Yesterday was one of those days when I attempted to accomplish tons of stuff, and actually DID! Awesome.
All in all, this didn't happen without a few hurdles, but in the end things turned out just fine.
On Wednesday night we went to Bible study, and Shar took the kids to the big sand play area in the back for some outdoor time. When they got back, once Bible study was over, I noticed that Ricardo's arms were covered in mosquito bites!
Oooops! My bad! I totally forgot to bring mosquito repellent.
No prob, right? I figured out that a bit of Benadryl (since he is allergic and his mosquito bites swell up quite a bit) and hydrocortizone cream would do the trick.
Well, those bites were all gone by morning but it wasn't until after I took the kids to the pool that I noticed that Ricardo had a HUGE bite on the back of his leg.
This thing covered the back of his entire lower leg!
I was horrified. That was NOT a mosquito bite and it was super swollen. It looked like he had another leg on top of his leg.
Needless to say, I figured out that the Benadryl I gave him through the night didn't work on this baby, so I took Ricardo to the Emergency Room because I already know from past experience that his primary doc would send him there, so I didn't waste any time.
Turns out this was a spider bite, and yes, she was venomous so they had to give Ricardo an antidote and send him home with antibiotics and predinisolone.
G-d is so good that it did not take more than five minutes from the moment we arrived to the moment he was seen by a doctor. The ER was packed. We had no place to sit and I was ready to spend there at least three hours, but when the nurse took one look at his leg he figured he had to go in right away.
He's all good now! Praise G-d!!! I suppose the reason we never noticed was because this thing was in the back of Ricardo's leg and Ricardo had been wearing long pants until he got to the pool. I called Shar right away to tell her to keep the kids away from the sand until they contact pest control. If that thing is still in there it could end up biting another child.
After all of that I was able to make it to work in one piece, and as I was on my way I got a very important phone call. Turns out both of my kids got the highest scores in the Stanford tests over private schools and homeschoolers. Good thing I was sitting down. HOW EXCITING!!! The director called me to tell me and I was just soooo happy!
My kids are AWESOME! Wow! G-d is good. I praise the L-rd because I have always prayed for the gift of knowledge and wisdom over my kids and now I am beginning to see the fruits of that, not only in their academics, but also in their daily lives.
My 11 year old daughter has been taking it upon herself to wake up with me before sunrise to pray and ask G-d for guidance throughout the day, and my son is so incredibly smart! Oh my goodness!
I am blessed! Hallelujah!
Love homeschooling. Love G-d! Love my children!
Hallelujah! I am a proud mommy.
Whooo hooo!!!!