Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Are You There G-d? It's Me... Rose

I love You L-rd... but You know that.
Just waiting for You.

Waiting for Yeshua to return and making sure that I let EVERYONE who ever crosses my path know that You are the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT.
What's the point of waiting if we don't encourage others to wait for You too?

Love You Abba.
You are my EVERYTHING.

I don't feel pretty today.
I've been walking like I have bricks for legs and people stare.
Please G-d... don't let them notice. It hurts, and it's so embarrassing at times.
Today is not an easy day.
I love my life...
but I have my days.
Today was one of those.

I found an old wish list in my closet.

Wish #18 "I want to be able to wear high heels and a pretty skirt. One feels quite insignificant, always wearing trousers and closed shoes when all the pretty ladies get to show their legs and increase their height. It's humiliating."

I wrote this several years ago.


It still is what it is.
Maybe G-d will have a nice pair of high heels in heaven for me.
Pretty ones that will make me feel like a princess while I dance around for my KING of KINGS in a wedding gown of His own creation.

That was wish #5: "I want to be able to dance again... but this time for my L-rd."


It's all vanity down here on earth. I know...
but limping and all, deep down I know that I am a lady.
It hurts that I can't show it.
Instead of a lady, people see Igor... lol.