Whenever G-d speaks to me He does so in the wee hours of the morning... and this morning He warned me of a storm that's coming. Although the images I saw were of an actual storm, my spirit instantly knew what the storm represented.
It will be a big storm and it is bound to happen soon.
I encourage all of you to pray like never before. Pray at ALL TIMES now.
My heart and my spirit know that WE are the generation that will witness the return of Yeshua! Not only must we prepare ourselves for spiritual warfare like no other, but also for a spiritual revival like no other.
The L-rd has called each and every one of us to bring the good news of salvation to as many lives as possible. Please don't sit around still wondering about your purpose in the L-rd. Your purpose in the L-rd is, above all things, to love G-d and GUARD YOUR TESTIMONY so that you may be able to reach others for His kingdom.
Your neighbor won't bother listening to you if he sees you with a cigarette in your hand, or if he knows that you are being unfaithful to your wife. Your friends won't bother listening to you if you have a potty mouth or if all you have ever done around them is talk about hairdos, acrylic nails and $500 purses!
Your family won't open their hearts to the truth of the word of G-d if you have not been a good daughter, sister, brother... and perhaps are still bitter and grumpy about things that happened to you in your past.
G-d WANTS to use you. He really does. I kid you not! But there is not great science to it.
Take the necessary steps to forgive, clean up your act and then START WORKING! Get it going. Don't waste time. Let others see that G-d has changed you. Perhaps your actions will witness to others way more than your own words.
One of the ways you can witness to others is also by asking G-d to use you in ways that perhaps are unfamiliar to you. If you know that someone is in need of G-d, but that their food pantry is empty, meet that basic need FIRST! If all you do is pray for them, then you are only doing half of what you are supposed to do.
Trust me on this one.
Been there. Done that, and G-d has not failed me once!
When you take care of others, G-d takes care of you.
Yeshua did it.
Yeshua had a huge crowd following Him once and although He had to preach He took the time to acknowledge their basic need for food, and He fed them FIRST!!!
So you see... if Yeshua set that example, we must follow in His steps.
We also see this in the story of Joseph, which is one of my favorites. Somehow, after all that he had been through after his own brothers sold him, he was able to see G-d's greater purpose, and it all came down to preserving the lives of his people by feeding them during a drought that G-d already knew would take place.
Isn't that something?
G-d had already revealed part of it to Joseph. G-d knew that a time of drought would come that would literally exterminate the 12 tribes of Israel, so he sent Joseph ahead to make way and be in a position where he would later be able to save their lives! Wow.
Amazing, don't you think?
Then, if you think about it, even more amazing is the fact that Joseph did not let go of the L-rd, even though he did not understand why all those horrible things were happening to him. He held on for dear life!
Are you willing to do the same?
You know that perhaps you've been through lots of horrible things, but are you willing to hang in there until G-d's greater purpose is revealed?
I've been through horrible things... and without going into detail please understand that by horrible, I mean REALLY horrible. Somehow in the middle of all that, G-d took the time to love me and constantly remind me that He was there.
It isn't until now, at the age of 39, that I have seen the greater purpose behind everything that happened to me.
NOW I can walk to a young girl who has been very hurt and I can tell her that she will make it. That it will hurt for a while but that she will be ok.
NOW I can walk to a woman who has been hurt by her husband's unfaithfulness and I can tell her that G-d will love her through it. That it will hurt, but that if she seeks G-d with all of her heart, she will even one day be able to forgive! FORGIVE!!!
NOW I can pull up my sleeves and show a rebellious teenager my scars, to let her know that those will never go away, but that it is much better to cry tears than to cut.
I was there and I made it because G-d sustained me. G-d helped me. G-d loved me.
Never in a million years would I have dreamed of speaking to women about subjects that were so hurtful to me. Then again, that was G-d's greater purpose for me, for such a time as this.
You see, one of the most amazing moments in Bible history happened when Thomas did not believe that the one who was there before him was Yeshua.
In order for Him to BELIEVE he had to SEE and touch his wounds.
Well, Yeshua knew that there would be lots of Thomases in this world who wouldn't believe without seeing. So I have made my scars visible. I have shared them too.
Don't you be hiding yours, because those very scars and wounds that you hide could be the ones that can help others BELIEVE that Yeshua is real and that if He pulled you out of your darkness and into His light, He can do the same for them.
The storm is coming and we must be ready.
Let's go. Let's do this. I know that at times some of you wake up at like 3:30 a.m. and you don't even know why, right? Well, take that as your hint that G-d wants to have a divine appointment with you.
"I love those who love me; and those who seek me will find me."
Proverbs 8:17
"G-d, You are my G-d; early will I seek You: my soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. 2 To see Your power and Your glory, so [as] I have seen Thee in the sanctuary."
Psalms 63:1-2
David knew that He would find G-d early in the morning too.
You see, in the early hours of the morning before the sun rises, there is nothing else going on around you, except for this very special silence. The time is perfect for a one on one with the L-rd. He will have ALL of your attention and YOU will have ALL of His. No distractions.
Let's get ready to face this storm. Look straight at it! Don't turn your back.
It's time to do this.
Are you with me?