Up on Food and Supplies... like NOW.

You see??? Those of you who looked at me all funny, now you know that this is a serious matter. IT'S ALL OVER THE NEWS!
This is not a joke.
Get ready people. PLEASE buy food, buy water and stock up on everyday supplies. If possible, also attempt to acquire organic, non gmo, non hybrid seeds.
Things are happening just too fast.

Next Up... IRAN!

This is the front page of FOX News online...
Told ya all hell was gonna break loose everywhere else after Egypt's
revolt! My goodness.


We all woke up to chocolate treats this morning.
It was nice.
My parents went all out and got us chocolates even though we don't exactly celebrate Valentine's Day.
It was very sweet of them!
Claudia got a bouquet of sugar free lollipops. :)
She can't have chocolates because of her heart.

Right now the kids are working on their Math skills and it's going pretty good.
They are prepping up for their annual evaluations, so they are doing test prep material instead of their usual curriculum.
It's pretty neat because they get the do like 3 or 4 problems per skill, and there are like 10 skills to cover. Every day they do 3 or 4 of everything so they don't forget how to do it for the test.
Because the test prep material is divided into rows with letters, they can do one row of each skill per day.
Spectrum books are wonderful.

We are covering fundamentals of Ancient Civilizations by playing a board game.
American History and States are being covered by using blank maps and filling them in, while they listen to the material during story time.
I think story time History works ten times better and  helps them remember facts so much more. After I tell the story and they copy their vocabulary for the day, then they get to answer questions from their workbook.
My kids do enough reading time, so History story time makes the class more fun.
For Science class we are also using the Spectrum Test Prep.
I'm not too worried about Science, though.
My kids are pretty much solid when it comes that subject.
They are Science freaks like me.

Beautiful day!
My parents went out to Sea World with Emma and we might join them later when the kids are done.
I wonder if I should make reservations at one of their restaurants...

Let me make a few calls to see what's available.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of G-d in Yeshua HaMashiach."

Philippians 3:13-14

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Girls Night In!

So, instead of a girls night out, we had a girls night in.
Keeping the kids around is part of being a good mommy, tee hee!
We laughed bunches, enjoyed great food and great conversation...
and it was very nice.
We seriously had a blast.
The kids too! :)

Love It

Algeria and Yemen are Next...

Everyone wants a democracy.
The people of Yemen and Algeria are now out on the street.

Egypt got their wish.
Now that they've set the example, all hell is really gonna break loose everywhere else.
That is not good for Israel with the military taking over these countries.

It's happening.
Get ready people.

Pray long and hard for Israel please.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Crazy Fun Photo Shoot Day

Isn't she gorgeous? After all the picture taking, she was simply exhausted and very hungry.
We all were!
It was a wonderful and relaxing morning.
We had breakfast with Rocio who afterwards gave Claudia her pedi.
A few hours later it was time for Claudia's photo shoot and it was mad crazy in there.
They switched props at least 8 times!
It was fun, though.
Tiring, but fun.
A bit more make up than I care for being that she is barely 12, but she looked gorgeous. No more unibrow! Hallelujah!
Rocio did her eyebrows last night, and they added a bit of definition today... and voila! BEAUTIFUL results!
I can't post any of the pictures until after February 25th because of copyright issues.
Gotta wait... and ohhhhhhhhh it's so hard. Everyone wants to see the pics!

She looked great. They both did! Ricardo was in it too!
The photographer, Jacqueline, could not get enough of him either. She had him do all these funny things, like appear upset that he had missed the train... and of course, he was sitting down with a lot of luggage around him.
There was another shoot where he had to eavesdrop into Claudia's phone conversation, and much to every one's surprise he did the "brow" thing!
We all loved the "brow"! LOL
The photographer thought it was hilarious. She was great with the kids and I totally appreciated that. The stylist also did a great job at choosing their outfits. Their Victorian era backdrops and ensembles were to die for! That lady transported my children back to the 1920's effortlessly!

