I had a dream last night. Yup. I rarely dream, but when I believe that my dream actually means something, I just go ahead and write it down.
In my dreams I never see myself. I am there, looking at everything and walking through places... and this time I was in front of a fortress. It almost looked and felt like I was in some sort of fortress, but it was shaped like a canyon. We have a fortress in Puerto Rico known as "El Morro" but this fortress was different. It was built of rock and it blended in with the scenery so that when you looked at it, you couldn't even tell that it was there. In my dream I was all set to go to work, so when I got to the beautiful canyon looking fortress, I climbed up a ladder and inside this beautiful rock there was a school!
The picture I posted on here looks A LOT like the canyon in the dream. Beautiful, isn't it?
The kids, elementary and high school, were greeting me as I walked through the hallway.
I could see the decorations on the wall, and the "team spirit" flags and all that stuff. Even their trophies, so my guess is that these kids were quite involved in sports. It was pretty cool. My classroom was in a corner with a big window and it was beautiful, but the part that made me curious is that as I walked through this school there were still sections of it under construction.
Funny how in this dream I was just so happy to be there.
Not sure about climbing up a ladder to go to work... he he he... that part was funny, but the rest was just plain cool.
Oh well.
I miss teaching. I really do.
I was watching how Tony Danza (the actor) decided to become a teacher and now teaches H.S. English. He was even emotional about it as they did the interview. The administration and the kids just love him!
Teaching is a very rewarding vocation. I don't consider it a job. I think that when you do something you love, it doesn't feel like a job at all. I looked forward to teaching every single day. (sigh)
It's ok.
G-d allows certain things to happen for a reason.
I found out a few weeks ago that most of the teachers at PHA decided to not renew their contracts. They don't want to go back, even though they need a job badly, they just can't take it anymore.
My heart hurts about that because I know exactly how that felt. It's as if you are doing your very best but your very best is never good enough. Sad to say, but Mrs. Carmen perhaps needed to see and understand that when more than just one teacher feels the same, perhaps the problem is not the teachers.
Just writing this down.
G-d spoke to me through several people already and told me that even my surroundings would change because this was a year of new beginnings for me, so I'm curious to know if this dream has anything to do with that.
Can't wait to find out if maybe part of His plan is for me to go back to teaching.
All in G-d's perfect timing though. All in G-d's perfect will.
On to another subject!
Oh my gosh!
So I started my diet on Sunday and it's only Wednesday and I have officially lost 4 pounds. The diet was not meant for me to lose weight. It was intended for my heart, but ohhhhh my gosh!
Four pounds is a big deal!
Applause please!!!!