Single working mother of two taking over the world, one cup of tea at a time.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Getting Ready for the End of All Things
Right now I am watching David Wilkerson preach this message. Amazing and profound! Love it.
Here is that video:
-Be sober.
-Walk in the peace and the rest of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)
-Above all things, have fervent mercy and love for your brothers and sisters.
-Forgive and cover the sins of those who sin against you, for perfect love covers multitude of sins.
-Don't GOSSIP!
Food and shelter do not take first place.
You see...physical preparation means NOTHING if you are not spiritually prepared.
G-d takes care of us, and although He asks us to prepare in such things too (I'm getting ready myself)... He is in control over those things.
Your spiritual status, though... that is something YOU need to get together before Yeshua returns, or before you face what is coming. We must be part of that rain that ripens the harvest.
We must be part of the latter rain!!! So we have to ask and believe G-d for it.
It is HIS promise to us!
My G-d has always kept His promises.
Just one thing.
It will come to those who are READY.
Ready how? Let me list these again:
-Be sober.
-Walk in the peace and the rest of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)
-Above all things, have fervent mercy and love for your brothers and sisters.
-Forgive and cover the sins of those who sin against you, for perfect love covers multitude of sins.
-Don't GOSSIP!
Here is that video:
-Be sober.
-Walk in the peace and the rest of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)
-Above all things, have fervent mercy and love for your brothers and sisters.
-Forgive and cover the sins of those who sin against you, for perfect love covers multitude of sins.
-Don't GOSSIP!
Food and shelter do not take first place.
You see...physical preparation means NOTHING if you are not spiritually prepared.
G-d takes care of us, and although He asks us to prepare in such things too (I'm getting ready myself)... He is in control over those things.
Your spiritual status, though... that is something YOU need to get together before Yeshua returns, or before you face what is coming. We must be part of that rain that ripens the harvest.
We must be part of the latter rain!!! So we have to ask and believe G-d for it.
It is HIS promise to us!
My G-d has always kept His promises.
Just one thing.
It will come to those who are READY.
Ready how? Let me list these again:
-Be sober.
-Walk in the peace and the rest of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)
-Above all things, have fervent mercy and love for your brothers and sisters.
-Forgive and cover the sins of those who sin against you, for perfect love covers multitude of sins.
-Don't GOSSIP!
LOL... yup. It's moving alright.
LOL... sorry... I know that so many conspiracy theorists do not find this funny, but I do.
I'm not creeped out. Just a bit curious.
These airports REALLY need to get it together soon! LOL! Off by several degrees? Those planes don't want to be landing on someone's house, you know! Geez.
Tea Time!
Right now I am singing "En El Monte Horeb" and "Solo Dios Hace Al Hombre Feliz" in some medley I have playing on my computer while choosing a tea flavor.
In spite of my VERY swollen lip (thanks to a cold sore) today is going to be a VERY good day. Amen?
"La vida es nada... todo se acaba! Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz!"
Ohhhhh yeah!
"El esta sobre mi y me guarda con poder! La la la la... "
LOL! I think that Lemon Zinger tea is the winner!
"Yo siento gozo en mi alma y en mi ser, es como rios de agua viva... rios de agua viva en mi ser! Vamos cantando hasta que baje el poder... Oh Gloria a Dios... oh Gloria a EL vamos cantando hasta que baje el poder! la la la la la...."
In spite of my VERY swollen lip (thanks to a cold sore) today is going to be a VERY good day. Amen?
"La vida es nada... todo se acaba! Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz!"
Ohhhhh yeah!
"El esta sobre mi y me guarda con poder! La la la la... "
LOL! I think that Lemon Zinger tea is the winner!
"Yo siento gozo en mi alma y en mi ser, es como rios de agua viva... rios de agua viva en mi ser! Vamos cantando hasta que baje el poder... Oh Gloria a Dios... oh Gloria a EL vamos cantando hasta que baje el poder! la la la la la...."
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Still Here

So we didn't get flown off to the land of Oz last night, thank G-d! LOL.
Still here in one piece.
Orlando, however, got the worst of it with downed power lines, trees and several tornadoes.
We only got strong winds and lots of rain, and frankly, we all slept right through it.
Right now I am homeschooling the kids.
We all love English class... such a breeze!
Gotta go.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Give G-d What's Right... Not What's Left!
I just saw a promotion for a Christian thing known as "Extreme Nights" and I think I want to hurl now. They could've at least worked more on the poster if this was such a Christ oriented promotion. They claim the environment to be "Cristocentrico" and ANYONE who is into G-d would not think so from just looking at the ad. Wow. Very stupid. Let me tell you how this REALLY reads out, not only to me but to others who saw it.
"Are you tired of being a Christian and not being able to go to places like discos and parties? Well, we now have an alternative for you! You can come and dance to Christian music at a billiard. We won't sell you alcohol, but we WILL promote it with Budweiser signs on the walls. Don't worry though, because it is a positive "Christian" setting. Positive music that praises G-d but sounds so much like worldly music, you won't even be able to tell the difference! So come! Come and be sucked in by a secular environment in a "positive" Christian setting!"
Did you all get that? LOL!!!
Here is what I know. What I know is that you cannot call something secular a christian event.
If you want to dance... dance to secular music.
Not to Christian music.
Am I making sense here?
They can call me every name in the book if they want... but I'm not cool with this. I showed this to several friends and they were not only shocked, but nauseated.
Let's see what the word of G-d says, shall we?
"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth. Because you say, 'I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing;' and don't know that you are the wretched one, miserable, poor, blind, and naked; I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that you may become rich; and white garments, that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see.
Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent."
Revelations 3: 15-19
But they won't listen. Not even when G-d has told them over and over again to get rid of their apathy. G-d loves them, but they obviously don't love Him enough.
They love themselves more.
FYI: You don't need "alternative" entertainment.
You see, as a believer you SHOULD KNOW that you were set APART by G-d to do HIS WILL on Earth.
Are you bored?
Do you want a Christ centered environment?
Here... let me give you a few ideas on what to do on Sunday afternoons:
1. Visit the sick.
2. Feed the hungry.
3. Minister to those in jail.
4. Gather with other believers and enjoy fellowship time together at someone's house. (I did that yesterday and it was awesome!)
5. Hey! You can even grab your Bible and walk around your neighborhood and minister to those families close to you.
6. Better yet! Have family night! Go to a bowling alley or take the kids out for ice cream! If money is an issue, then take out the board games and sit around the table for fun family game night!
Hey! They even have dance video games and Band Hero...
I have both and I monitor my children with it, not allowing them to play any music that I understand has any content that could be detrimental to their spiritual upbringing.
When they got their Band Hero this year, I realized that they were only allowed to play 5 songs like ABC and the Kung Fu Panda songs.
After all, your first ministry is your family, in case you didn't know.
If you are in your teens... you can still partake in all of the above.
Too boring?
You want music and you want to dance in an environment that looks like the "real" secular thing?
By all means... go ahead.
Nobody is stopping you.
Oh... wait.
I thought that's what parents were for.
To all the G-dly parents out there, thank you.
To all the indifferent parents out there... boundaries are good.
I know I'll have my "moments" with my kids. They are bound to get rebellious at some point and I know that. Trust me. I really do.