They deserved a treat, so I took them to Olive Garden afterwards and we had a wonderful time. Mom joined us with Emma and it was quite nice.
Then it was off to Books A Million for our weekly book fix, and now we are finally home. The kids are into their books and I am blogging. Love it.

Shabbat Shalom!

Maya Had Her Puppies! (Video)

Maya had her puppies today and Jessica and Claudia took really good care of her!
It was Maya's first time having puppies so she was having a bit of a hard time because they were born breech so their heads would get stuck. Being that she is so loved by her family, it was great to see how well taken care of she was by Jessica, her "mommy" and by the rest of the kids.
We all looked for gloves EVERYWHERE, but we couldn't find any and it was too late anyways. The first puppy was coming out, and of course Claudia and Jessica were totally hands on!
I am so proud of them.

After the whole ordeal I literally emptied the hand sanitizer on Claudia's hands, arms and face! Her outfit went totally into the wash! LOL!
My daughter is NOT squeamish AT ALL... but I am. Ewwww!
Notice on the video how she keeps pulling out puppies and then scratching her face? Ewwwwwwwwww!
It drove me nuts, but hey, the kids had a great time!
Tomorrow we are having breakfast with Jessica's mom.
Claudia's photo shoot is in the afternoon and she'll be barefoot on several pictures (long dress... very bohemian) so Rocio is giving her a pedi.
It will be a nice relaxing start to our day.
After that, I'm off to work on the yearbook for PHA.
Lots of pics to edit.
G-d is so faithful and I thank Him so much for that.
Thank You my King!
You are just AWESOME!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Beautiful Night!

Ahhh... the night and the stars are so beautiful tonight!
Tent, blanket, fire pit, marshmallows and telescope...
The kids are having a wonderful time!

The Economic Collapse of Egypt is Just a Taste of Things to Come...

Dad and I were talking last night about Egypt and all that mess that's happening over there. Since my dad is a walking encyclopedia I wanted to hear him out.

Dad: "See all that?"
Me: "Yeah..."
Dad: "As soon as it starts happening in Spain (which it already is)... you'll know that the U.S. is next. Spain's collapse will cause the collapse of the EU and then the U.S. economy will go. The dollar will be obsolete."
Me: "Are you serious?"
Dad: "Yup."
Me: "How soon?"
Dad:"Very, very soon."

Alrighty then...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Claudia's UFOs

Ohhhh how fun! LOL!
My daughter Claudia insists that the whole Yeshua coming down on a cloud means that He is coming in a spaceship that is going to be surrounded by a cloud. LOL!
I showed her these videos early this morning (just to mess with her) and the look on her face was priceless. My side hurts from laughing so hard!

Claudia: "I'm thinking that big spaceships can accomodate plenty of us! If G-d gave us the wisdom for all the technology that we have, it's because He had it up there first, don't you think? After all, we were made in His image, right?"

Of course, at some point I did explain to Claudia that we are going to be "transformed" first, and that before we set sail towards heaven, all believers who had died are going to resurrect from the dead, which she thought was pretty creepy.
Then again, this is Claudia's imagination at work, LOL!

Claudia: "Soooooo... when I see a whole bunch of dead people popping up like daisies from the ground, then it's time?"
Me: "Not sure how that works baby girl... but yeah. Something like that!"
Claudia: "Ewww... ok. Whatever you say. I suppose that if I were dead I wouldn't want to miss it either!"
Ricardo: "Um... little freaked out kid over here! Please change the subject!"
LOL!!!! Ohhh my gosh! My kids are hilarious!

Book Club?

Yesterday Claudia and I went to BJ's to get some prices, and of course, she gravitated towards the book section.
I got her one of The Dork Diaries (Tales From a Not So Fabulous Life) and I got Ricardo Diary of a Wimpy Kid (The Ugly Truth).
The I promised to get them the next volume as soon as they were done with the one I had just gotten them.

