Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Just Saying...

Right now I'm homeschooling while trying to prepare some image drafts for the "Two Nights for Israel" event and my mind is slowly gathering ideas.
It will be a busy day and a busy evening for me, but that is good. Someone is picking me up this afternoon and although they offered for me to spend the night at their house, I'm still thinking about it. If it's an inconvenience for that person to drive me home late at night then I guess I'll stay, but it's just really uncomfortable for me. 

I'm also preparing to interview with a videographer who is in need of a photographer for his wedding events.
Let's see how that goes.

Ricardo took his English Unit test and got a 92%. Super happy for him.
Claudia is struggling with her math but is actually getting really good grades.

Although I've allowed a bit of anger to get to me about things I am having difficulty recovering from, I know that this too shall pass. It's not easy to start over. Being a single mommy always makes things a bit more difficult,so if you are out there reading this and are considering joining accounts and insurance with a brand new spouse... DON'T DO IT!

If the relationship ends they will walk out of your life like nothing ever happened and you will be left with NOTHING except what's in your pockets. What was once yours from years of hard work prior to getting married... gone for good.

Is it getting better?
It will eventually.

Then there will be the very mean hearted people who will dare say, "I knew it. See? I knew that was going to happen!"
There will also be the EVIL gossip mongers who will make phone calls to even worst gossip mongers who claim to love G-d and be true Christians (but who in reality are nothing other than "churchians") and will spread the word of my misfortune and claim it as an act of G-d for being unequally yoked to a man of a different faith.

Well, to all the gossip mongers who secretly delight in the misfortunes of others instead of praying for them, I have this to say...

If Yeshua were here in flesh and blood... He would surely come to my house and give me the biggest hug and tell me that everything will be ok. He would also hug my kids and overflow my home with reminders of all His promises for us.

Since you are not like Him  (Yeshua) AT ALL... consider yourself as LIMITED as your lack of love for others and as your lack of integrity for all things spiritual. I assure you that G-d knows this truth about you regardless of how hard you try to hide it so that others can't see it. Keep telling yourself that you are soooo good and so honorable.
Keep telling yourself that.
