Sunday, June 6, 2010

Loved It

PHA's graduation was a blessing. I had the privilege of being on stage while my students were handed their diplomas, and get this... they did not walk up to me, the almost ran! When they saw me up there they were so happy I got the best hugs!

That's my reward.
Their smiles. Their accomplishments.

How ironic.
None of the teachers that Carmen hired to replace me back in March showed up.
G-d had other plans.
Esther's mom walked over to tell me that G-d wanted it this way (tears).
G-d is good, isn't He?
He gives everyone their place and He gave me mine. Amen?

Although Claudia did not get to graduate with her peers, because she now homeschools, she was a very happy camper through it all.
We had a great time!