When the time comes, G-d will give me wisdom and who knows... they might end up wandering for a bit until they find their way back.
That is just reality.
However, our job is NOT to THROW them out there ourselves, ya know!
Our job is to lead the way so that if they go astray they can find their way back to G-d. Don't leave bread crumbs like Hansel and Gretel. Leave FRUITS! Fruits of the Spirit! Leave them EVERYWHERE so that they can follow those back to G-d in case they decide to get a taste of the world for a while.
Stuff that tastes a bit too much like "the world" will only train them to think that it's all good. Well, why would they be able to do that and not the other?
We live in this world and such things may be hard to avoid, but as parents we can certainly censor anything that just isn't right.
There isn't much of a differenceThe Budweiser sign is still going to be up there when the "christian music" is playing... and when they're not listening to "christian music" it might just be alright to drink one!
Here is a pic taken by one of my students who went to this thing.

Looks innocent enough. Pretty dark in the corners, alcohol propaganda on the walls... you feeling it yet?
Careful, careful...
Satan is a liar.
He likes to make ungodly things look really tasty.

Wow. I went ahead and blurred out the address and the phone number.
Que pantalones tiene la gente y que falta de respeto tan brutal hacia un Dios tan santo.
Yeshua is on His way.
Se supone que el mundo nos imite a nosotros los creyentes. No los creyentes al mundo.
Very, very sad.
Great Time with Friends
We had a blessed Shabbat with great friends yesterday.
Our friends, who are also military families, live only a few streets away.
One set of friends is from Panama and the other set is from Cuba. Since their houses are back to back, the kids had a blast going back and forth from Martin's house to Isabella's. LOL! We all know each other because our kids went to school together at PHA when I was a teacher there.
While the kids played, I enjoyed a delicious tea party with the other moms. Nothing better than a delicious and graceful tea party when the weather is this chilly.
In the evening, Isabella's mom invited us over for dinner and we had a great time. What a blessing!
They all talked about their years in Cuba and how they too are getting ready for what's coming. Back in Cuba they were all farmers, so they know all there is to know about getting a good return on the soil and preserving seeds. Isabella's mom is from Russia, but she told me that in the Ukraine she had to work hard gathering onions and tubers from the fields in order to eat. She also shared that when it was time to kill a hen and clean it out, she knew exactly how to do it. Times were hard for them and they had to live off the earth and kill whatever animal they could to eat.
You have to understand that Isabella's mom is only 31 years old and as beautiful as she is ( she looks like a model) she doesn't look like the type of gal who would clean the guts out of a hen! LOL! Her husband started laughing when he saw my reaction.
It was fascinating.
The truth is that as they were sharing all this information alongside their funny and often heartfelt stories, deep inside I was thanking G-d for providing me with such amazing friends. They all went through their country's collapse and survived it. Now, they were willing to share their knowledge with me and reassure me that I am not being ridiculous in my thinking. On the contrary, they themselves have been getting ready for months. Not only have they started gardening their backyards, but they have been preserving seeds the old fashion way and acquiring animals for trade.
They themselves are very much aware of the decline of the dollar and what may not be obvious to others, is quite obvious to them. Little changes here and there are more than enough warning for them to get ready.
Needless to say, I was in awe of how G-d works things out. When you place your faith solely on Him and trust Him in all your ways, even when others don't quite get it, He is truly faithful.
In the past couple of months G-d has been speaking to my heart like never before.
For a while there I had to find a way to quiet all the voices around me so that I could listen to His voice alone.
Now I know that I did the right thing, I praise G-d for that.
Last night as I listened to my friends, I quietly thanked G-d for guiding my steps.
There are no coincidences in the L-rd.
Dear Heavenly Abba... You are simply amazing! I love You.
Here is a video of the kids having fun yesterday and of Dorely's trips to Cuba. Dorely is Isabella's aunt. She was also a teacher at PHA and is now expecting her first baby, and it's going to be a girl! Mazel Tov!!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Rainy Days and What's News? THIS IS WHAT REVIVAL TRULY IS
Today it's going to rain all day, so last night my kids and I stopped at the store to get EVERYTHING we needed to stay "rained in".
So glad I did that.
Now... on with what's news.
I have Fox News set up as my main page, and the title reads:
Hu: Dollar-Based System 'Product of the Past' (you may click on the link to read full article)
"Chinese President Hu Jintao emphasized the need for cooperation with the U.S. in areas from new energy to space ahead of his visit to Washington this week, but he called the present U.S. dollar-dominated currency system a "product of the past" and highlighted moves to turn the yuan into a global currency."
Pretty creepy stuff happening right now if you ask me.
Then again, most of us who stay informed have known that this was coming.
Not only is it all over the news, but it's also in the B-I-B-L-E.
Hold on to G-d, folks.
That's all I'm saying.
For those churches who insist on preaching about a pre-tribulational return of Yeshua... heads up! We are possibly into the tribulation times already, if not, about to enter that phase. The heavy stuff is about to burst.
If you still think that it's all a party down here and you haven't taken your relationship with G-d to another level, look out.
It's time to take Him serious.
It's time to open your Bibles and saturate yourselves with His WORD!
It's time to PREPARE not only spiritually but in other aspects of your lives.
There were ten virgins. Five were foolish and five were wise...
Now, before you watch this video, please be aware that Mark Blitz (a messianic rabbi) DOES NOT give a set date for the return of Messiah. He just brings to light the fact that G-d gave the sun and the moon as signs for the feast days.
For those of you who are not Jewish and are not familiar with the feast days and the Biblical calendar, I would suggest you do some study on that material to understand what our feast days are about. Once you do, the following video will make so much incredible sense, that it will stir something in your spirit and make you realize how absolutely REAL and FAITHFUL G-d's WORD is.
Nobody knows the DAY or the HOUR.
Then again, G-d does encourages us to keep an eye out for the seasons (we know them as divine appointments). :) These tetrads, in my opinion, could be a sign of major tribulational events as well as of the return of Yeshua. Nobody really knows. Then again, the facts are clear. It is historically proven that a major event often follows a blood moon tetrad, and that it mainly has to do with the people of Israel (oh, and by the way, after Yeshua gentile believers are included there too). :) This is not a time to be messing around, like he says. It's time to be THISCLOSE to G-d.
Hallelujah! L-rd COME SOON! This is true revival and it's happening in many churches across the nation. Listen up. Revival is basically GOING BACK to the BIBLICAL WAYS and following the commandments of G-d, observing the commanded feast days, believing in Yeshua as Messiah and keeping the Shabbat holy! People forget that G-d SANCTIFIED that day and that you cannot take away or add to the word of G-d. So whoever keeps saying that Sunday is a Christian's shabbat is basically replacing the scripture. You can't adjust the Bible to your convenience. Please understand that. G-d is holy, holy, holy!
There is nothing wrong with having a church service on Sunday. That's not what I am saying. We are technically supposed to reach out to others, praise and worship every single day. So going to church on Sunday is not going to kill you. That's not the point.
The point is that you need to keep the Shabbat holy. It is a day intended for rest. If you decide that your church can have service on that day, great! But if not, then find a way to keep it. Find a way to set that day apart from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. G-d will honor that.
