I'll keep this one short and simple.
G-d wants you to be pure.
Sure, it's hard.
We live in a very filthy, corrupted, sinful world.
Let me however, put it to you this way.
Two men are rolling all over a puddle of mud. They are dressed the same, look exactly the same and are doing the exact same thing.
HOWEVER, G-d, who knows the hearts, can tell the difference between the one who is rolling in the mud because he likes it there, and the one who is rolling in the mud because he is trying to GET OUT of it.
So you see... we are surrounded with tons of unholy stuff.
Yucky to the heart.
Yucky to the spirit.
Do your VERY BEST to keep your hearts pure.
Do your VERY BEST to keep yourselves for G-d.
Do your VERY BEST to have RESPECT for G-d when it comes to actions, words, thoughts...
especially thoughts.
I have met several pastors, and I am not afraid to write this on here... who seemed sooooooo holy... and pure... and awesome, and ended up failing the L-rd in horrible ways.
Unfortunately their actions began with a simple thought.
Just because you're not doing it doesn't mean that you can't think of yourself doing it. Is that blunt enough for you?
Don't talk to me about being holy, when you can't stop yourself from "thinking" the wrong "thoughts"... because G-d counts that as sin just the same.
2 Timothy 1:7
Did you get that?
You can control everything from urges, to thoughts, to words, to actions!!!
G-d GAVE YOU a spirit of self control and all you have to do is believe it, and use it towards your spiritual growth and intimate relationship with the L-rd!
Look... I'll tell your right now that this one is not at all like wearing Nicorette patch. You can't just stick it on and let it take your "sinful cravings" away. This one takes guts, prayer, fasting... EFFORT.
If people out there REALLY wanted an intimate relationship with G-d, they would do whatever it took.
Unfortunately, I've seen people do crazy things for things that they REALLY want that have absolutely nothing to do with the L-rd.
Well, let me put it this way.
Are you aware that HOLINESS is a REQUIREMENT?
Are we ever going to be entirely holy while we live in this flesh?
Dream on.
Can we at least show G-d that we are doing whatever it takes to get to that point?
Not without flaws... but we can.
Oh, and please do it because you love Him, not because you are afraid of hell fire.
Thank you.
Start small.
Take a good look at your closet. Are you wearing something that pleases G-d?
Take a good look at your favorite music. Does it edify you? Does it worship G-d?
Take a look at the clock.
Make a chart and figure out how much time you spend on every day stuff.
Look closely.
Can you find G-d's time in there anywhere?
You see what I mean?
Small changes can reap great results.
Love y'all.
Gotta go make lunch.
Holy! Holy! Holy! starts with simply doing whatever it takes to get there.
When Yeshua returns he won't find us holy.
He really won't.
He'll just find us in the process of becoming holy... and that is all He really wants from you. Your effort. Your devotion. Your faithfulness. Your love.