Monday, February 21, 2011

Wow. This Is Getting Really Bad EVERYWHERE...

Getting up early to buy more stuff before prices get REALLY bad.
I mean... not that they aren't bad already.
It's just that as soon as this whole thing in Lybia erupts into greater proportions, oil will go up, food prices will sky rocket and of course, food resources will become limited.

My dad wants us to get this going.
Several trips tomorrow. We need to finish stocking up.
It all sounds so fanatical, I know.
I wish it was all a big joke. The truth is that I wish it was all theory, a fantasy... a false alarm.
However, it is not.
With family in the military, we are usually one step ahead of what's next.
What's next is bad.
Very bad.
The US military is getting ready for it as we speak.
Food, water, basics...
Please, don't hesitate and get it done. The time is now.