The Holy Spirit has been revealing this truth to many pastors and congregations who are NOW taking the matter seriously! I am glad for those who receive this revelation and FOLLOW IT.
Here is an explanation of the seven feasts.
No rock or rap music here... tee hee!!! :) Just pure unadulterated praise to our KING of KINGS!!!
Oh... and lots and lots of YOUTH! So you see... only G-d's presence is required to bring joy to the hearts of so many!
So glad I did that.
Now... on with what's news.
I have Fox News set up as my main page, and the title reads:
Hu: Dollar-Based System 'Product of the Past' (you may click on the link to read full article)
"Chinese President Hu Jintao emphasized the need for cooperation with the U.S. in areas from new energy to space ahead of his visit to Washington this week, but he called the present U.S. dollar-dominated currency system a "product of the past" and highlighted moves to turn the yuan into a global currency."
Pretty creepy stuff happening right now if you ask me.
Then again, most of us who stay informed have known that this was coming.
Not only is it all over the news, but it's also in the B-I-B-L-E.
Hold on to G-d, folks.
That's all I'm saying.
For those churches who insist on preaching about a pre-tribulational return of Yeshua... heads up! We are possibly into the tribulation times already, if not, about to enter that phase. The heavy stuff is about to burst.
If you still think that it's all a party down here and you haven't taken your relationship with G-d to another level, look out.
It's time to take Him serious.
It's time to open your Bibles and saturate yourselves with His WORD!
It's time to PREPARE not only spiritually but in other aspects of your lives.
There were ten virgins. Five were foolish and five were wise...
Now, before you watch this video, please be aware that Mark Blitz (a messianic rabbi) DOES NOT give a set date for the return of Messiah. He just brings to light the fact that G-d gave the sun and the moon as signs for the feast days.
For those of you who are not Jewish and are not familiar with the feast days and the Biblical calendar, I would suggest you do some study on that material to understand what our feast days are about. Once you do, the following video will make so much incredible sense, that it will stir something in your spirit and make you realize how absolutely REAL and FAITHFUL G-d's WORD is.
Nobody knows the DAY or the HOUR.
Then again, G-d does encourages us to keep an eye out for the seasons (we know them as divine appointments). :) These tetrads, in my opinion, could be a sign of major tribulational events as well as of the return of Yeshua. Nobody really knows. Then again, the facts are clear. It is historically proven that a major event often follows a blood moon tetrad, and that it mainly has to do with the people of Israel (oh, and by the way, after Yeshua gentile believers are included there too). :) This is not a time to be messing around, like he says. It's time to be THISCLOSE to G-d.
Hallelujah! L-rd COME SOON! This is true revival and it's happening in many churches across the nation. Listen up. Revival is basically GOING BACK to the BIBLICAL WAYS and following the commandments of G-d, observing the commanded feast days, believing in Yeshua as Messiah and keeping the Shabbat holy! People forget that G-d SANCTIFIED that day and that you cannot take away or add to the word of G-d. So whoever keeps saying that Sunday is a Christian's shabbat is basically replacing the scripture. You can't adjust the Bible to your convenience. Please understand that. G-d is holy, holy, holy!
There is nothing wrong with having a church service on Sunday. That's not what I am saying. We are technically supposed to reach out to others, praise and worship every single day. So going to church on Sunday is not going to kill you. That's not the point.
The point is that you need to keep the Shabbat holy. It is a day intended for rest. If you decide that your church can have service on that day, great! But if not, then find a way to keep it. Find a way to set that day apart from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. G-d will honor that.
The Holy Spirit has been revealing this truth to many pastors and congregations who are NOW taking the matter seriously! I am glad for those who receive this revelation and FOLLOW IT.
Here is an explanation of the seven feasts.
No rock or rap music here... tee hee!!! :) Just pure unadulterated praise to our KING of KINGS!!!
Oh... and lots and lots of YOUTH! So you see... only G-d's presence is required to bring joy to the hearts of so many!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Bahama Breezes and Hawaiian Rumbles
So today I decided to be brave and venture out with the kids. We wanted to do something different. I was feeling alright to walk, so we decided to go to Bahama Breeze for dinner and then to the Hawaiian Rumble Miniature Golf place they had next door.
Wow! It was great. The food at Bahama Breeze rocks! I decided to have this salmon pasta with passion fruit sauce that was just DIVINE! It had mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and it was totally yummy! I'm allowed carbs at least three times a month in moderate quantities.
My kids?
After taking a REALLY LOOOOOOOOONG look at the menu, they decided that they wanted the corn and plantain chips with spinach and asparagus dip, and of course... chicken fingers.
LOL! Oh well. Trying something different didn't go too far on their end, but they did love their mango smoothies and their fresh lemonade!
Right now I feel like my muscles want to kill me for putting them through a miniature golf course, but the truth is that we had so much fun! The kids totally loved it!
This hypokalemia can really be a pain (like right now), but I won't let it get in the way of spending quality fun time with my children.
We had a great time and it was definitely worth it!
Thank You dear G-d for a beautiful day with my kids!

Wow! It was great. The food at Bahama Breeze rocks! I decided to have this salmon pasta with passion fruit sauce that was just DIVINE! It had mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and it was totally yummy! I'm allowed carbs at least three times a month in moderate quantities.
My kids?
After taking a REALLY LOOOOOOOOONG look at the menu, they decided that they wanted the corn and plantain chips with spinach and asparagus dip, and of course... chicken fingers.
LOL! Oh well. Trying something different didn't go too far on their end, but they did love their mango smoothies and their fresh lemonade!
Right now I feel like my muscles want to kill me for putting them through a miniature golf course, but the truth is that we had so much fun! The kids totally loved it!
This hypokalemia can really be a pain (like right now), but I won't let it get in the way of spending quality fun time with my children.
We had a great time and it was definitely worth it!
Thank You dear G-d for a beautiful day with my kids!
Silly Dream
I had this weird dream last night.
In this dream I was in a house making dinner and my kids were there and so was this guy. He was wearing a baseball hat, khaki bermuda shorts and he was pudgy with skinny legs. I'm not sure but he looked hispanic... but I really can't be sure. I cannot remember his face. Just the way his body was shaped and what he was wearing. Then I invited him to sit at the table, which he did, and we all had dinner together.
Next thing I knew it was time for him to leave and as he headed out the door he told me to meet him at the lake for the Fourth of July fireworks.
This dream was weird. It went from one scene to the other like on television.
The next part of the dream took place by the lake. Cars were parked there and it was still daytime. The parking lot was basically a sandy area and the houses by the lake were rustic. Most of them had two levels and were made of wood that was painted white... but they were worn, the paint chipped and all.
I remember those details because in the dream I remember asking myself why people didn't take the time to paint their homes. LOL!
Anyways... we all saw the fireworks and then I woke up.
Weird dream.
Weirder in the sense that I have not dined with a dude in more than 8 years and I don't exactly know any guy who fits that description.
Strange silly dreams.
I need go back to drinking tea before bedtime.
In this dream I was in a house making dinner and my kids were there and so was this guy. He was wearing a baseball hat, khaki bermuda shorts and he was pudgy with skinny legs. I'm not sure but he looked hispanic... but I really can't be sure. I cannot remember his face. Just the way his body was shaped and what he was wearing. Then I invited him to sit at the table, which he did, and we all had dinner together.
