Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Bible Is NOT A Book About Destiny

The Bible is not a book about destiny. It is a book about decisions. Are you a parasite who wants what is in someone else's hand? Or are you G-d's protege? A protege is a passionate learner who wants what is in G-d's heart. Keep in mind always that most seasons in our lives are determined by our decisions and that reaching is the proof of passion. G-d is not going to give you anything you have not decided to pursue.

This week I had the opportunity to watch a movie based on the life of Temple Grandin and I was blown away! To see a severely autistic child eventually end up with a PhD was simply amazing, but what was more amazing to me was her mother's ongoing struggle to keep her "engaged" in the real world.
THAT right there is what made the huge difference for Temple.
Temple Grandin's mom was determined and decisive when it came to pursuing a normal life for her daughter, and NEVER gave up.

So many others out there have done the same. Augusto and Michaela Odone were parents to a wonderful little boy who developed ALD. They were ordinary parents. Neither one had a doctorate degree. Mr. and Mrs. Odone were ordinary people holding ordinary jobs and they both sough out a cure for this disease by studying for long hours at the library, consulting with doctors and traveling to find answers. Although the damage was irreversible for Lorenzo, the Odones found the actual cure for the disease and saved the lives of many other children with this ailment. Lorenzo's Oil is the title of the movie to this amazing story.

Extraordinary Measures is also another story about John and Aileen Crowley whose two children suffered from Pompe's disease. Mr. Crowley also sought out a cure for this illness with the help of a glycobiologist and was literally able to save his children's life and who knows how many others.

Stories like these inspire me so much and make me realize that too often people sit down waiting for granted prayer requests to fall from the sky without actively doing something towards a positive outcome.

As sick as I have been I have made the solid decision to lead a normal life. This week I was hit hard by a virus but that did not stop me. One moment I was at the hospital (short stay) and the next I was enjoying a slumber party with my kids. If I stay home in a bed feeling the pain, then it will never go away.
For a while I laughed and had fun, and guess what? The pain was GONE! Even the bronchitis I caught this week didn't seem that bad while I was there having a blast with my chidren.
In the process of trying to improve my health I have been seeking out information on different diets and workouts that won't trigger more attacks. Well GUESS WHAT?
For the first time in a long time I had a short stay at the hospital because my heart was strong enough to deal with the virus and so were my lungs. I even had bronchitis on top of all that, but apparently, according to the doctors, I was strong enough this time to be sent home!
So you see, I pray but I act on it too! I pursue health.
All that green stuff I drink all day is paying off!
I've eliminated lots of stuff from my diet, but I allow myself a moderate break during special ocassions. I also watched a video called FOOD MATTERS that was quite impressive! Doing more research on the subject I have realized that most of the stuff that we as Americans consume is nothing but poison to the body because by the time food reaches the stores it is packed with pesticides and chemicals that hurt us. Did you all know that G-d created a body that pretty much heals itself when nutrition is optimal? VITAMINS are important! SUPER IMPORTANT because our food lacks the level of nutrition that our bodies need.(I am not here to sell anything. You can buy whichever brand of vitamins you want!)

Yeshua died so that we could life and have it ABUNDANTLY! Not only am I STILL learning how to spiritually live according to HIS WORD, but I am also learning how to live according to HIS nutrition standards! The information is in the BIBLE itself and even in the food that HE created for US!
Check this out!

As far as I am concerned there is HOPE all around me! I have DECIDED to pursue LIFE and I am honoring G-d in this pursuit! Why? Because I am not being a parasite. I am seeking the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the heart of G-d! His LOVE is everywhere and this shows in the food that He created for us, but we have failed in seeking this knowledge out.
I am pursuing life!

What have YOU decided to pursue?