Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcoming Gregory 2011 (That's what my kids call it, since it's the gregorian year)

A minute prior to midnight my kids and I huddled together to pray. It was quiet, except for fireworks all around the neighborhood. We had sparklers because my dad won't allow fireworks of any kind near the house, but his rules weren't of much use.
Our neighbors across the street had these REAL fireworks that were bursting right above us, so we decided to step outside and enjoy the pretty colors!
It was nice.
For the past several years our neighborhood has been quiet. People would always celebrate at the parks or at gatherings. This year it was obvious that everyone chose to stay at home.
Even friends of mine who live far decided to lay low and spend New Year's at home with family rather than travel or meet up at places.

It was nice.
Family. Pretty colors. Sparklers. Prayer.
I believe this year was actually the nicest.
Thank You HaShem. Thank You.