Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Singing Praises ... Doing Laundry... Singing Praises...Folding Laundry... LOL!

Right now I'm doing laundry and I am jamming with the oldies but goodies! These praises are the REAL deal! That's what I'm talking about!!! LOL!
My Abuelita taught me all these songs when I was a little girl.
Wow... precious memories.

Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.
Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.
La vida es nada
Todo se acaba
Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.

Oh! Look! I found the Mexican version with Marcos Witt! LOL! Nice. I love these songs!

Ya vamos CAMINO A CANAAN!!! Yeah! Ay mi musica linda para mi Dios!
No puedo esperar a que suene la trompeta! Gloria a Yeshua!!!