Friday, January 7, 2011

The Time Is Now

Back in May the L-rd revealed to me that a big storm was coming soon. I blogged about it and well... here is the link

After looking back at that blog, I realized how much love G-d has for His people that He continues to STRETCH time to provide them with the opportunity for spiritual preparation. The transitions that are about to take place are huge and too many people out there are completely distracted and completely unprepared. They have no clue. No clue whatsoever.
They don't keep themselves informed.
Not only do they not read their Bibles...they don't keep an eye out for the news either.
They enjoy being leaders and planning awesome activities, but they don't prepare the flock for what's coming.
It's about to pour and I see absolutely no arks out there... hypothetically speaking, of course.

One example is inflation (hyperinflation is a better term). For those of you who have no clue, the dollar is in orderly decline BIG TIME! That and the fact that we have reached "peak oil" is bad... really, really bad.
Inflation is about to hit this nation in such a way that people will literally starve because they won't have enough to live on. Yet most Americans have no clue. Here my dad is about to buy the boxes, the soil and the seeds because he knows what's coming, but everyone else is so... asleep. He figured that if we can at least plant veggies and tubers we can make the situation a bit more tolerable. We grew most of our produce back in the island, so we know how it's done. We are blessed to have great knowledge regarding organic seeds and how to get a good return on the soil. My mom and my abuelita are pros.
Seeds that are bio engineered or a better term would be hybrid (the ones sold in most gardening stores), only render produce once and then they're dead, in case you didn't know. REAL organic seeds are a bit harder to come by and are quite expensive, but they are a must.
Organic seeds can actually also become a great form of currency for when fiat currency becomes literally worthless. Gold would be the most favorable alternative to this, but it is too expensive to purchase at this point for us.

Save food and water people, and if possible, store organic seeds and soil.
I'm not kidding.

"Oh... but G-d will take care of me because I'm faithful!" you say.
Um... yeah. He already is by giving you numerous warnings and TELLING YOU HOW TO PREPARE before it happens!

As far as I know, G-d told Noah how to build the ark but He didn't build it for him.
People laughed at Noah the ENTIRE time he was building the ark. People made fun of him like crazy and did not care to listen to a single word he was saying.
You get me?

I'm sure that you have already laughed at this blog too.
The storm is coming. G-d is doing all He can to tell His people that it's REALLY coming.
Why are you NOT listening?

Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) "My people perish from a lack of knowledge."

I promise you that G-d wants us to be wise and not ignorant of the facts. Ignoring the facts is not going to make it all go away, and when things happen you will be unprepared because of your own ignorance. Please don't you dare blame G-d or anyone else for that.

Not to panic anyone, for G-d is a G-d of peace, but have you guys been reading the news?
You have to admit things are getting a little weird: 5,000 blackbirds falling dead from the sky in Arkansas; 2 million dead fish in Chesapeake Bay; hundreds of dead birds found all over lawns in Sweden; 40,000 dead crabs washing up on England’s shores; 530 penguins, numerous other seabirds, five dolphins, and three giant sea turtles dead in Brazil; 200 American Coots dead on a Texas bridge; hundreds of snapper fish dead in New Zealand. And the list keeps growing.

I was all for fireworks as the explanation and also for the cold weather reasoning until the same phenomena started happening in the southern hemisphere where it is currently summer.

Which trumpet is this? The second or the third?
Who knows. Maybe neither one... just yet.
No. I'm not about to get all fanatical. If Yeshua is on the way down then I'm all for it, but I'm not worried.
It's creepy for people who don't read their Bibles and for those freaks who want to put a date on the end of the world. G-d gave His people the sun and the moon as signs and to be very much aware of the seasons. That's how we keep tabs, but hey...
listen up...
The end of your world can come from simply getting into a car accident or choking on a chicken bone.

Then what? Are you ready?
Let's do a little less freaking out and a little more preparing, shall we?

Get your act together with G-d. Store food and water for harsh times.
That's all.
See that neighbor you have never ministered to? Give him a Bible. Tell him that Yeshua died for his sins!
You don't have to be a pastor or an evangelist to do that! C'mon.
If you are willing to lend a hand when someone is in trouble then you should be able to share more than a cup of sugar with those who live close by.
How about eternal life?

Start there.

The world will pass but not G-d's WORD!

What are you afraid of?
Please don't wait for people to give you a prophecy. Don't do that to yourself.
Are you with me?

That way, if it all ends whether for you or for those you speak with, it's all good because you'll get to meet again in heaven.


Right now, I have quite a bit of preparing to do myself. There is plenty of room for improvement in terms of my relationship with G-d, so I'm not wasting time. I want to see Him one day and talk to Him and be His for all eternity.
My personal flaws are like... a ton, ok? And they are not easy to deal with as I am sure that yours aren't either.
We are a work in progress, but what really matters is that He sees how hard we work at MAKING actual progress.
Please don't just sit there waiting for all the answers to fall from the sky.
They won't.
I promise you that they wont.
Right now you have a greater chance of getting hit on the head by a dead bird than of getting ALL your prayer requests answered. Just praying and asking is not going to get you too far. G-d DOES HAVE the power to answer prayer... YES! Yes he does. Yet here is how that works, ok?
If there is a goal, GET MOVING.
G-d will NEVER give you anything that YOU are NOT willing to pursue.