Next thing I knew it was time for him to leave and as he headed out the door he told me to meet him at the lake for the Fourth of July fireworks.
This dream was weird. It went from one scene to the other like on television.
The next part of the dream took place by the lake. Cars were parked there and it was still daytime. The parking lot was basically a sandy area and the houses by the lake were rustic. Most of them had two levels and were made of wood that was painted white... but they were worn, the paint chipped and all.
I remember those details because in the dream I remember asking myself why people didn't take the time to paint their homes. LOL!
Anyways... we all saw the fireworks and then I woke up.
Weird dream.
Weirder in the sense that I have not dined with a dude in more than 8 years and I don't exactly know any guy who fits that description.
Strange silly dreams.
I need go back to drinking tea before bedtime.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Called In to Sub
Dear Abba:
I am up and ready to go sub.
Got the call yesterday.
The time is 5:49 a.m.
Right now I am literally sleepwalking through the motions.
Since I don't drink coffee I need to get things zapping a different way.
Hmmm... tea!
Truth is I'm feeling better. I'm walking and moving (kinda slow)... but it's going, it's going.
G-d be with me today.
I am up and ready to go sub.
Got the call yesterday.
The time is 5:49 a.m.
Right now I am literally sleepwalking through the motions.
Since I don't drink coffee I need to get things zapping a different way.
Hmmm... tea!
Truth is I'm feeling better. I'm walking and moving (kinda slow)... but it's going, it's going.
G-d be with me today.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I Cannot Believe...
I cannot believe that a church would picket a child's funeral. That is totally outrageous. There should be laws against that! Ugh!!! Did you all see this?
May G-d grant this child's family the strength to deal with this tragedy and with the ignorant people who want to take part in this huge act of disrespect.
RIP Christina Green. You're an angel now.
My heart breaks for this family, especially for Christina's mom. Oh my goodness, her pain is so heartfelt.
Please pray for this family.
May G-d grant this child's family the strength to deal with this tragedy and with the ignorant people who want to take part in this huge act of disrespect.
RIP Christina Green. You're an angel now.
My heart breaks for this family, especially for Christina's mom. Oh my goodness, her pain is so heartfelt.
Please pray for this family.
Singing Praises ... Doing Laundry... Singing Praises...Folding Laundry... LOL!
Right now I'm doing laundry and I am jamming with the oldies but goodies! These praises are the REAL deal! That's what I'm talking about!!! LOL!
My Abuelita taught me all these songs when I was a little girl.
Wow... precious memories.
Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.
Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.
La vida es nada
Todo se acaba
Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.
Oh! Look! I found the Mexican version with Marcos Witt! LOL! Nice. I love these songs!
Ya vamos CAMINO A CANAAN!!! Yeah! Ay mi musica linda para mi Dios!
No puedo esperar a que suene la trompeta! Gloria a Yeshua!!!
My Abuelita taught me all these songs when I was a little girl.
Wow... precious memories.
Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.
Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.
La vida es nada
Todo se acaba
Solo Dios hace al hombre feliz.
Oh! Look! I found the Mexican version with Marcos Witt! LOL! Nice. I love these songs!
Ya vamos CAMINO A CANAAN!!! Yeah! Ay mi musica linda para mi Dios!
No puedo esperar a que suene la trompeta! Gloria a Yeshua!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
A Bad Feeling
Why do I have this strange feeling that something bad is going to happen in Puerto Rico?
Ugh. My heart is aching.
I need to go pray.
This is way too intense.
Ugh. My heart is aching.
I need to go pray.
This is way too intense.
Math Class and History
My children are doing Math and Ricardo is estimating, which is supposed to be easy but for me it's such a drag.
Math is so... bleh. Claudia's Algebra is super bleh.
Ok. That's my personal feeling.
Now it's time to make it fun for the kids although it's not fun for me at all!
Tee hee!!! :0)
After this, I'm going to take a good look at the new History books! Yay!
Claudia is going to be studying ancient civilizations and landmarks, and Ricardo's book is titled Sweet Land of Liberty: The Spirit of Growing America (how ironic, don't you think?). They're both from Bob Jones University Publications and the material rocks!
It's going to be a great class!
Math is so... bleh. Claudia's Algebra is super bleh.
Ok. That's my personal feeling.
Now it's time to make it fun for the kids although it's not fun for me at all!
Tee hee!!! :0)
After this, I'm going to take a good look at the new History books! Yay!
Claudia is going to be studying ancient civilizations and landmarks, and Ricardo's book is titled Sweet Land of Liberty: The Spirit of Growing America (how ironic, don't you think?). They're both from Bob Jones University Publications and the material rocks!
It's going to be a great class!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Praying for Gabrielle Giffords
We've been praying for Gabrielle Giffords since we heard of the incident, and also for the families who were affected, especially the family of the little girl who died.
It's so sad.
The end of the world can happen at any time for anyone.
Eternity can hit us in an instant and we must be ready. We must simply be ready.
It's so sad.
The end of the world can happen at any time for anyone.
Eternity can hit us in an instant and we must be ready. We must simply be ready.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Time Is Now
Back in May the L-rd revealed to me that a big storm was coming soon. I blogged about it and well... here is the link
After looking back at that blog, I realized how much love G-d has for His people that He continues to STRETCH time to provide them with the opportunity for spiritual preparation. The transitions that are about to take place are huge and too many people out there are completely distracted and completely unprepared. They have no clue. No clue whatsoever.
They don't keep themselves informed.
Not only do they not read their Bibles...they don't keep an eye out for the news either.
They enjoy being leaders and planning awesome activities, but they don't prepare the flock for what's coming.
It's about to pour and I see absolutely no arks out there... hypothetically speaking, of course.
One example is inflation (hyperinflation is a better term). For those of you who have no clue, the dollar is in orderly decline BIG TIME! That and the fact that we have reached "peak oil" is bad... really, really bad.
Inflation is about to hit this nation in such a way that people will literally starve because they won't have enough to live on. Yet most Americans have no clue. Here my dad is about to buy the boxes, the soil and the seeds because he knows what's coming, but everyone else is so... asleep. He figured that if we can at least plant veggies and tubers we can make the situation a bit more tolerable. We grew most of our produce back in the island, so we know how it's done. We are blessed to have great knowledge regarding organic seeds and how to get a good return on the soil. My mom and my abuelita are pros.
Seeds that are bio engineered or a better term would be hybrid (the ones sold in most gardening stores), only render produce once and then they're dead, in case you didn't know. REAL organic seeds are a bit harder to come by and are quite expensive, but they are a must.
Organic seeds can actually also become a great form of currency for when fiat currency becomes literally worthless. Gold would be the most favorable alternative to this, but it is too expensive to purchase at this point for us.
Save food and water people, and if possible, store organic seeds and soil.
I'm not kidding.
"Oh... but G-d will take care of me because I'm faithful!" you say.
Um... yeah. He already is by giving you numerous warnings and TELLING YOU HOW TO PREPARE before it happens!
As far as I know, G-d told Noah how to build the ark but He didn't build it for him.
People laughed at Noah the ENTIRE time he was building the ark. People made fun of him like crazy and did not care to listen to a single word he was saying.
