Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just Saying...

It's a beautiful day. Thank YOU Heavenly Abba for such a beautiful day packed with blessings!

Wow! Love You my King!

Thank You for my children who are so loving and so well behaved. I am so pleased to see how much they love You. I am thankful that they are so smart and so eager to learn.

Truth is... I am very proud of my kids. Yeah... they are both simply amazing.

I am especially proud of Claudia who has been through so much during these couple of weeks, but Your promises remain for her and Your faithfulness continues.
When You speak a word into someone's life, it is REAL and it is TRUE and we simply have to cling to it and believe it.

It makes me sad to think that so many people out there take your blessings for granted and choose lies over truth even after You take the time to speak to them.
Why can't they just understand that You cannot be fooled? That's right. They can try to fool those around them, but they will never fool You.
Truth always wins! Hallelujah!

One thing that I continue to teach my children is that they must praise You, worship You and THANK YOU even when they are going through difficult times.
It is better to allow YOU to love us through hard times than to try to deal with difficult moments on our own.
You say in YOUR Word that difficult times will come, but that You are there to help us through them.

Thank You for that.
Thank You Abba! We love You. We simply love You and nothing that comes our way will take away our desire to serve You and honor You.

You don't punish Your people with illnesses or bad things. You know that those things are part of living in a very imperfect world... which is why You sent Your son Yeshua to Earth. He died not only for our sins, but He carried every illness on that cross and we are already victorious in His NAME! Amen!!!

It's simply amazing how much strength we feel when we have You in our hearts. You truly make us strong. Our Faith in You sustains us and Your FAITHFULNESS is forever present.

Thank You Abba.
B'HaShem Yeshua HaMashiach,