Would love to take a trip out somewhere with the kids.
There are five places I would love to go to.
Israel, of course.
Sedona, Arizona. Fell in love with it after seeing some pics on the Internet. Never really knew how beautiful it was. Actually, never really knew much about it! The red tones and browns just REALLY got my attention. Those are MY favorite colors!!!
Williamsburg, Virginia. REALLY want to take the kids to that colonial village they have out there.
Cuba (Yes... don't be wondering why!)
Spain. My great grandparents on both sides were born and raised there, but the main reason I want to visit Spain is because I think that it is the most romantic place in the whole entire world. I've never been there, but pictures of Toledo, where most of my family is from, are just dreamy. Toledo is BEAUTIFUL!!! See the pic? it's all about castles and beatiful bridges... (deep breath... sigh)
Funny how I'm always planning vacations I never really get to take. As a single mom, any time that I have enough money to travel, something always comes up. Maybe one day.
I'm terrified of driving long distances and I am horrified of airplanes... but one day I'll be brave enough and healthy enough, and have enough money to travel. From my mouth to G-d's ears, right?
Gotta have faith!