You get me?
I'm sure that you have already laughed at this blog too.
The storm is coming. G-d is doing all He can to tell His people that it's REALLY coming.
Why are you NOT listening?
Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) "My people perish from a lack of knowledge."
I promise you that G-d wants us to be wise and not ignorant of the facts. Ignoring the facts is not going to make it all go away, and when things happen you will be unprepared because of your own ignorance. Please don't you dare blame G-d or anyone else for that.
Not to panic anyone, for G-d is a G-d of peace, but have you guys been reading the news?
You have to admit things are getting a little weird: 5,000 blackbirds falling dead from the sky in Arkansas; 2 million dead fish in Chesapeake Bay; hundreds of dead birds found all over lawns in Sweden; 40,000 dead crabs washing up on England’s shores; 530 penguins, numerous other seabirds, five dolphins, and three giant sea turtles dead in Brazil; 200 American Coots dead on a Texas bridge; hundreds of snapper fish dead in New Zealand. And the list keeps growing.
I was all for fireworks as the explanation and also for the cold weather reasoning until the same phenomena started happening in the southern hemisphere where it is currently summer.
Which trumpet is this? The second or the third?
Who knows. Maybe neither one... just yet.
No. I'm not about to get all fanatical. If Yeshua is on the way down then I'm all for it, but I'm not worried.
It's creepy for people who don't read their Bibles and for those freaks who want to put a date on the end of the world. G-d gave His people the sun and the moon as signs and to be very much aware of the seasons. That's how we keep tabs, but hey...
listen up...
The end of your world can come from simply getting into a car accident or choking on a chicken bone.
Then what? Are you ready?
Let's do a little less freaking out and a little more preparing, shall we?
Get your act together with G-d. Store food and water for harsh times.
That's all.
See that neighbor you have never ministered to? Give him a Bible. Tell him that Yeshua died for his sins!
You don't have to be a pastor or an evangelist to do that! C'mon.
If you are willing to lend a hand when someone is in trouble then you should be able to share more than a cup of sugar with those who live close by.
How about eternal life?
Start there.
The world will pass but not G-d's WORD!
What are you afraid of?
Please don't wait for people to give you a prophecy. Don't do that to yourself.
Are you with me?
That way, if it all ends whether for you or for those you speak with, it's all good because you'll get to meet again in heaven.
Right now, I have quite a bit of preparing to do myself. There is plenty of room for improvement in terms of my relationship with G-d, so I'm not wasting time. I want to see Him one day and talk to Him and be His for all eternity.
My personal flaws are like... a ton, ok? And they are not easy to deal with as I am sure that yours aren't either.
We are a work in progress, but what really matters is that He sees how hard we work at MAKING actual progress.
Please don't just sit there waiting for all the answers to fall from the sky.
They won't.
I promise you that they wont.
Right now you have a greater chance of getting hit on the head by a dead bird than of getting ALL your prayer requests answered. Just praying and asking is not going to get you too far. G-d DOES HAVE the power to answer prayer... YES! Yes he does. Yet here is how that works, ok?
If there is a goal, GET MOVING.
G-d will NEVER give you anything that YOU are NOT willing to pursue.
After looking back at that blog, I realized how much love G-d has for His people that He continues to STRETCH time to provide them with the opportunity for spiritual preparation. The transitions that are about to take place are huge and too many people out there are completely distracted and completely unprepared. They have no clue. No clue whatsoever.
They don't keep themselves informed.
Not only do they not read their Bibles...they don't keep an eye out for the news either.
They enjoy being leaders and planning awesome activities, but they don't prepare the flock for what's coming.
It's about to pour and I see absolutely no arks out there... hypothetically speaking, of course.
One example is inflation (hyperinflation is a better term). For those of you who have no clue, the dollar is in orderly decline BIG TIME! That and the fact that we have reached "peak oil" is bad... really, really bad.
Inflation is about to hit this nation in such a way that people will literally starve because they won't have enough to live on. Yet most Americans have no clue. Here my dad is about to buy the boxes, the soil and the seeds because he knows what's coming, but everyone else is so... asleep. He figured that if we can at least plant veggies and tubers we can make the situation a bit more tolerable. We grew most of our produce back in the island, so we know how it's done. We are blessed to have great knowledge regarding organic seeds and how to get a good return on the soil. My mom and my abuelita are pros.
Seeds that are bio engineered or a better term would be hybrid (the ones sold in most gardening stores), only render produce once and then they're dead, in case you didn't know. REAL organic seeds are a bit harder to come by and are quite expensive, but they are a must.
Organic seeds can actually also become a great form of currency for when fiat currency becomes literally worthless. Gold would be the most favorable alternative to this, but it is too expensive to purchase at this point for us.
Save food and water people, and if possible, store organic seeds and soil.
I'm not kidding.
"Oh... but G-d will take care of me because I'm faithful!" you say.
Um... yeah. He already is by giving you numerous warnings and TELLING YOU HOW TO PREPARE before it happens!
As far as I know, G-d told Noah how to build the ark but He didn't build it for him.
People laughed at Noah the ENTIRE time he was building the ark. People made fun of him like crazy and did not care to listen to a single word he was saying.
You get me?
I'm sure that you have already laughed at this blog too.
The storm is coming. G-d is doing all He can to tell His people that it's REALLY coming.
Why are you NOT listening?
Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) "My people perish from a lack of knowledge."
I promise you that G-d wants us to be wise and not ignorant of the facts. Ignoring the facts is not going to make it all go away, and when things happen you will be unprepared because of your own ignorance. Please don't you dare blame G-d or anyone else for that.
Not to panic anyone, for G-d is a G-d of peace, but have you guys been reading the news?
You have to admit things are getting a little weird: 5,000 blackbirds falling dead from the sky in Arkansas; 2 million dead fish in Chesapeake Bay; hundreds of dead birds found all over lawns in Sweden; 40,000 dead crabs washing up on England’s shores; 530 penguins, numerous other seabirds, five dolphins, and three giant sea turtles dead in Brazil; 200 American Coots dead on a Texas bridge; hundreds of snapper fish dead in New Zealand. And the list keeps growing.
I was all for fireworks as the explanation and also for the cold weather reasoning until the same phenomena started happening in the southern hemisphere where it is currently summer.
Which trumpet is this? The second or the third?
Who knows. Maybe neither one... just yet.
No. I'm not about to get all fanatical. If Yeshua is on the way down then I'm all for it, but I'm not worried.
It's creepy for people who don't read their Bibles and for those freaks who want to put a date on the end of the world. G-d gave His people the sun and the moon as signs and to be very much aware of the seasons. That's how we keep tabs, but hey...
listen up...
The end of your world can come from simply getting into a car accident or choking on a chicken bone.
Then what? Are you ready?
Let's do a little less freaking out and a little more preparing, shall we?
Get your act together with G-d. Store food and water for harsh times.
That's all.
See that neighbor you have never ministered to? Give him a Bible. Tell him that Yeshua died for his sins!
You don't have to be a pastor or an evangelist to do that! C'mon.
If you are willing to lend a hand when someone is in trouble then you should be able to share more than a cup of sugar with those who live close by.
How about eternal life?
Start there.
