Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pictures of ME

My body ached all over, but I smiled through it. Betsy drove because I simply couldn't and I barely moved around... but it was nice to take the girls to Sea World and get some fresh air, even if it was only for a couple of hours.

Took lots of pictures of myself today. Not something I usually do, but I wanted my kids to have lots of pics, plus my friends had already been complaining that I post lots of pictures of my kids, but none of myself. So there. I re-opened my Facebook to post the pics as a final favor. Smiles. Pain. Smiles. Pain. Smiles. Pain. That's how my day went... except that I must admit, that smiling and laughing really helped minimize the pain! LOL!
G-d is good all the time.
That's all I have to say.

I'll leave my Facebook account open until December 31st and then I'll close the darn thing for good. I am proud of myself. I didn't look at it for days until it was time to post those pictures. Gotta let it go...and I am! It feels really good and I know G-d is pleased.