Wow! What an amazing weekend! The ladies retreat was simply AMAZING and G-d's presence, as always, exceeded my expectations.
Didn't want it to end, but hey, I have recharged, refueled! Great fellowship among sisters in Yeshua.
Now it's back to work and back to homeschooling, and this morning as I meditated in all that the L-rd spoke to me during the retreat (because the L-rd used several different people to give me one message... awesome!) I was simply in awe of His faithfulness.
He told me so many things, but the one that stood out was that this would be a year of new beginnings for me and that He had given me the authority to make very specific decisions.
I have His permission now... so it's going to be ok.
Then the L-rd warned me about someone who would come along who would try to lie to me, but that I am His child and He would give me the wisdom and the knowledge to respond to this person according to His Word.
Oh... but there is more, hallelujah!
I just want to keep that part to myself because after all, we are in serious spiritual warfare and G-d calls us to be wise. As good warriors we must never indirectly or directly provide the enemy with ammunition so that he can hurt us.
Duh, right?
So, what G-d reveals in secret will come to light in His perfect time. Amen?
Today is cleaning day.
Clean my car.
Clean my closet... (gag)... (gulp)... yeah... time to get rid of lots of stuff.
Can't be dragging with half of that when the time comes for "new beginnings"!
He was sooooo specific when He told me that when I looked around, even my surroundings would be new.
The jungle? An island? A desert?
I don't care as long as HE sends me, right?
It's all good. He can do with me WHATEVER He wants!!! Amen?
Ahh... I love my G-d.
He's just awesome.