The world will pass but not G-d's WORD!
What are you afraid of?
Please don't wait for people to give you a prophecy. Don't do that to yourself.
Are you with me?
That way, if it all ends whether for you or for those you speak with, it's all good because you'll get to meet again in heaven.
Right now, I have quite a bit of preparing to do myself. There is plenty of room for improvement in terms of my relationship with G-d, so I'm not wasting time. I want to see Him one day and talk to Him and be His for all eternity.
My personal flaws are like... a ton, ok? And they are not easy to deal with as I am sure that yours aren't either.
We are a work in progress, but what really matters is that He sees how hard we work at MAKING actual progress.
Please don't just sit there waiting for all the answers to fall from the sky.
They won't.
I promise you that they wont.
Right now you have a greater chance of getting hit on the head by a dead bird than of getting ALL your prayer requests answered. Just praying and asking is not going to get you too far. G-d DOES HAVE the power to answer prayer... YES! Yes he does. Yet here is how that works, ok?
If there is a goal, GET MOVING.
G-d will NEVER give you anything that YOU are NOT willing to pursue.
We Got Haircuts!
I was so done with my children running around with BIG hair.
It was simply time to tame the mane!
After finding dreads beneath my daughter's long hair I literally panicked!
Well... let's just say that he was not too thrilled. In order to get it right, the stylist had to use clippies and that totally irked him. LOL!
As you can see, he gave me the "brow" in protest, which was just too cute. I just wanted to squeeze those chubby cheeks and eat him up with kisses!
Totally loved the end result!

It was simply time to tame the mane!
After finding dreads beneath my daughter's long hair I literally panicked!
Well... let's just say that he was not too thrilled. In order to get it right, the stylist had to use clippies and that totally irked him. LOL!
As you can see, he gave me the "brow" in protest, which was just too cute. I just wanted to squeeze those chubby cheeks and eat him up with kisses!
Totally loved the end result!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. ~Thomas Jefferson
I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't. ~Mark Twain
Honesty pays, but it don't seem to pay enough to suit some people. ~Frank McKinney
I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't. ~Mark Twain
Honesty pays, but it don't seem to pay enough to suit some people. ~Frank McKinney
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
G-d is so good.
I just love Him.
So as you already know, thousands of birds fell dead from the sky the other day. Next thing we knew, 100,00 fish were found dead in a river too.
This morning my dad opened the door to my bedroom and freaked us all out.
"Rose! Five hundred elephants fell from the sky today! Don't forget to take your umbrella if you guys go somewhere."
We were half asleep and after five minutes, when all the fuzziness was gone, we started laughing hysterically!
Like I said, G-d is good. :)
I just love Him.
So as you already know, thousands of birds fell dead from the sky the other day. Next thing we knew, 100,00 fish were found dead in a river too.
This morning my dad opened the door to my bedroom and freaked us all out.
"Rose! Five hundred elephants fell from the sky today! Don't forget to take your umbrella if you guys go somewhere."
We were half asleep and after five minutes, when all the fuzziness was gone, we started laughing hysterically!
Like I said, G-d is good. :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Pizza! Pizza!
Here in Poinciana we have a wonderful little pizza parlor that is simply amazing.
We ordered the usual.
Half cheese.
Half olives.
We don't like to add anything else. Pizzas are supposed to be thin and greasy and taste like cheese for the most part. When you add too much stuff, it technically stops being a REAL pizza. It becomes more of a flat hot sub.
Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, Domino's... that is NOT what pizza is supposed to taste like.
Now, our little pizza parlor... that's the good stuff! Has anyone ever been to Little Italy in New York?
Well, this comes very close.
Cheese pizza for me and for Ricardo (As always, "lite" on the sauce! ) and
Olives for Claudia please! :)

We ordered the usual.
Half cheese.
Half olives.
We don't like to add anything else. Pizzas are supposed to be thin and greasy and taste like cheese for the most part. When you add too much stuff, it technically stops being a REAL pizza. It becomes more of a flat hot sub.
Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, Domino's... that is NOT what pizza is supposed to taste like.
Now, our little pizza parlor... that's the good stuff! Has anyone ever been to Little Italy in New York?
Well, this comes very close.
Cheese pizza for me and for Ricardo (As always, "lite" on the sauce! ) and
Olives for Claudia please! :)
Got Fruit?
Not too long ago, someone whose pride took a punch when I spoke my heart out told me that I was very condemning.
Well... to tell you the truth I'm not sure what's worse. If stating the facts or playing dumb to subtle games that people play to get reactions. That and all the lying just got on my nerves. After several years, I kinda got tired of it. My intentions were not to hurt his feelings, but the truth is that I had grown tired of playing dumb.
At times I think that church leaders play those subtle games too. They flirt and tease with secular things to get the youth's attention, or even to get favors from people they can benefit from in the church. While church members might have a gut feeling that something is not quite right, they choose to play dumb to the facts because deep down they still hope that it's not true. Deep down they still think that there's a good excuse and that all is good.
When you've been hurt that way enough times, you recognize it when you see it.
The question is... what do you do?
I've been hurt that way enough times myself and I have learned to react in a very specific way.
I keep a safe distance or slowly but surely walk away. I play invisible.
Well...because I'm not a joke. I'm a human being.
It hurts to realize that people you hold in high esteem are simply "messing" with you.
As G-d deals with that aspect of my life, I've been learning to face my giants and not hide from them.
Not easy. Not easy at all.
Yet I can safely say that my days of being a people pleaser are pretty much over.
My love language is giving.
That is how I communicate love to others, and that's quite different, but it took me quite a while to understand this. When you are a people pleaser you become vulnerable to being taken advantage of.
You DON'T have to agree with everything.
You DON't have to say "yes" all the time.
It's ok to find your voice once in a while.
Fruits people.
Fruits of the Spirit.
That's what you need to look for in your leaders and even in the friends you long to open your heart to.
Not their titles. Not their name. Not their ability to smooth talk you into something. Not even their apparent intellect.
G-d never chooses those who think of themselves as "qualified".
He, however, somehow qualifies those He chooses.
Love - "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him" (1 John 4:16). Through Jesus Christ, our greatest goal is to do all things in love. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails" (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).
Joy - "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2).
Peace - "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1). "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13).
Longsuffering (patience) -- We are "strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness" (Colossians 1:11). "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2).
Gentleness (kindness) -- We should live "in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left" (2 Corinthians 6:6-7).
Goodness - "Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power" (2 Thessalonians 1:11). "For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth" (Ephesians 5:9).
Faith (faithfulness) - "O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth" (Isaiah 25:1). "I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith" (Ephesians 3:16-17).
Meekness - "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted" (Galatians 6:1). "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2).
Temperance (self-control) - "But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love" (2 Peter 1:5-7).
Well... to tell you the truth I'm not sure what's worse. If stating the facts or playing dumb to subtle games that people play to get reactions. That and all the lying just got on my nerves. After several years, I kinda got tired of it. My intentions were not to hurt his feelings, but the truth is that I had grown tired of playing dumb.
At times I think that church leaders play those subtle games too. They flirt and tease with secular things to get the youth's attention, or even to get favors from people they can benefit from in the church. While church members might have a gut feeling that something is not quite right, they choose to play dumb to the facts because deep down they still hope that it's not true. Deep down they still think that there's a good excuse and that all is good.
