The year 2010 was a good year in spite of all the changes that took place in our lives.
We went from having a home, to having to move in with my parents because of my health issues. That was very difficult for us. My parents are good people, but our views about everything are so incredibly different, that I have come to the conclusion that even attempting to compromise has been a challenge from G-d Himself. It's as though He is simply saying, "Put up with this for a little bit. First things first, ok?"
And I find myself at the end of that conversation muttering between my teeth..."Sure L-rd. Ok. Whatever... You say."
I no longer work at the resort. Instead I do business from home, but only when I can. When the funds are low, then I kick things up a bit. Other than that I am just a mom doing the usual. Cleaning, cooking and homeschooling.
The kids are happy. Their tummies are full. Their beds are nice and warm.
In comparison to so many out there, we have millions. We are filthy rich.
So are you, by the way.
Thousands died of cholera in Haiti. Others here in the U.S. are sleeping in tents.
Got a bed? Good.
Got at least one square meal a day? Great!
Your kids...have they gone without water? No? Awesome!
Yeah... you are filthy rich alright. :) You've got everything, even if it's the same clothes you wore last year. Praise the L-rd!
So with that in perspective, I'll mutter to G-d between my teeth the usual "Ok, Ok!" when things don't go my way, stick to His plan and deal with it.
The grass will always appear to be greener on the other side no matter what. But it's only a mirage. We've got it good. We've got it really good.
If we were to count our blessings, there is nothing to complain about. We had an overflow of those this past year and I have G-d to thank for that.
In 2010 the lessons learned were many. Some were good while others were heartbreaking. Not sure if I balanced those out very well. Then again, our world was packed with surprises and with new beginnings that I myself was not expecting.
Do we have plans for this new year? Sure. There always has to be a plan, you know. Our lives cannot lack direction. This year is all about commitment. Commitment to G-d as the head of my household. Commitment to my children. Commitment to my family, even during those moments when we don't see eye to eye. Commitment to edifying those around me by LIVING the Word of G-d.
HaShem taught me that my desire to serve Him and tell others about Him cannot be placed on hold for another time and another place. We must shine where we are. That simple.
Las iglesias han convertido al altar de Dios en escenarios, and G-d was so clear in His message when He placed it in my heart that I had no choice but to say something because G-d is holy and there needs to be respect for His sanctuary. That simple.
Christianity has turned into churchianity. The church has become a nation of "churchians" preaching prosperity and bringing in the "sounds" of secular music to attract the youth because they think that otherwise they won't attend.
Forgive me for being so blunt, but Yeshua did not walk around with a rock band or a raeggeton group to get people's attention.
Can someone please explain to me why pastors and youth leaders are meshing the "world" into the church in order to accommodate the "needs" of the youth and often times of the adults too?
Can someone PLEASE explain this to me?
I've had questions, and I am still waiting for some people who offered to explain, to respond. My inbox continues to be empty. I suppose they have nothing further to say. You don't use the altar as a catwalk for a fashion show, REGARDLESS of the good intentions. Period.
What? Yes.
Several churches, in fact.
One even had a Victoria Secret thing going on, to my horror.
Look, we have all been "churchians". Yes. Yes we have.
We've all been bored in a sermon at some point or another. We've all sinned being a church member at some point or another. We have all danced to the tune of great music without even caring about the words, at some point or another. C'mon. Admit it.
I myself have been there and I remember what it felt like. It was the best "high" ever, but the results were temporary. The music was great. The euphoria was incredible... but that's not always the Holy Spirit manifesting itself.
A very wise and good friend once wrote that we might get goosebumps and think it's the Holy Spirit, when it's not.
The fruits of the Spirit give testimony of it.
The fruits of the Spirit are what demonstrate whether you've got it or you don't.
No word prophecied to me can EVER substitute the REAL deal. For in the same way in which we are willing to receive from G-d, we must be willing to GIVE. So... what do we give?
FRUITS of the Spirit!
You with me?
What these kids are seeking, they cannot find in the middle of all the static that's engulfing the church. The direct line with G-d is getting a lot of interference. I know because I was there once.
As a teen I realized that my worldly music sounded so much like my church music that it wouldn't make a difference if I heard one or the other. Many adults are in the same predicament, I assure you. I have met quite a few like that.
So churches are not perfect. They will never be. We won't ever be perfect... but we will be held accountable for not setting our priorities in accordance to what the Bible says.
When a church becomes a social club, then it's stops being a church.
Rather than trust ourselves into thinking that we can use "bait" to catch His fish, we should remember that G-d's skills as a fisher of men cannot be outsmarted.
The minute we give HIM back the fishing rod and the nets, we'll see the miracle of the bread and the fish all over again!
I'm sure that you all know how to multiply by now... but G-d...WOW! He is the pro.
When we start giving G-d HIS place again, the sweet sound of His Spirit and of His Presence will simply suffice, and the youth will come and fill up the temple. In this experience they will finally find the truth that will fill their void...the Word that will quench their thirst...and true intimacy with their King of Kings.
If we could just make a bit of space, you know... somewhere between the keyboards and the drums...the microphones maybe, or the mega expensive sounds systems that burst our eardrums, He'll fit, right? I mean.. He should fit, right?
Yikes. G-d is just too big, isn't He? Yeah...for He is G-d and G-d alone. Trust me.
Be still, and know that HE is G-D. Praise Him, but do so with the utmost reverence. Don't give Him the "carbon copies" of what you heard a rapper sing, and then change the words around to suit the place. G-d is not a fool.
Give G-d back HIS place, and HE and and only HE will keep them coming.
"The righteous cry, and the L-RD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The L-RD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:17-18