Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Beauty of Serving Yeshua

Great laughs today.
I love my life.

Thank You Yeshua!

Thank You for being our King of Kings!
There is beauty in everything YOU do.

Can we live without You?
I don't think so.
It's been a crazy but blessed two days, and I'm all excited because we finally organized the food storage room. It's coming along great, and the kids had fun putting everything where it goes.
Claudia was like, "Ok... so now we have our little grocery shop in the house. How cool is that?"
Mom, Dad and I looked at each other. We are almost done with it and are literally running out of time to get everything else that is needed... people out there don't know or don't care to know what we know.
According to my beautiful daughter, it's all "cool"... but deep down we simply don't think it is.
A lot of people out there are going to suffer... and only G-d knows how long the crisis is going to last.
So many believers keep saying that G-d will provide and that we must have faith.
I wonder if they take the time to read their Bibles.
Noah acted on faith... but the important thing is that he was proactive.
Faith without works is not faith at all.
Every patriarch from the Bible ACTED in faith.
They were proactive in their faith.
I've said it before and I will say it again.
G-d will never give you ANYTHING that you have not decided to pursue.