When you've been hurt that way enough times, you recognize it when you see it.
The question is... what do you do?
I've been hurt that way enough times myself and I have learned to react in a very specific way.
I keep a safe distance or slowly but surely walk away. I play invisible.
Well...because I'm not a joke. I'm a human being.
It hurts to realize that people you hold in high esteem are simply "messing" with you.
As G-d deals with that aspect of my life, I've been learning to face my giants and not hide from them.
Not easy. Not easy at all.
Yet I can safely say that my days of being a people pleaser are pretty much over.
My love language is giving.
That is how I communicate love to others, and that's quite different, but it took me quite a while to understand this. When you are a people pleaser you become vulnerable to being taken advantage of.
You DON'T have to agree with everything.
You DON't have to say "yes" all the time.
It's ok to find your voice once in a while.
Fruits people.
Fruits of the Spirit.
That's what you need to look for in your leaders and even in the friends you long to open your heart to.
Not their titles. Not their name. Not their ability to smooth talk you into something. Not even their apparent intellect.
G-d never chooses those who think of themselves as "qualified".
He, however, somehow qualifies those He chooses.
Love - "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him" (1 John 4:16). Through Jesus Christ, our greatest goal is to do all things in love. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails" (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).
Joy - "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2).
Peace - "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1). "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13).
Longsuffering (patience) -- We are "strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness" (Colossians 1:11). "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2).
Gentleness (kindness) -- We should live "in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left" (2 Corinthians 6:6-7).
Goodness - "Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power" (2 Thessalonians 1:11). "For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth" (Ephesians 5:9).
Faith (faithfulness) - "O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth" (Isaiah 25:1). "I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith" (Ephesians 3:16-17).
Meekness - "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted" (Galatians 6:1). "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2).
Temperance (self-control) - "But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love" (2 Peter 1:5-7).
Saturday, January 1, 2011
From My Heart to Yours
The year 2010 was a good year in spite of all the changes that took place in our lives.
We went from having a home, to having to move in with my parents because of my health issues. That was very difficult for us. My parents are good people, but our views about everything are so incredibly different, that I have come to the conclusion that even attempting to compromise has been a challenge from G-d Himself. It's as though He is simply saying, "Put up with this for a little bit. First things first, ok?"
And I find myself at the end of that conversation muttering between my teeth..."Sure L-rd. Ok. Whatever... You say."
I no longer work at the resort. Instead I do business from home, but only when I can. When the funds are low, then I kick things up a bit. Other than that I am just a mom doing the usual. Cleaning, cooking and homeschooling.
The kids are happy. Their tummies are full. Their beds are nice and warm.
In comparison to so many out there, we have millions. We are filthy rich.
So are you, by the way.
Thousands died of cholera in Haiti. Others here in the U.S. are sleeping in tents.
Got a bed? Good.
Got at least one square meal a day? Great!
Your kids...have they gone without water? No? Awesome!
Yeah... you are filthy rich alright. :) You've got everything, even if it's the same clothes you wore last year. Praise the L-rd!
So with that in perspective, I'll mutter to G-d between my teeth the usual "Ok, Ok!" when things don't go my way, stick to His plan and deal with it.
The grass will always appear to be greener on the other side no matter what. But it's only a mirage. We've got it good. We've got it really good.
If we were to count our blessings, there is nothing to complain about. We had an overflow of those this past year and I have G-d to thank for that.
In 2010 the lessons learned were many. Some were good while others were heartbreaking. Not sure if I balanced those out very well. Then again, our world was packed with surprises and with new beginnings that I myself was not expecting.
Do we have plans for this new year? Sure. There always has to be a plan, you know. Our lives cannot lack direction. This year is all about commitment. Commitment to G-d as the head of my household. Commitment to my children. Commitment to my family, even during those moments when we don't see eye to eye. Commitment to edifying those around me by LIVING the Word of G-d.
HaShem taught me that my desire to serve Him and tell others about Him cannot be placed on hold for another time and another place. We must shine where we are. That simple.
Las iglesias han convertido al altar de Dios en escenarios, and G-d was so clear in His message when He placed it in my heart that I had no choice but to say something because G-d is holy and there needs to be respect for His sanctuary. That simple.
Christianity has turned into churchianity. The church has become a nation of "churchians" preaching prosperity and bringing in the "sounds" of secular music to attract the youth because they think that otherwise they won't attend.
Forgive me for being so blunt, but Yeshua did not walk around with a rock band or a raeggeton group to get people's attention.
Can someone please explain to me why pastors and youth leaders are meshing the "world" into the church in order to accommodate the "needs" of the youth and often times of the adults too?
Can someone PLEASE explain this to me?
I've had questions, and I am still waiting for some people who offered to explain, to respond. My inbox continues to be empty. I suppose they have nothing further to say. You don't use the altar as a catwalk for a fashion show, REGARDLESS of the good intentions. Period.
What? Yes.
Several churches, in fact.
One even had a Victoria Secret thing going on, to my horror.
Look, we have all been "churchians". Yes. Yes we have.
We've all been bored in a sermon at some point or another. We've all sinned being a church member at some point or another. We have all danced to the tune of great music without even caring about the words, at some point or another. C'mon. Admit it.
I myself have been there and I remember what it felt like. It was the best "high" ever, but the results were temporary. The music was great. The euphoria was incredible... but that's not always the Holy Spirit manifesting itself.
A very wise and good friend once wrote that we might get goosebumps and think it's the Holy Spirit, when it's not.
The fruits of the Spirit give testimony of it.
The fruits of the Spirit are what demonstrate whether you've got it or you don't.
No word prophecied to me can EVER substitute the REAL deal. For in the same way in which we are willing to receive from G-d, we must be willing to GIVE. So... what do we give?
FRUITS of the Spirit!
You with me?
What these kids are seeking, they cannot find in the middle of all the static that's engulfing the church. The direct line with G-d is getting a lot of interference. I know because I was there once.
As a teen I realized that my worldly music sounded so much like my church music that it wouldn't make a difference if I heard one or the other. Many adults are in the same predicament, I assure you. I have met quite a few like that.
So churches are not perfect. They will never be. We won't ever be perfect... but we will be held accountable for not setting our priorities in accordance to what the Bible says.
When a church becomes a social club, then it's stops being a church.
Rather than trust ourselves into thinking that we can use "bait" to catch His fish, we should remember that G-d's skills as a fisher of men cannot be outsmarted.
The minute we give HIM back the fishing rod and the nets, we'll see the miracle of the bread and the fish all over again!
I'm sure that you all know how to multiply by now... but G-d...WOW! He is the pro.
When we start giving G-d HIS place again, the sweet sound of His Spirit and of His Presence will simply suffice, and the youth will come and fill up the temple. In this experience they will finally find the truth that will fill their void...the Word that will quench their thirst...and true intimacy with their King of Kings.
If we could just make a bit of space, you know... somewhere between the keyboards and the drums...the microphones maybe, or the mega expensive sounds systems that burst our eardrums, He'll fit, right? I mean.. He should fit, right?
Yikes. G-d is just too big, isn't He? Yeah...for He is G-d and G-d alone. Trust me.