They finished the books within three hours.

This morning they were excited to remind me that I PROMISED THEM a new book.

Oh boy...
I need to find a cheaper way to do this because here in Poinciana library books are SCARCE!

A book club?
Used books?

Yeah... I have a plan.


For now let me just worry about breakfast.
Raspberry and almond brie pastries at their request.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I am in love with my Savior.


Yes I am.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2011 Super Bowl XLV Declaration of Independence

Loved it.

Our Favorite Super Bowl Commercial

Green Bay Wins

Green Bay Packers won, but hey, they did a terrific job.

They fought for it and they got it.

In the meantime, my kids and I are bummed, but we had a great time with family and friends.
We had fun, laughter, great food...

Good times!
That's what Super Bowl is about.

Excellent game.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Went to Best Buy to get Claudia the Nancy Drew computer game she has been begging me for and decided to get Geek Squad services for my computer.
In order to speak with a rep and offer information I had to show my ID.

I figured it was normal procedure until they asked me my age.

Ma'am, are you sure you are 18 or older?

I just stared at them.
Not flattering at all, you know.
Did they not take a look at my ID? Hey! Forget the ID!
Did they not take a look at ME???

"Sorry. It's just that we need to card anyone who appears to be a minor... "

Where wast I? At Best Buy or at a bar?!?
I had to laugh.

"I'll be 40 in May, and ID's for minors in this state have a different layout."
My ears were so hot.

The girl gave me an attitude!
"Just doing our jobs, ma'am."

I sooooo don't look like a minor.
Those geeks need better glasses!

I suppose I'll look like I'm ten tomorrow for our Super Bowl party.
Jeans, jersey, baseball cap... no make up...

Got Polamalu? LOL!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Princetta!

So my dear daughter has decided to learn a new language.
Galician... aka Gallego.

It's a language of the Western Ibero-Romance branch in northwestern Spain, and it was extremely difficult to find any learning software online... but after reading a book called "The Princetta", she is now obsessed with learning how to speak the language that kept popping up in the intriguing chapters.
Needless to say, she finished the book which took her like two months because it is HUGE with its 50 chapters and 430 pages!
We all found out that the story had come to a tragic end when we heard her crying uncontrollably and went rushing to her aid.
I thought she had fallen, or hit herself with something... but when we saw her sobbing and embracing the book, we just knew.
My children are into reading and literally living and experiencing what they read as if they themselves were part of the story.
So it wasn't that much of a surprise to see her sobbing over a book, because it has happened before. One exception, though. This time around she was determined to do something about it!

"Mom! The book can't end like this! It just can't! He can't be dead! Orpheus! How can he be dead?" She sobbed... her tears and mocos flying all over the place while my mother rushed to get the Kleenex box from the dresser.
"That's it! I am writing a new ending to this story. It will NOT end like this!" So after venting about it all, Claudia got up, sat on her computer and began to type her new ending.

After several hours she had already written four more chapters to the story, and Mom and I had to hide to laugh because although we hate to see Claudia so broken over a storybook, we couldn't help but be amused at her resolve.
Several months ago, Books A Million had a dollar sale and somehow among the bulk of miscellaneous books they had in a huge crate, Claudia managed to pull out this one.
The cover was very "Narnian" looking, so I kind of knew why Claudia was intrigued by it.
I'm quite sure that in this new ending, Orpheus doesn't die, and somehow they all live happily ever after. Perhaps Claudia has learned that not all stories have happy endings.

It's been an adventure, though.
Now I can't help but be curious about who Orpheus is, and why my daughter is now so passionate about learning "Galician".
Tonight after some delicious warm tea, I think I'll settle down and embark on this grand adventure myself. LOL.
Time to meet Malva and Orpheus and learn a little Galician. :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Excellent movie.
Saw it with my kids and it rocks!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." James 1:5