Single working mother of two taking over the world, one cup of tea at a time.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Great Time with Friends
We had a blessed Shabbat with great friends yesterday.
Our friends, who are also military families, live only a few streets away.
One set of friends is from Panama and the other set is from Cuba. Since their houses are back to back, the kids had a blast going back and forth from Martin's house to Isabella's. LOL! We all know each other because our kids went to school together at PHA when I was a teacher there.
While the kids played, I enjoyed a delicious tea party with the other moms. Nothing better than a delicious and graceful tea party when the weather is this chilly.
In the evening, Isabella's mom invited us over for dinner and we had a great time. What a blessing!
They all talked about their years in Cuba and how they too are getting ready for what's coming. Back in Cuba they were all farmers, so they know all there is to know about getting a good return on the soil and preserving seeds. Isabella's mom is from Russia, but she told me that in the Ukraine she had to work hard gathering onions and tubers from the fields in order to eat. She also shared that when it was time to kill a hen and clean it out, she knew exactly how to do it. Times were hard for them and they had to live off the earth and kill whatever animal they could to eat.
You have to understand that Isabella's mom is only 31 years old and as beautiful as she is ( she looks like a model) she doesn't look like the type of gal who would clean the guts out of a hen! LOL! Her husband started laughing when he saw my reaction.
It was fascinating.
The truth is that as they were sharing all this information alongside their funny and often heartfelt stories, deep inside I was thanking G-d for providing me with such amazing friends. They all went through their country's collapse and survived it. Now, they were willing to share their knowledge with me and reassure me that I am not being ridiculous in my thinking. On the contrary, they themselves have been getting ready for months. Not only have they started gardening their backyards, but they have been preserving seeds the old fashion way and acquiring animals for trade.
They themselves are very much aware of the decline of the dollar and what may not be obvious to others, is quite obvious to them. Little changes here and there are more than enough warning for them to get ready.
Needless to say, I was in awe of how G-d works things out. When you place your faith solely on Him and trust Him in all your ways, even when others don't quite get it, He is truly faithful.
In the past couple of months G-d has been speaking to my heart like never before.
For a while there I had to find a way to quiet all the voices around me so that I could listen to His voice alone.
Now I know that I did the right thing, I praise G-d for that.
Last night as I listened to my friends, I quietly thanked G-d for guiding my steps.
There are no coincidences in the L-rd.
Dear Heavenly Abba... You are simply amazing! I love You.
Here is a video of the kids having fun yesterday and of Dorely's trips to Cuba. Dorely is Isabella's aunt. She was also a teacher at PHA and is now expecting her first baby, and it's going to be a girl! Mazel Tov!!!