Be still, and know that HE is G-D. Praise Him, but do so with the utmost reverence. Don't give Him the "carbon copies" of what you heard a rapper sing, and then change the words around to suit the place. G-d is not a fool.
Give G-d back HIS place, and HE and and only HE will keep them coming.
"The righteous cry, and the L-RD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The L-RD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:17-18
We went from having a home, to having to move in with my parents because of my health issues. That was very difficult for us. My parents are good people, but our views about everything are so incredibly different, that I have come to the conclusion that even attempting to compromise has been a challenge from G-d Himself. It's as though He is simply saying, "Put up with this for a little bit. First things first, ok?"
And I find myself at the end of that conversation muttering between my teeth..."Sure L-rd. Ok. Whatever... You say."
I no longer work at the resort. Instead I do business from home, but only when I can. When the funds are low, then I kick things up a bit. Other than that I am just a mom doing the usual. Cleaning, cooking and homeschooling.
The kids are happy. Their tummies are full. Their beds are nice and warm.
In comparison to so many out there, we have millions. We are filthy rich.
So are you, by the way.
Thousands died of cholera in Haiti. Others here in the U.S. are sleeping in tents.
Got a bed? Good.
Got at least one square meal a day? Great!
Your kids...have they gone without water? No? Awesome!
Yeah... you are filthy rich alright. :) You've got everything, even if it's the same clothes you wore last year. Praise the L-rd!
So with that in perspective, I'll mutter to G-d between my teeth the usual "Ok, Ok!" when things don't go my way, stick to His plan and deal with it.
The grass will always appear to be greener on the other side no matter what. But it's only a mirage. We've got it good. We've got it really good.
If we were to count our blessings, there is nothing to complain about. We had an overflow of those this past year and I have G-d to thank for that.
In 2010 the lessons learned were many. Some were good while others were heartbreaking. Not sure if I balanced those out very well. Then again, our world was packed with surprises and with new beginnings that I myself was not expecting.
Do we have plans for this new year? Sure. There always has to be a plan, you know. Our lives cannot lack direction. This year is all about commitment. Commitment to G-d as the head of my household. Commitment to my children. Commitment to my family, even during those moments when we don't see eye to eye. Commitment to edifying those around me by LIVING the Word of G-d.
HaShem taught me that my desire to serve Him and tell others about Him cannot be placed on hold for another time and another place. We must shine where we are. That simple.
Las iglesias han convertido al altar de Dios en escenarios, and G-d was so clear in His message when He placed it in my heart that I had no choice but to say something because G-d is holy and there needs to be respect for His sanctuary. That simple.
Christianity has turned into churchianity. The church has become a nation of "churchians" preaching prosperity and bringing in the "sounds" of secular music to attract the youth because they think that otherwise they won't attend.
Forgive me for being so blunt, but Yeshua did not walk around with a rock band or a raeggeton group to get people's attention.
Can someone please explain to me why pastors and youth leaders are meshing the "world" into the church in order to accommodate the "needs" of the youth and often times of the adults too?
Can someone PLEASE explain this to me?
I've had questions, and I am still waiting for some people who offered to explain, to respond. My inbox continues to be empty. I suppose they have nothing further to say. You don't use the altar as a catwalk for a fashion show, REGARDLESS of the good intentions. Period.
What? Yes.
Several churches, in fact.
One even had a Victoria Secret thing going on, to my horror.
Look, we have all been "churchians". Yes. Yes we have.
We've all been bored in a sermon at some point or another. We've all sinned being a church member at some point or another. We have all danced to the tune of great music without even caring about the words, at some point or another. C'mon. Admit it.
I myself have been there and I remember what it felt like. It was the best "high" ever, but the results were temporary. The music was great. The euphoria was incredible... but that's not always the Holy Spirit manifesting itself.
A very wise and good friend once wrote that we might get goosebumps and think it's the Holy Spirit, when it's not.
The fruits of the Spirit give testimony of it.
The fruits of the Spirit are what demonstrate whether you've got it or you don't.
No word prophecied to me can EVER substitute the REAL deal. For in the same way in which we are willing to receive from G-d, we must be willing to GIVE. So... what do we give?
FRUITS of the Spirit!
You with me?
What these kids are seeking, they cannot find in the middle of all the static that's engulfing the church. The direct line with G-d is getting a lot of interference. I know because I was there once.
As a teen I realized that my worldly music sounded so much like my church music that it wouldn't make a difference if I heard one or the other. Many adults are in the same predicament, I assure you. I have met quite a few like that.
So churches are not perfect. They will never be. We won't ever be perfect... but we will be held accountable for not setting our priorities in accordance to what the Bible says.
When a church becomes a social club, then it's stops being a church.
Rather than trust ourselves into thinking that we can use "bait" to catch His fish, we should remember that G-d's skills as a fisher of men cannot be outsmarted.
The minute we give HIM back the fishing rod and the nets, we'll see the miracle of the bread and the fish all over again!
I'm sure that you all know how to multiply by now... but G-d...WOW! He is the pro.
When we start giving G-d HIS place again, the sweet sound of His Spirit and of His Presence will simply suffice, and the youth will come and fill up the temple. In this experience they will finally find the truth that will fill their void...the Word that will quench their thirst...and true intimacy with their King of Kings.
If we could just make a bit of space, you know... somewhere between the keyboards and the drums...the microphones maybe, or the mega expensive sounds systems that burst our eardrums, He'll fit, right? I mean.. He should fit, right?
Yikes. G-d is just too big, isn't He? Yeah...for He is G-d and G-d alone. Trust me.
Be still, and know that HE is G-D. Praise Him, but do so with the utmost reverence. Don't give Him the "carbon copies" of what you heard a rapper sing, and then change the words around to suit the place. G-d is not a fool.
Give G-d back HIS place, and HE and and only HE will keep them coming.
"The righteous cry, and the L-RD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The L-RD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:17-18
Welcoming Gregory 2011 (That's what my kids call it, since it's the gregorian year)
A minute prior to midnight my kids and I huddled together to pray. It was quiet, except for fireworks all around the neighborhood. We had sparklers because my dad won't allow fireworks of any kind near the house, but his rules weren't of much use.
Our neighbors across the street had these REAL fireworks that were bursting right above us, so we decided to step outside and enjoy the pretty colors!
It was nice.
For the past several years our neighborhood has been quiet. People would always celebrate at the parks or at gatherings. This year it was obvious that everyone chose to stay at home.
Even friends of mine who live far decided to lay low and spend New Year's at home with family rather than travel or meet up at places.
It was nice.
Family. Pretty colors. Sparklers. Prayer.
I believe this year was actually the nicest.
Thank You HaShem. Thank You.
Our neighbors across the street had these REAL fireworks that were bursting right above us, so we decided to step outside and enjoy the pretty colors!
It was nice.
For the past several years our neighborhood has been quiet. People would always celebrate at the parks or at gatherings. This year it was obvious that everyone chose to stay at home.
Even friends of mine who live far decided to lay low and spend New Year's at home with family rather than travel or meet up at places.
It was nice.
Family. Pretty colors. Sparklers. Prayer.
I believe this year was actually the nicest.
Thank You HaShem. Thank You.
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