I know. Considering the title of this blog it's kind of ironic that I am going to address the subject of "bubble bursting" on my very first entry. Oh well...
Anyone who has ever heard the expression, "Sorry to burst your bubble" can probably relate to the fact that when good bubbles pop, its a "deep sigh" moment.
So there I was this morning, popping bubbles left and right...
"Kids, sorry to burst your bubble, but it's going to storm today so we can't go to Sea World."
"Hey Ma, sorry to burst your bubble, but I can't grill those steaks this evening. My lungs are feeling funny."
"Abuelita, sorry to burst your bubble, but I really don't want to watch novelas with you (for the 100th time) because I really don't like novelas. It's always the same stuff. Poor girl gets pregnant from rich guy with evil girlfriend. Nope. No novelas, thank you."
Guess it'll be just another homeschooling day.
Rainy days are great for catching up on work...
Oh darn. (sigh)
Tea Time with G-d
Today's Devotional is from Arise Ministries and it's all about the power of WORDS!
Ready for this?
I am.

Words can be used to harm or heal.
Proverbs 12:18 – Rash words cut and main, but there is healing in the words of the wise.
Words either bring blessing or disaster.
Proverbs 12:3 – He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin. You can swallow your words now, but they will come back for review in the future when you see Christ. Your words are being recorded at this moment.
Words under the control bring spiritual maturity.
James 3:2 – For we stumble, but one who is able to bridle his tongue is wise. Place your tongue on the altar. If you can control your tongue, you can control anything.
Loved it.
Ok. Got my tickets for tomorrow! Got Magic? I do! GOOOO MAGIC!!! Time to kick some Celtic butt!!!
Ohhh wow.
Lion King alert.
My hair is a FRIZZ ball. Um...ok. Time to tame the mane.
Yesterday my sisters showed up on a rare visit. As most of you know they are in the Navy and it's pretty cool that they were on break at the same time.
Time for lunch.
Gotta goooooooooooo!