As some of you know, here at home we have evening family devotional (altar familiar), which is something that my parents have done since I was a little girl.
We don't have a perfect record... but for the most part, we do meet in the living room most evenings around 7pm to pray, read the Bible and sing a few praises. We, as Messianic Jews, also take communion at home as a family.
As we all got on our knees to pray (most people stand up to pray, but we choose to get on our knees as a sign of humility) it was Emma's turn to lead us and wow... we were all blown away by how well she did.
Of course she prayed for everything and everyone, but one thing totally took us by surprise. In the middle of all her requests she said, "L-rd I pray for our government. Please help them." and she went on.
I wasn't the only one who looked up.
We all couldn't help but open our eyes to see each other's reactions.
How cute!!!!
At times we understimate the wisdom of children. They pick up on a lot more than we think.
Wow. Yesterday we set the day apart for meal planning and also for rearranging things around.
It's looking good.
Hopefully my car will be ready for me to pick up today. It was doing the "jiggy" and hopefully it is nice and serene now. :-)
On Friday my schedule is going to be tight, so Claudia and Ricardo have a bit more homeschooling to do between today and tomorrow since I have to go sub at PHA.
Ohhh... and I also get to pick up Claudia's pictures!!!!!!!!
How exciting!
Can't wait.
Ok. Time to get some sleep.
G-d is good.