I have learned to appreciate life "as is", but some things are just a bit too much for me. People go about living life in their "normal" way and I do my best, but my life will never be as normal as I'd like. Then again, I have the most amazing life.
Am I running again?
Hmmm...yes and no.
With a better part of wisdom
I guess.
Once again, I still have my reservations about this one.
I have only met people who don't use me for favors and have taken the initiative to call just to see how I am doing.
For several years now G-d has awaken me to pray for several very special people. Out of the five, I've already met four and it's been awesome. Rick and Jen now live with me while they find a place to live, and I treasure their friendship dearly. G-d knew they would somehow end up here in Florida one day, and it was awesome to have prayed for them years prior to their arrival. Leaving California was extremely difficult for Jen, but they have been called into ministry and having friends here in Florida has truly helped her with the transition.
When G-d tells you to pray for someone, you just do it, whether that person cares or not. My grandma prayed for a nephew who she didn't hear from for more than 20 years. In the end she was the one holding his hand and ministering to him. He died saved after accepting Yeshua into his heart. My abuelita knew that those 20 years of prayer had not been in vain.
I know that praying for my friends has not been something I've done in vain, because prayer is something that G-d wants us to do more. Interceding for others and lifting them up in prayer is a way of warfare to keep G-d's people protected and safe. We are called to be prayer warriors, and although G-d has already added more people to my prayer list, I just know in my heart that this one distant friend is not quite ready to meet Ms. Rose. :-)
Oh, and it's not like I don't want to meet this person. I do... I really do, but
friendships are a precious thing, not an experiment.
When you meet someone for the first time, and it's a friendship from the heart... it's just there, regardless of physical limitations or appearance, race, language, politics because true friendship just is.
That simple.
Do you know that you can learn a lot about someone's heart even when you have never met them personally? When you take the time to pay attention to conversations and details, you kind of catch an inner glimpse, and the fun part is that their physical presence doesn't get in the way.
It's easier for me to figure out people from a distance than up close.
Once I've got someone figured out, I know if it's ok to meet or not.
August will be here once more, and something just tells me that it's ok to stay away.
“Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.”
Martin Luther King Jr.