Thursday, February 17, 2011

Neat Day So Far

Awesome first half of my day!
I ordered Dorely's stroller online from her baby registry and she was super happy!
We talked for a while on the phone. It's her first baby and she had a lot of questions which I was happy to answer. Being a first timer can be a bit tense, so having supportive friends helps a lot. I'm not too worried about Dorely though, because I know that she will be a terrific mommy. Wow! So excited for her!
Next on my list was lunch!
I had invited my friend Rocio out to join us.
Totally loved my mushrooms! They were perfect.
Rocio ordered an apricot glazed chicken and the kids ordered gnocchi soup, so needless to say, we had a good time.
At some point when the kids were in the restroom she told me that "psycho" had offered her money in exchange for not doing my hair.
We both bursted out laughing.
Never in our lives (because she told me the same thing) had we ever come across another adult whose train of thought was so... ghetto.
Just like that song...How Low Can You Go... we kept thinking that she was simply beyond low. When I told my dad, the exact words out of his mouth were, "That woman is creepy. I think she crossed the line with that one."
My friend, who is not stupid and was already upset that "psycho" owed her money, took the offer (as an attempt to get some of her money back)... but "psycho" never fulfilled her offer. LOL. Why doesn't that surprise me? Hmmmm.... oh yeah! It doesn't because she never fulfills ANYTHING! LOL!
Ewww. It's nauseating. She offered Rocio $100 so that she would never do my hair again. Dad is right. Can it get any creepier than that?

Rocio and I agree that "psycho" is special ed. Definitely.
She needs to have a TRUE encounter with G-d...and another one with a psychiatrist. My goodness! Totally glad I bid her good riddance!
My heart goes out to her children who have to deal her split personality disorder every single day... one dirty dish and cuss word at a time. Poor kids. She's constantly yelling at them for no reason. G-d help them.
I stretched my mercy as much as I could, but attempting to stretch my mercy while she kept taking advantage of me and of others took it's toll.
This lesson was one I had to learn the hard way. G-d encourages us to never throw the pearls to the swine.
Now I know why.
The way in which that woman constantly lied and mistreated the children in front of mine, affected my daughter greatly. I wonder if her husband has any idea of what those kids go through when he is not around. Sad. Very, very sad.
My dad thinks that the poor man is clueless. Dad thinks that he is completely unaware of what his wife did and of the truth.

Anyway, on to more positive things...
On the way back Rocio pulled over to fill the tank and guess who was there with his wife?
My rabbi!
Rocio got to meet him and my kids were very happy to see him.
Gotta give them a call soon. They have game night once a week at their place and it's always tons of fun. Last time we were there we played Mexican Train Dominoes and it was hilarious! More so than charades. Good fun people. Strong believers.
Well, let's see...right now I am getting ready to go out with my mom. We have to buy rice by the bucket, so we'll be needing the van.
It would be a good thing to call my car repair person. My car is doing the "jiggy" and that's not cool.
Alrighty then.
Time to get going. :)